Fat people hate thread

Fat people hate thread.

give me your best memes.

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This day guy I'm working with is having for lunch:

A burrito
A soda
A bag of M&Ms
Sleeve of donuts

And his earplugs are stuck in his neck fat rolls and he's got no idea. How old will there fat people really live til? The guys gotta be 350lbs or more .

Hi Veeky Forums, my cousin saw a picture of the fatest man of the world, and now he his scared as fuck, what should I do? He don't want to sleep

tell him if he doesn't go to sleep he'll get fat.

is mother will kill me if she heard it, but that not a bad idea

>And his earplugs are stuck in his neck fat rolls and he's got no idea.
what the fuck

if she does overhear you, tell her about circadian rhythms


his age and what type of job is this?

>fat shaming
I still don't quite understand this meme
Do fat people make these threads to shame themselves into better life choices?
If you're not fat why would you care about fat people? I'm 6' 2" 190lb and I never think about fat people; they don't even cross my mind, ever.

tl;dr Can someone fill me in on the point of the fat shaming meme?

Turkey's gotta lay off the turkey.

>if I'm not fat why would I care
Because, unlike you, I'm not a fucking sociopath.

>Do fat people make these threads to shame themselves into better life choices?


and motivation for non fat people to stay on the wagon

how fucking new

Faggot harboring degeneracy detected.

Accountability thing for me. Makes me realize that the lifestyle change if decided the make is the correct one and the way I was living before was gross af.



Motivates me to keep going with my cut famalam.

I'll never let myseld get fat after seeing these disgusting creatures.


I'm not even from Veeky Forums I just really hate fat people because they are subhuman hambeasts who think they deserve to be treated human


So I just moved to a new state (although it's not really the state itself that's the problem, it's the towns) and I am terrified. Yesterday, I saw a planet on a mobility scooter speeding by on the road with a big gulp, and today I saw an obese man with a leather fedora. I just moved into hell.

Got a dad bod to go with that joke?

Why would any want to see that??? I sincerely doubt that was requested



I'd like to buy the wage slave responsible for this a beer.


jesus fucking christ it looks like she's wearing one of those sumo suits


I'm making a fake fat acceptance Tumblr. What would be a good name? I was thinking XXXL Goddesses.


So, multiple reasons.

Fatties do this to motivate themselves into losing weight, for a lot of people it works.

Former fatties use it as a tool to remind them of how much progress they've made so they don't fall off the wagon.

Or, well, people who like to laugh at idiots.

I personally don't hate fat people. If they're trying to make an effort, I will do everything in my power to help them reach their goal. The people we shame here aren't those people, they're the people who eat 5kcal and pretend that it's all genetics, or the people that act like being 700lbs of pure lard makes them a better person than everyone else. We shame fat logic.

Doesn't Tumblr hate clothing sizes as fatphobic or some retard shit?

those boobs

Maybe "360 Pounds And Beautiful"

we shame fat acceptance retards, we don't hate fat people dumbass.

Shit you're right. Supersize Is Supercute? I don't fucking know how these people think.


That's smallfat, shitlord

>your BRAIN
Ya, you know, the rational part of your body. All you have to do is shut it up and you can justify being fat all you want.

That's what I fucking said.

How do they get all these Trump-grade yes-men to affirm the inane shit they post?

That is fucking gold.

Happy at every shape

I hate them



>fat body posi feminist sjw detected


> I have to step over the hanging chain
Oh the Hugh Manatee

hoooly fuck




I'm a fatty that's regulalry in these threads because they remind me how much I hate being fat and are motivation to keep me going on my cut. I'm kinda hyped for my first weigh in since I started at the beginning of the month.

this is honestly sad. this is someone's daughter. she clearly has mental issues. and she's going to get heart disease and die prematurely because of them.

Fuck me they shouldn't be allowed to sell that - is over the tde of 90% of the population

Did you move to Oklahoma?
Oklahoma has the fattest people I've ever seen.
Every girl has a muffin top. I can walk through the mall and count on 1 hand the number of folks that don't have a belly hanging out.
It's quite ridiculous.

What in the actual fuck. It looks like a fat suit


>dat fiber
>dat protein
>dem micros

Looks like a good bulk shake


>Yeah!! I'm lazy and gluttonous! Pride! I fucking love eating!

>this is double my TDEE
Capitalism has gone too far. The bourgeoisie will give anything to the proletariat as long as it is profitable, so they pump food full of junk our brains are hardwired to crave so we didn't die in rougher environments, and the poor (which, in turn, poverty makes one less educated, more overworked, seek more enjoyment even if it as their detriment; and this poverty is built into the very foundation of capitalism, it could not function without it) eat this shit up.

Communist revolution now. Everyone who's able works where robots can't yet, there's less incentive to make junk because you are directly feeding yourself, your family, and your neighbors this shit, and the workers democratically decide how to distribute their surplus so food can't be siphoned away to those with over-eating disorders just because they want it.


>Communist revolution now
That will make the fats your partners. Good luck with that.

These threads are honestly the best motivation.

Holy fuck that sugar tho. No point of dieting if you go into diabetic shock

No worse. It will make them your equals


can we get more like this?

I'm fat and I constantly post advice on different Veeky Forums threads

>8000 calories
mirin that bulk

I wish I had more, mate.

>No crustaceans in the shake
Enjoy your nogainz

>staging a successful American communist revolution
>when 2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese
Fuck it, bolshe/fit/s, it really is hopeless.


these threads are made and visited by people who've literally never achieved anything in their life except staying skinny. not being fat is their greatest accomplishment so of course they want to feel proud of it and keep milking it for satisfaction. it's like those "tales from retail" stories by people whose only source of pride is their minimum wage job so they vent by bitching about customers. ironically if they weren't such fuckups themselves they wouldn't have to stand those annoying customers just like /fph/ posters probably wouldn't even notice the fat people if they had anything more significant to fill their days with.
>I'm 6' 2" 190lb and I never think about fat people; they don't even cross my mind, ever.
that's because you probably have other more important things in your mind

fuck off fattie

Accept me for what I am.


what the fuck is happening with her skin

I was a fat fuck. Not ham planet size but I always hated myself. Not being fat is my greatest accomplishment. If I want to milk anything it's you lardass (yes homo)

I visit these threads because I'm still overweight and I hate fat people. It reminds me how much I hate that part of myself and helps me remember why I'm working to change myself.

You're a bad person

You might as well just dump the whole bag in. No use in keeping nearly-depleted anything in your cabinets.

Might as well just eat straight sugar

and you can still see that that guy also had more muscle than the fatties nowadays


I kinda want to try it

hey, i made this! here, have another

fuck keked

Nah, Oregon. It's redneckville out here.

>the bigger size costs less

is that a huge lolipop or a damn maraca shes got pinned under her rolls?

Have to make fats feel special or they'll feel oppressed bro

Where specifically in Oregon? I'm thinking of moving there (Eugene, Salem, or Portland; haven't decided), but if it's as hellish as you say, I'll have to change plans.

I'm pretty sure this woman motivated my wife into dropping weight.

this wouldnt be so bad to get and share between friends

either dumbasses kill themselves or get smart
sounds like a win-win to me

how ridiculous will you make it?
id love to see false shit like get spread to see if theyll buy it