Veeky Forums, do you cry at funerals?

Veeky Forums, do you cry at funerals?
>Crying increases estrogen levels and decreases testosterone
>It shows your friends, family abd any potential mates that you are weak

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Never been to one.
I haven't cried since I got in a skatepark fight in hs with 3 niggers.
I beat them up and then started crying for some reason.
Its been years though

Crying on occasion is good for you, diminishes cortisone and such.

I cried in my grandfathers funeral when the casket was lowered into the grave. Had to hold them back during a friend's funeral after a particularly powerful psalm.

I haven't cried since I was a young child.

I don't cry at funerals, just crack jokes instead

>Be me, 14
>Be at my Grandpa's funeral
>He wasn't a real big part of my life, so that might be why I didn't cry during it
>I still feel like I should be crying because obviously everyone else is
>His casket is lowered
>Everyone giving each other hugs and crying on each other's shoulders
>Older brother gets to me
>Face and eyes all red from crying
>Sees me with no tears
>"What's wrong with you?"
>He hugs me
Shit fucked me up

Only at my father's funeral when I was 7

Been to three funerals in my life. All grandparents, we were decently close.
Ive never felt the need to cry at any of them

Got yelled at by mum for not crying the first time,
Second funerel, " I dont even know why youre here, youre obviously not upset"

The day of the third funeral i was told not to come because it was offensive to people that i wasnt upset. I went anyway

Everyone grieves differently. You don't need to be obsessed with appearing strong if somebody really close to you died/got hurt.

Not always. The last one I cried at I was in my early 20s. It was my grandma's funeral. She introduced me to music, which is now my career. I was OK until I got up to speak. Not sobbing or anything, but some tears came.

>beat up 3 nigs in a fight
>started crying because so much better than them
Nice /pol/ wetdream

It was probably the stress

My wifes son was hit by a car whilst he was riding his skateboard. I did nothing but comfort my with, not once did I cry though.
This "lack of emotion" as my wife out it, started a lot of fights between me and my wife. Three months after the funeral, she filled for divorce. I guess their mutual grievance gave them something to bond over because my now ex wife is back and living with her first husband

Life sucks

*Wife *put

sorry for the typos, im actually a depressed alcoholic now, but im trying to keep moving forward with my life

internet tough guy. You beat 3 guys? kek.

I cried more when my best friend if 8 years died then i did when my uncle who i looked up to my entire life died. Not a single tear for my uncle. They both shot themselves and i feel that their deaths being 3 months apart i might've grown numb to the idea of someone actually shooting themselves

source about crying?

Wow shitty family, sorry dude.

Maybe because he was black you didn't care?

it's ok breh. Why cry for someone you weren't close with

what tha fock? she yelled at you?
lol you should Beat some sense into her thick skull.
maybe even deliberately piss some of them off.

No but I almost cried the other week when I was catching the bus home from work and I looked back on how I fucked up my life.

Every few months I like to take a lonely night, like a very lonely night, to look at sad stuff and tear up a bit, just so if something happens irl I can be an the one who isn't losing it and am calm about it.

This actually worked one time my grandpa died.
>it only kinda worked
>as soon as the pipes played I managed a single tear from both eyes
>as soon as I wiped them away I was good for the rest of it
>fucking pipes

It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at the first man for crying.

Jack Handy

You don't even seem to care. You can come and not cry, but if your attitude is "I wish I was home, playing vidya and discussing waifus on shit posting communities" then you're an arrogant faggot, and it shows.

I've never been to a funeral, but yes, I cry, probably a lot. I cried when my cat died, I cried when me and my ex gf broke up, I regularly cry during sad movies. Sometimes I cry when I watch the news and see how fucked up things are. I once cried because I saw a little bird that was sick and I couldn't do anything about it. It's probably gay etc, but I don't give a shit. It's how I deal with things and ultimately it feels fucking good.

People die all the time. It will happen to all of us . I dont see why we need to make a big fuss of it

But you were sad? Like, when you think of some nice memory of the people you lost and then realize that this person is now gone, that you can never share anything ever again with that person, that doesn't make you sad? Like, it's not even a thought as conscious and abstract as I just explained, it just pops up and fills you with sadness, like very immediately. That doesn't happen to you?

It takes a man to admit sensitivity. Good on you bro.

my sister committed suicide several months ago and it was the first death i experienced. it was such a surreal experience, the only moment i cried is when i first got the news from the cops and when her favorite song was played at the service while there was a slideshow of photos when we grew up together.

i try to look to the future and not revel in the past, but sometimes it gets hard. just a few days ago there was a moment where i mentioned sister (not referencing mine) to my gf and a few minutes later the emotions just hit me like a brick and i was struggling to not start crying in the restaurant we were eating at.

suicide is horrible.

Really makes you think...


For some reason, death of family members has never bothered me all that much. Even as a young kid

Mmm no..
Unless the person is in my immediate vicinity, or we've talked very recently, I usually completely forget they even exist. The fact that people have their own lives when they arent around me is a completely foreign concept to me, everyone just feels like a background character to my life

The last thing I want after my death is for people to all get together to cry and make each other depressed.
Cart my body off so my organs can be harvested and my body can be used for experiments and be done with it

You're a sociopath then

If i can be diagnosed by a couple of posts on an anime image board, why do we even need psychologists? Cheers, dickhead

Don't worry about that. That's normal. Your older brother had gotten to know the man better.

Nah, there are many reasons to feel that way. My personal experience is that the extent of how I feel empathy grew with my life experience. When I was younger I felt basically no empathy at all. It just didn't occur to me. Only later I learned how to do that, basically trained myself to feel what others feel and now it sometimes overwhelms me. Despite what people say, I deeply believe that empathy is kind of a learned skill. Not completely, but a large part of it.

As a matter of fact, psychologists are the most useless people that ever existed.
And yes, it can be diagnosed by the fact you lack empathy, nigger.

I work in hospice so I go to funerals weekly and witness about 5 people die a week.

I cried at the first couple, then stopped.

Yes it's still sad, but you get used to it.

No I don't feel weaker for feeling sad/crying there. In fact experiencing death tends to make me motivated to work harder, sticking to my exercise and diet.

I literally googled everyone feels like a background character and got people talking on autism/schizophrenia forums. You need help.

You should have stopper her. How shit of a brother are you for not noticing her depression?

Well user, if you have to learn how to feel like a normal person, you aren't a normal person.
I should know, i'm like that too.

Fucking hell you are one autistic idiot. Such a big strong man for stating the textbook edgelord hurr everyone dies response.

Only in the last year or two have I learned that people react and feel different emotions than what I do. Although I dont think I will ever be able to feel them myself, Im slowly learning to recognize and respond the way a normal person would.

Just because I lack empathy doesnt make me a sociopath.
Up until I was about 15, I had literally zero social skills. This makes me think that Id be leaning more towards the autism spectrum

I would rather be happy that there was any time spent with them at all than to be sad that they are gone

Even i can't do that much, whenever i empathize with someone else there's always this nagging thought in the back of my head that i'm just faking it

If you have to learn how to feel like a normal person, you aren't a normal person.
As you said, you could have an autistic disorder or some other personality disorder, non necessarily sociopathy.

>You need help.
How exactly would I get help?
Other than try to train myself to respond like a normal person I dont think there is much that can be done?

I'm fairly certain that I'm perfectly normal in that regard, but thanks for the concern I guess. My idea is just that you can only feel true empathy with people who are in a specific situation when you've been in a somewhat comparable situation. It's like that supposed quote by Marie Antoinette "Let them eat cake" -- It's not that Marie Antoinette was a pathological psychopath, it's just that the experience of starvation was so removed from her daily experience that she just couldn't empathize.

Haven't been to a funeral yet but honestly unless I'm really close with that person I probably wouldn't cry.

You're right, you're already doing what you should be doing. Try to fake some emotion at funerals too, next time.

>Crying increases estrogen levels and decreases testosterone

Was bullied pretty hard as a young kid for being kind of a wimpy crybaby. Grew up never letting myself cry at anything because of it, and now I can't cry at funerals anymore.

And that's how school shooters are created

Wrong and wrong. It shows that you are strong, strong enough to feel that pain in front of others, strong enough to not hide it from them. Hiding is for the weak.

Like another user said, if you have to learn how to be human, you arent human.

Free cry, on the house

i sure as shit cried at my twin brothers funeral

I usually press X.

Dont want to be looking disrespectful.

Nihilists all need to die.

You can cry at any funeral with the exception of your parents funeral. That's to only funeral you're expected not to cry in . I didn't cry at my fathers funeral at 16 but I did cry at my ex girlfriends funeral a few years later

>Not pressing F
Fucking console faggot

Wait why

I can't cry at funeral. I'm upset and sad but not to the point of crying. I just feel uncomfortable. My 2 of my sisters are the same way but our other sister who is more emotional, was balling her eyes out. She even questioned how we weren't feeling the same way she was.

When my grandfather passed away, we were all in his hospital room the moment he died so I did cry my eyes out right then and there. But i didn't cry at the funeral.

Because you're supposed to be in control of the situation and show strength and speak clearly and beautifully for your parents. If you have children you want them to realize at that moment that death is a natural part of life and one day you will be gone but they will be as strong as you were when your parents died.

Uhh, im pretty sure thats not what crying does to our hormones. If anything if you're hormones are un balanced you're more likely going to cry for no real reason. Its like a pms hissy fit.

The last time I cried was when my dad fell off our roof last month. I didn't want him to die. My mother also had cancer the last year and I cried about that a decent amount.

>grin and get giggly when emotionally overwhelmed
>everyone thinks I'm an edgelord

You can cry when your father or dog die. Or if you are a veteran you can cry at solemn occasions for your brothers in arms. But cry like a man.

I treat each and every funeral as an opportunity to flex my fit stats. I volunteer as pall bearer and initially impress the chicks (who transition between grief and 'mirin' my aesthetics, 7/10 would fuck) by singlehandedly deadlifting the coffin, transitioning to a military press before finishing off with an ass to grass squat to lower it to the ground, and lastly a pendlay row position to place the coffin in its final resting place. Whats your Veeky Forums funeral routine?


Maybe I am an edgelord. Or just incredibly emotionally retarded in line with the average Veeky Forums poster.

Perfect answer.

Cried when I was 16 and we pulled the plug on my dad, didn't cry at his funeral. Cried the most when I had to tell him goodbye when he was in a coma, shit is fucked yo

I don't, I've always been able to deal with grief decently well. Sometimes I'll cry later if something really important to me about the person comes up.

For example, my Grandma died recently. I didn't cry hearing about it. I did cry when my girlfriend said she would get good at making pies for me because my grandma was an amazing baker.

I'm sorry m8

Thanks man

I can't honestly remember the last time I cried, not even when cutting onions. I honestly think there's something wrong with me. I've got depression and anxiety and take meds for it, but even at my worst I just feel shitty, no tears.


>grampas funeral
>feel awkward because i dont feel like crying
>dad goes up to give speech
>see he's wearing sunglasses to hide the fact that he's crying
>bawl my fucking eyes out

No, because I have something called self control.
>muy testosterone levels!
God, what a fucking beta you are if you care about this. Shows a huge level of insecurity.

Do still cry at family funerals?

crying over the loss of a loved one is not weak
only an autistic privileged faggot who has never faced hardship would think that.

go do the world a favour and drink a pint of bleach

Hevnt cried in over 5 years. Last time I cried i was watching the end of gladiator and hadn't taken my AI all week.

I cried when putting this big guy down. He was cuddled up in my arms when they gave him the lethal injection. Hardest moment of my life.

>crying over a cat

It's a fucking cat senpai, cmon the fuck on

>user it's ok to cry it's a funeral
Thanks mum, but I just can't when it's a shock.
Pets and shit I'm prepared. Losing people makes me go into a withdrawal

When my grandfather died, I was sad but find myself stoic. He had lung cancer and he was undergoing an experimental chemo. He reacted poorly and he declined fast. I remember coming home feeling cold and falling asleep. I woke up feeling better. He died soon after.

Then months later I'm telling my girlfriend about him and his legacy (he invented some really common dental stuff for the government) and I find myself really moved. Crying. It was weird.

That movie was the last time I cried too, but it was two years ago

I've never cried at any friend or familys funeral. Only my cat. It's truly a special bond between animals and their owner sometimes. I don't care if anyone thinks it's strange. Luckily you're not in a position to say it to my face.

> Cries about a cat.
> Talks like an Internet tough guy.

>grandfather died, didn't cry
>godmother died, didn't cry
>dog died, didn't cry
>friend died, didn't cry
>family friend died, didn't cry (x3)

I get sad and people see it but I never cry. I rarely show extreme emotion, positive or negative. My father is the same, he didn't cry at his sisters funeral.

It isn't his fault, jackass. What is wrong with you? Your life might be miserable but that doesn't excuse this kind of behavior. Fuck yourself.

You're a moron.

this is the stupidest justification for crying i've ever seen. Lack of control over your emotions is weakness

>I once cried because I saw a little bird that was sick and I couldn't do anything about it.


Numale faggot detected

>Dogs dying

Don't even get me started...

You really think girls aren't attracted to your because you're CRYING?


Girls give you a look like a little BOY because you have BETA GENETICS. no matter how long you spend in the GYM and how CULTURED you are? You'll still look like a BITCH next to Chad.

When CHAD starts tearing up at GRANDPA chad's funeral, his gramp'd entourage of FUCKBUDDIES and their nubile OFFSPRING get wet at the eyes and the CROTCH because he's got ALPHA genetics and you've got BETA results.

When CHAD cries, women see a COMPLETE man, confident in his emotions. When YOU cry they see a little bawling BITCHBOY.

>See grandma on death bed
>she can't even respond to me
>Hold back tears
>hold back tears at her funeral

Wow Veeky Forums I'm so much more fkn manly than any of you beta kunts. Go fuck yourselves, bunch of pussy ass girls on here.