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Health #383
Why is it i feel sleepy when drinking coffee instead of alert?
What kind of body could I expect from running everyday? Girl btw
This is a screenshot from a candid video my brother just took. Have I finally made it?
Did a bit of running and I have some pain right here. Is there a stretch or foam rolling that will help it?
Why americans like to shit in their pants?
Time for a change
Veeky Forums recipe thread
Which physique would you rather have?
Is indian food Veeky Forums?
Has Veeky Forums ever been fitshamed? Pls tell us a story
What is it like to live life as manlet?
/PLG/ powerlifting general
Can women be manlets?
I'm a big fan of angry music. The music that makes me feel like a monster. As if I was Rich Piana or some shit
GF tips general
Things you'll never hear a Veeky Forumsizen say
Mom Science Thread
Wow user, you're looking nice! All that time in the gym paid off!
Finally leaving brosplits
What mode am i?
This guy slaps your gymbros ass in the gym lockeroom
Tfw lifts feel great lately
What do you add to your plain chicken and rice?
Which protein bar is the best?
Body Rate Thread
Tfw just did some leg stretching in front of mirror
How does one get a chiseled face?
Post yfw gym tomorrow
Gf dumps me
Sugar Cravings
If you're 20 and still a virgin, you should focus on getting laid rather than your autistic macros
Hey Veeky Forums, what's the strangest thing you've ever seen at your gym?
Sleep well thread
Got my learners permit really late but found out about two weeks ago that a girl I go to school with (I'm 18...
Reminder that girls do not care about legs
Tfw no chance of ever getting a gf
What is it about leg day that you hate the most?
Am I supposed to cook my oats or how do I prepare them...
Minimum Calorie diet
Is Jason Blaha's 5x5 routine any good or is it just a meme?
R-right babe?
I'm starting Boxing/Muay Thai and MMA on Monday
Holding piss
Past few months I keep seeing this really Veeky Forums blonde girl whenever I go to the gym
For someone who is over 6', a one arm pull up is pretty impressive, right?
Does lifting make up for being Indian Veeky Forums?
I'm in the process of losing weight. So far, my diet/exercise regiment consists of eating up to 1500 calories a day...
This ugly fucker won. UFC decided to let Connor win this round so they can cash in on the 3rd and final chapter
How do we get Veeky Forums without spening money (unless for diet) and without exercising oustide...
How do I get all 4?
Thinks crossfit is powerlifting
Anyone else have no problem with bench pressing but are too scared to try and squat or deadlift?
Fat hate thread
Is there a way to make my ass look less flat from a view like this? just more sQuats?
Hi Veeky Forums...
/fraud/ steroid steron general
My GF thinks abs are gross..... what now?
Anyone seen a hooker / escort / girl from backpage or similar? what was your experience?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Do Amerifats really only have 45lbs plates?
How much money is there in Strongman competitions...
/High Test/ Thread
What should i hit tonight
ITT: we post why we lift using this image
What do Veeky Forums girls look for in a man?
Sometimes I wonder if all this trouble is worth it?
Quick question
Squat day
How do I gain weight as a skelly?
What preworkout do you use Veeky Forums?
What mode am I? Also please give body fat estimate
Since I've been lifting, I feel much less need to masturbate
Just adopted a new doggo. What are some Veeky Forums names? He's only a couple of months old so I can change it...
How do I escape the skinnyfat limbo?
Calorie Counting
Is this girl natty?
Can we finally fucking settle on the best mucsle mass routine? What the hell is it? I know it won't be an exact routine...
What's the best way to grow taller at 18? I'm 5'6 and life is hell
Dp you eat these?
No gains
College/Uni thread
Manlet Advantages
Tfw starting to wake up in the middle of the night
Did I switch to PPL too early?
Sup Veeky Forums
The Cut V2
Should I? Would you?
So what stage are you at Veeky Forums?
What do you drink, Veeky Forums?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
60 pounds before Halloween guy here
That one cause, one reason that gives you the strength to do one last rep
Skinny hate
Thoughts?? Legit??
Can I get a nicer butt only doing vertical leg lifts and squats on the Smith's machine?
/mag/ - Martial Arts General
Fit Ideals Thread
Music for running
Tfw have 2 jobs
/running/ general
22 years old
This guy walks up to your girl at the bar and slaps her ass
Ok boys , here's the plan :
What's the most Veeky Forums sport and why is it wrestling?
What's your
Do normies actually think this is okay? Why is America so clueless about nutrition?
ITT: How's that push strength going fuckers?
There are people right here on Veeky Forums that unironically believe that cycling test without exercises will not...
Which is better for cardio: stationary cycling or running?
Hi, faggots. When was the last time you had sex?
Is he natty ?
In this thread, we post pictures of people we could easily beat in a fight
I am fucking depressed Veeky Forums. Virgin here, was gonna have sex for the first time...
Exercise equipment
This may be more of a Veeky Forums question, but what causes human Irises to have floral patterns like these...
/fraud/ general
No progress on SS
What are some Veeky Forums recommended YouTube channels
User, the box said this has 24 proteins. That means you can eat it, right?
How often do you guys wear tank tops?
5 Week progress
What books does Veeky Forums read?
You walk into the gym and see this, what do you do?
Walk into gym
I hope this kind of thread is allowed
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
What should I say? Help me Veeky Forums
Reviewbrah In Trouble
Why do you lift?
Am I fat?
Skipping forearm day
What to do if your parents are gains goblins?
Is it worth it to use my gains to pump and dump fat chicks?
Hello /fit. What else should I do to become the most god-like human being?
So the beginner gym goals of Veeky Forums are 1/2/3/4 what are the beginner sex goals of Veeky Forums?
Safest, best way for a skelly to gain weight?
What gym attire is the equivalent of the fedora?
When Veeky Forums gets out of the gym
Wake up this morning, 9am on a saturday
Want to squat but can't because of knee pain. How do I get knee pain sorted Veeky Forums?
There is literally nothing wrong with using barbell pads
This website is fucking killing me
What is your favorite chest exercise?
Homegym/Ghetto equipment thread? Finished mine just today and wanted to show it off
Oh god what the literal fuck
Why are women so boring? Do they have any purpose other than a wet hole that feels good on my penor?
Post-Workout Meals
Is skyr mixed in with oats the GOAT breakfast?
Don't forget to have your daily soy milk and probiotic Veeky Forums
This is what 14 years of natty lifting gets you
How would Veeky Forums cope with this?
Tell me
Lamb hearts as a staple protein?
How wide should be my grip when benchpressing? I'm not a powerlifter
Symetrical Strength thread??
Fat hate/Fat people stories/fps
Fucking love peanut butter so much
What's the most ALPHA animal?
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Squat depth?
Scooby agrees with science, that egg yolks are fine, in moderation
How the fuck is this girl so wide in shoulders?
Starting Weight loss program
Anyone got some Veeky Forums literature recommendations? Know there are some infographics with list...
Female progress thread
Tfw too intelligent to lift
Tfw no matter how much you lift you will never obtain a body like this natty
How many CT scans have you had?
Do your shoulders broaden when you start lifting? I feel like mine slightly have but would like if they grew a lot more...
Well Veeky Forums, It's my birthday...
Not doing Sheiko
Faces of Veeky Forums thread? Or are you all too pussy?
Friendly reminder that if you are a girl and taller than 5'8 you should consider suicide
How many pull ups you can do
Late night /trappy/ thread
CFBT - /cfbt/ Current Female Body Thread
This exercise alone cured my shitty pecs
Last number rolled is the amount of push ups you do
Hey Veeky Forums, started cutting a couple years back. Just wanted to give some inspo!
Manlet support group
What are the best weight-plate exercises? Assuming you had no access to a barbell or any other weight equipment...
Am I too fat Veeky Forums?
She will never be your waifu .. Why EVEN LIFT
Veeky Forums BTFO
ITT, Your favorite bulking food
5 days into my Magaluf trip and I haven't even made out with a girl yet. Am relatively fit...
Hey Veeky Forums I'm going to get my teeth whitened tomorrow
Hey user, it's the weekend, you can lay off your strict diet
Tfw no nationalist lifting gf
Hey guys would sort of macros should I be looking to get in order to not get huge but still look shredded af...
Why even lift?
What's the name of the Asian "Chad"?
Ask the JuiceFag anything!
Veeky Forums styles
Is she natty? How do i get this way?
How do I attain this mode?
Been awhile. Roll for your fate
What kind of routine/diet do I do to achieve this?
Start using works gym
I will be performing gyno surgery on myself soon, hopefully next weekend if I can get off work...
Manlets are the future
Why do you faggots obsess over your physical aesthetics when it all comes down to what you're wearing...
That guy who yawns in between sets
Who else here /injured/ and /cantlift/?
What is this thing?
Male Model Thread
Use twinder because why not
Veeky Forums triggers
Tfw tomorrow is bring your own plates day at my gym
What do you do when a girl checks you out at the gym?
Am I doing this right?
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Are they serious ?
I'm fairly old (68) and i was wondering if anyone could help me get some muscle on my body because i look like this guy
"Why are you only squatting 1 plate?"
Just got diagnosed yesterday, does anyone have a starting scoliosis routine...
Are these flavor products for water Veeky Forums approved? Getting pretty tired of regular water every day...
21% protein
General Feels Thread
What the actual fuck?
Is it bad that I haven't had a girlfriend at 18? I've had sex and always end up with multiple girls at parties...
Post ideal face
Titan sized feels
My long term goal is to get to the 1/2/3/4 plate lifts. I am a DYEL, so I understand that it will take some time
What the fuck was her problem?
No matter how much you lift...
Routine Rate Thread
Chad test, the ultimate one
Beta producing Alpha
Gf says to not get leaner and bigger bc you're perfect just the way you are
So does your junk fit Veeky Forums
I want to compete in a 10k marathon in March and actually try to win or at least place very good
This drops soon, please talk me out of reactivating my acc and playing again
I'm traveling to Turkey in the next couple of months to study dentistry, How's the Veeky Forums life there...
You made me fall for the powdered jew meme
Everyone trying to be a Chad is fucking pathetic. You think a woman like me is ever going to want you...
Anyone else think calluses are cool as fuck and should be something to be proud of...
What do fitizens think of men ear piercings like pic related? Are they gay? Do you have one...
Bar cleaning
Goal body thread
That guy who wears yoga pants to the gym
If fit could go back to being a highschool freshman, what would be the things that you would change ?
Hey Veeky Forums what color is your pee? Are you drinking enough water?
Any one try soylent?
The cut
Veeky Forums, how come i still havent left that teenage awkwardness stage?
Okay, serious question. I'm feeling really insecure
Is olympic qt javelin thrower Maria Andrejczyk on steroids?
Do you use a water bottle Veeky Forums?
Why does hardly anyone here discuss DNP anymore?
What combat sport does actually work in RL and isnt based on memes? I'm not interested in tournaments...
What's his catchphrase again?
What's the best food the bulk on when you're on a poor college student budget?
Lmao am i famous yet Veeky Forums?
Help me Veeky Forums. I was invited over to a girls house for sex and wasn't able to cum...
Here's why Bodybuilding is looked down upon by normal people srs
"Hey bro, mind if I work in?"
Been coming here for a while
Do you have any hobbies?
The feel is strong. This is the deffinition of confidence. This is what you get from working out...
Why lift when it's all about the social status?
Tfw very chubby entire life
Your height
Ok, so seeing as calories in/calories out has been scientifically proven to not work...
What is the point of lifting if you're a manlet?
What should I say? Stumped
/plg/ - powerlifting general
'mirin thread
Your 1RM Deadlift
Free weight area
Dubs - death by snu snu
Guys, guys, guys. I need to know, what the fuck is best work out music? I listen to everything but country
17-year-old kid nicknamed "Goku" squats 596 pounds
Alpha Beta
/fraud/ general
Always Sleepy
My girlfriend is trying to lose weight and has been eating at a steady deficit of about 300 to 400 kcal (according to...
I'm sick of you faggots shoving 'the sticky' down noobies throat
R8 my aestethics
Arms are sore from yesterday's workout
If time wasn't an issue, what would be wrong with doing a full-body routine every time you went to the gym?
Veeky Forums why do you lift when someone like me who doesn't lift at all but trains muay thai/BJJ can kick your ass in...
Coffee every day
Quick! Post your body goals!
What's the optimal body type for guys to attract asian women? specifically koreans
I fell in love with a girl that is way taller than me; I'm 6.1 feet tall and she's 6.3. What do Veeky Forums...
Got Veeky Forums for girls
Where's the line between thicc and fat, Veeky Forums?
Bros what do you do when you forget a quarter for the pl8 dispenser?
Can we get a Veeky Forums humor thread, preferably crossfit related. I want a good laugh
Does NoFap really work?
Hey chicken lovers, have you ever tried it medium rare?
Aches and Pains thread
How can I get Veeky Forums without a gym membership?
Unexpected side effects of liftan
I'm tired of eating these fucking things and getting farts that clear the room for the next 8 hours
You wake up to find yourself a 5'5 manlet
How did ancient Greek athletes compete in the nude...
Hey user, we've been seeing you at the gym a lot lately
Progress. Thoughts?
Make room for the new king of Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums if I can get to 1/2/3/4 will I be able to get a gf like this?
What martial art would you reccomend Veeky Forums?
ITT: unweighted dips
Which political figure are you when you lift?
What are some careers where gains actually help you?
Suuu Veeky Forums
That guy who calls himself fit but can't even run a mile without getting out of breath
Is suicide my only option?
Mom buys me a gym membership
I'm going overseas in January, I've gotta save so I can't buy a gym membership until after. If I do push-ups, dips...
Fat Distribution
How do I do 1 pull up? So that I can train and do more and more?
Calorie count for the week so far
Hi guys
Last pic before before I start my bulk how did I do
Hey guys I'm like 230 pounds and I'm trying to lose about 60 by Halloween
Bench 255 lbs
Does Veeky Forums think Training Masks actually work?
How much do steroids cost?
That guy who rests in between sets
Rise of the nu-male
How often do you guys fap? is NoFap a meme?
ITT: White cis priveleged males deny this undeniable truth; the middle class is incapable of being fit
Hey Veeky Forums 5 months post-op what do you think?
Getting fit
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on ice baths for muscle recovery?
Gross, user. Did you not took a shower after the gym? You smell all sweaty
Dating strong chicks
Tfw the only informative natty guy in fitness industry is apparently a cuck
Need your opinion
/fraud/ general
First time poster. Veeky Forums, take pity and help me out, I need straight talking
Rank the following forms of cardio from best to worst:
First day at the gym
Jizz Before or After?
What are some vitamins/ supplements that you take everyday...
How do I look like this girl?
Wow, user! Looks like all that hard work has been paying off!
Why even bother?
How often do you guys drink coffee? I usually have 1-2 cups a day. Is that really bad?
Pushup thread
Do you think females will notice or even care that my snibber is bigger than my snabber?
Getting wisdom teeth removed tommorow
Is it true that all the redpilled men on /pol/ are really fat overweight neck beards who have just gotten over the fact...
How do I fix my ass?
Nicholas here. I want opinions on my chest. /chest-muscles/
Bench Bread - (Made it brahs)
Alright cunts, what's the deal on workouts. Recently finished my bottle of C4 and i want something new
Do you guys ever meditate? I always considered meditation to be a little shady...
Tfw working in warehouse lifting 80lb barrels 11 hours a day
Ideals Thread
You have the opportunity to travel back in time and visit your pre/fit/ self. What advice would you give?
Is there any point to lifting if:
Any other lifters around here flat earthers?
Are his
What do you think?
Uni Gym Bro Meetup
If you had to choose 2 exercises per major muscle group and make a routine, what would it look like?
3x5 with 2 extra sets of lighter weight for Hypertrophy?
Is there a more aesthetic body builder than Big Lenny?
Bf% estimation
Fish oil = blood in the stool
I'm about 90% this fucker was a Veeky Forumsizen
Post your waifu for whom you lift for
Tfw never gave orgasm to my gf with my penis
What are your life goals user ?
It looks like they couldn't escape their genetics. Does that mean things like SJW/nu-male/Stormfront are genetic?
You're participating in a feast and this guy slaps your lady's buttocks
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Who here going back to school?
Explain this
How to get taller:
ITT we write a letter to the CEO of 1 word at a time
Just made my first cutting meal :)
Be 5'9
Gf literally blocks me after 2 years
Better Olympics
Feeling Drained
Veeky Forums I feel an urge to cum in every woman I ever lay with. Lifting only exacerbates the urge
Bowling ball delts
Why is this okay?
Linear Progression
Who else here got lied to?
Does lifting help with brain gains?
ITT: Planet Veeky Forumsness
Monday: Workout
Bent Over Row
Anyone still playing?
Would Veeky Forums be confident enough to go on Naked Attraction and show of your gains?
More like this. Show me ur fat to hot memes
Tfw lift for women
Daily reminder
When your bitch is on her rags and you have to put up with her attitude
Have a drink (alcohol) once
Could someone give me an estimate of my BF%?
Tfw your gf texts you "I love you" out of the blue
Is a 14' (36cm) flexed arm skelly mode? Can someone post the bicep size chart I saw here a while ago thanks
What keeps you from worrying that girls will falsely accuse you of rape
Mutilated cutfags will defend this
Gradually becoming fit and need help when it comes to girls
doesn't smoke/use nicotine
Should I even bother lifting if im on a serious cut? I dont have energy. On about 1500 cal deficit and 500 grams dnp
How many pushups to develop a well defines chest?
/BWG/ - Bodyweight General
Why does SS have deadlifts at 1x5 but everything else at 3x5?
So which one is a meme and which one is true
How to motivate oneself to work out
Im doing the military diet right now with some of the bad stuff removed from it like icecream...
Is this the reason asians are so skinny?
Its a girl only works out her legs gym session
Protein Flavors thread
Seen 9:27pm
How do I lower my BF%? Currently stuck on 20-21%
Type of body
Bad Gym Experiences
How often do you have sex?
How do I achieve Jad god mode?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Veeky Forums
Tfw continuously bulk
Dinner's ready, user!
I came to my parents house to have dinner, they made taco salad, this is what was on my dads plate...
Help Me I am Fat
This guy insults your crew and starts throwing cans of Monster® at you
Would u?
How does Veeky Forums feel about using marijuana in moderation after workout to help relax or recover muscles? I.e...
Im mid twenties and autistic
What are some Veeky Forums approved tattoos?
Wait I have a question Veeky Forums
Damn that was deep
Just ate half a pizza
Be 25 y/o Virgin
Do you think my gf is Veeky Forums?
Tips / 2-day workout "plan" for booty gainz
Veeky Forums
I apparently need to eat 3500 calories to CLEAN BULK.... HOW DO I FIT THAT INTO MY BODY?????
Pic related is what happens when I flex my abs (stolen from another thread)
Shaving thread
/run/ - Running General
Zyzz Thread
ITT: what sports did you play in high school?
Go to mall
Why aren't you beefy (not fat) and over 200 lbs yet user?
Does this really burn 1000 calories? How much if not? I'm 5'7, 160 lbs, 23% bf and 19 yrs old. Pls help
Skinny boy here, been lifting for about 2 and a half months...
Post your best and worst genes
/fraud/ general
Rich piana does stomach vacuums daily and swears they give you bigger stronger more defined abs. is this true?
MFW Walk into gym
Squats are a lie
Inspiration thread
Why are men balding so early?
Bench Press Hate Thread
Confess your lifting sins to the God of Gains
Planet fitness?
What is the best preworkout?
I present to you an amazing snack. 110 calories, 5g of protein, 4g of fiber. Good for cutting and bulking
Fat people hate thread
Do you get better facial aesthetics as you keep getting punched in the face...
Anyone here have experience with Fat Gripz? Pic related
Why is eating healthy so fucking hard?
That guy who has the "tear drop" quads but doesn't show it off by wearing shorts
So, when will you finally impress me? I'm still waiting, you idiot
How do I ECA stack?
How do you just have a normal conversation with a girl?
What are your favorite lifting songs?
Back Thread
/Form check General/
Tfw everyone gets invited to a party but you
Female /cbt/
Okay fit, so ive been doing a brosplit for 4 months and i havent had a sliver of progress...
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Tfw 5'5
What made you start getting fit
She's right, you know
Can lifting fix the inbred "American" look?
Are there any videos of this guy actually performing any feats of strength?
What's the story behind this pic?
CBT /Progress Edition/
Let's Put it to Rest
Fencing as an adult
I lift to defeat the global elites
What is Jeff Seid real height?
Alpha Motivation Thread
"Hey user, take your shirt off and let's go swimming!"
Women's rights groups
Tfw gf
What if water contains calories?
Captain America Physique
Memes aside
SS or Greyskull for noobgains?
Hey Veeky Forums
one chance at life
Who's stronger: a retard or an autist?
Why am I training
How devilish are you?
How many times do I need to lift this thing to get fit?
Stuck on the same bench press weight
Deadlift Bar
Veeky Forums newfag here. Started my bulk diet today. Just finished eating an 855 calorie breakfast
It's all about genetics
times when you found out you were doing a lift incorrectly
Why don't many people squat?
Help me close this brahs
Sup Veeky Forums rate my back in terms of with thickness and insertion genetics
Why does this happen when flexing abs?
Post your
Hey guys I got in a car crash a few years ago which makes it hard on my back to do normal squats...
Should I loose more fat or focus on building muscle ?
Gym selfies could have a surprising connection to economic health
As someone who has lifted for over 3 years I can honestly say that reddits better for information
Alright lads, I am in the middle of making new huge playlist to listen to whilst in the gym...
Tfw no gf
I regret lifting
Why lift when it's all about the face?
Is there any way to make my dick bigger Veeky Forums? I can't really buy anything like a dick pump right now...
What do you faggots do on a rest day?
Melodeth bands to fuck shit up
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Gym Clothes
My 18 year old gf told me she's
Yay or nay?
Sexy people of Veeky Forums
Costco gains
McDonalds to Include Fitness Tracker with Happy Meal
Serious question: do girls like Big Guys?
Pencil neck
Progress General
I'm just hanging out with a friend from high school, user. You're okay with this and trust me, don't you?
Any of you all try a Soylent diet? I need to lose weight and I'm doing a poor job of planning out my shopping and meals
Should I become a vegan?
News Trash
Maxing out
You guys even bother with vegetables?
How shallow is Veeky Forums name one item you'd save in a fire
Memes aside, what is the minimum amount of weight you need to squat...
Will people look down on me for dating a girl with this body type?
Be me
Why are people who lift weights for strength so fat?
Will I make it?
User you are soo Cute!!
Can you vape in the gym?
Ask a supplement shop owner anything
Excuses normies use for not getting Veeky Forums
/BWG/ - Bodyweight General
How do you make money to pay for your gym membership?
My gf just made herself that kind of friend. You know what kind, the kind she doesn't want you to worry about...
Who else here /spooky/?
105+ class OLY thread
Hey, user! We haven't seen you since high school! Come grab some froyo with us...
How can I get a cute gymnast boyfriend?
Crossfit > bodybuilding
"user, why do you have all these pictures of buff men on your computer?"
Powerlifting general aka Plg
Hey son...
Unpopular Veeky Forumsness Opinions Thread
User I heard you're really into fitness
Female /cbt/
Which type of barbell row will make me harbor the most gains...
Can you get in good cardiovascular shape using this machine? And is it better on your knees than jogging or running?
No zyzz thread
Olympics thread
/NoFap general/
/workout music/
Are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life...
Bolt (best short distance runner) vs Farah (best long distance runner)
Ok anons, serious question!
So should I
Whats an acceptable streak of days before caving to a cheat day?
Mods, can we do something about the tripfags?
How do you kill your libido?
I somehow managed to gain 20lbs this summer...
Facelets will never make it
Ideals Thread
How many push ups should I be doing a day to go from Auschwitz to Ottermode?
/run/ general
What has low calories but keeps the hunger away?
Fit how do you find someone to spot for you at the gym...
Can lifting fix the effeminate "nu-male" look?
Tfw on a bulk diet
His neck is below 16.5 inches
Based Julius looking THICC
/PLG/ powerlifting general
Anyone have leaked this shit already?
Daily reminder that muscles cannot provide for a family, you neets need this think called a job
ITT: Veeky Forums humor
What the fuck do i do in between sets?
White or brown rice for a cut?
Times you acted like the Joker at the gym
What fitness tracker do you use /fit?/
Tfw rest day
Suddendly this woman comes and asks you:
Meal prepping general
What do Veeky Forums?
Are you stronger than your dad Veeky Forums?
Ok, which one of you smart guys made pic related? There's also a website/article called Blahautism
What's the point of doing back squats over front squats?
Trying to quit vaping... it's pretty rough
KV General
I don't lift
How do I go from A to B in less than one year. without going to the gym?
What does Veeky Forums think of the buffdudes?
Is it possible to lose 20kg and become able to do 10 pullups in 20 weeks of training?
Anybody have tips on improving grip strength? My hands are basically the most weak fragile thing on the planet...
Veeky Forums goal physiques
She said yes. I finally made it, bros
Summer pls go
Is 1 cup of oats too much to eat for one person?
When will we see powerlifting in the Olympics?
Post your last meal Veeky Forums
What is your life like outside of fitness?
The one that got away
Have you ever been mired by a homo Veeky Forums?
Oatmeal - what do you have it with?
Ways it could be worse
Crtl +f
I've been lifting for three months what can I work on?
Skinny girls don't turn me on anymore; I look at them and wish they had bigger boobs, thicker thighs, rounder butts
Need to lose weight FAST
Tfw ass too round and big because of squats
Is this good form, Veeky Forums?
Explosive Power and speed
Tfw too intellectual for gf
What's your excuse for eating this shit when it's proven to cause terrible health problems like cancer and heart...
Have pullup bar in bedroom door frame
When your gf makes you the same portion of dinner as her
That guy with the grey hoodie and fagpants who comes into the gym and hogs the squat rack for 2 hours and uses Oly...
Is keto a meme? lots of people (including cr1tikal) say that it's an efficient way to lose fat...
I have 45 weeks to get in the best shape I can get
Should I just let this go?
Beginner Working Out
What do, Veeky Forums
What the fuck do you put on this to make it bearable?
/plg/- penis licking general
What do you mean you've never been in a relationship?
15g of protein
Why do you lift?
Could lifting change their lives?
Female strength
How does Veeky Forums like their steak?
Help me out krautbros...
Tfw no tinytrip
Fish oil has to be legit or the most powerful placebo imagined
Hey fit, how do you deal with calusses...
Veeky Forums Progress thread
How do I achieve this kind of bod?
How do you decide between strength and aesthetics? Is there a way to do both...
Are you stronger than your dad Veeky Forums? Is so, what age did you get there?
Lifting music
Am i gonna make it?
Best exercises to get from left to right?
Is it gay to use yu gi oh cards as lifting inspiration?
/fraud/ general
How'd I do?
Anyone else know an Olympian?
Be me 6'2"
My calves are the worst part of my body...
Ask the Juicefag anything!
Arm thread, post them guns
Veeky Forums i can literally not stop sleeping
Qt femboy
*blocks your path*
Find a flaw
Are kettle bell workouts a meme?
A lot of people still idolize a person who did more to HURT our industry than help it
Redpill me on milk. Does it increase estrogen levels?
High test
Can we have a thread dedicated to qt Olympic lifters?
High Test Thread
I-I'm going to go see my first hooker next week. I'm confused /int/...
Cutting general
What's the least calory dense, and the healthiest (by comparison) alcoholic drink?
What's the manliest college degree one could take?
Is SS is a meme is a meme a meme or is SS is a meme is a meme not a meme?
Would you dump a girl if she started to get fat?
Why you did not save him Veeky Forums?
You're not that big *sluuurp*
Post a more fit eSports professional than pic related. You literally cannot
/PLG/ Powerlifting general
Blue pill me on cigarettes
Why do you weight train when you're not a competitive lifter?
Bacne and racne?
You started lifting because of a girl, or what user?
Forget to call ahead and reserve a squat rack
Search through Veeky Forums
Do planks actually bring gains?
You shot movies too? We didn't know you have hobbies besides lifting, user
How does it feel
So what's the optimal carb/fat/protein ratio for strength training?
Veeky Forums feels thread
Phraks Greyskull
Veeky Forums Anime
How many calories does a session of SL 5x5 or SS burn? One of you doing those routines aswell as cutting would know
Hey Veeky Forums I have a story for you
Left or right
Whats the tru fountain of youth, Veeky Forums ?
So, you waste all your time at the gym and don't even have abs? Are you stupid?
Being a 5,9/170 with some belly fat and no condition or strenght whatsoever...
Hey guys, living in Austria for 2 months and had to make an improvised gym. Wadajathink?
Welcome to Veeky Forums how tough are ya?
You see these guys walking towards you and they ask:
That guy who asks for a spot on a < 225lb bench
You see some DYEL guy squatting 190 with a weight belt on
Veeky Forums shitty advices
Hello Veeky Forums
Anyone else use the "if it jiggles, it's fat" mentality for cutting?
Good Veeky Forumsness channels?
College thread
/fraud/ general
Leg Pressing
Hey guys, I am looking to be in the best cardiovascular shape possible, meaning I want to have incredibly endurance...
Why is SS considered a meme on this board?
Should make my period my "rest week", if I take one?
Tfw to intelligent to lift
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games