you know the deal

Is it normal that I can lift more on seated dumbbell press than on overhead press? Seated dumbbel press is at 45kg while overhead press is at 42.5kg.

Also, if I'm aiming for powerbuilding (50% strength and 50% hypertrophy) what kind of caloric surplus should I be aiming for to minimize fat gain while maximizing muscle gain? I'm currently doing 250 calories surplus on rest days and about 600 calories surplus on workout days.

What neck exercises yall be doin. Or do they do more harm than good

Today marks my third fail (5/5/4) with 3x5 255lb squat. I am 3 months into regular SS using the SL app, but I lifted on/off for a year before this. Everything else is progressing fine; I'm at 130lb 3x5 OHP, 160lb 3x5 BP (little low imo), and 285lb 1x5 deadlift. I am 6'0 and around 175lbs.

I have two questions: how long did it take you to 1/2/3/4 for reps? And at what point did you start looking at intermediate programs?

Also, do you have any go-to youtube channels for form videos? People who have really got it down?

new to deadlifts. Is it normal to feel a little soreness in the lower back that goes away in an hour or so? I know the load isn't supposed to be carried by the back but I've heard that being new to deadlifting can cause back soreness simply because those muscles aren't developed yet.

I am checking my form, I've had others check it too and my back does stay straight, hips go down before the knees do, etc. I don't deadlift more than 1pl8 at the moment because I'm worried I'm doing something wrong and going to hurt myself (also because dyel).

What does (alternating) mean in this context? Does that mean that the first week I do Overhead Press, then the next week I do a Bench?

Also I'm completely new and leaning towards the overweight side, and have no idea how much weight I can handle. Starting with the bar for absolute shitter beginners is the standard right?

if week 1 was bench monday, overhead wednesday, bench friday, week 2 would be overhead monday, bench wednesday, overhead friday.

If you're heavy you can probably do at least the bar in all lifts. Watch as many form videos as you can for the big lifts and when you're comfortable you can start finding your limits and breaking them.

I went on a tinder date the other day, we kissed goodbye at the end and arranged a new date tomorrow. How do i greet her? Do i kiss her or stay safe with a hug?

Check out the videos made by Rip on youtube. Alan Thrall as some good ones too.

you start an intermediate program when you can no longer progress workout to workout on SS with proper rest and recovery.

The typical male trainee will have a squat in the low to mid 300s for reps, a deadlift in the mid 300s to low 400s, a bench in the 200s, and a press in the mid 100s, high 100s if you're lucky.

It'll take between 4-9 months, maybe more maybe less depending on your genetics.

Is this your first reset on the squat?

>not that unusual, especially if no belt on standing
>titrate calories to effect week-to-week based on lifts, mirror, scale, and waist/neck measurements

Neck harness and/or
> 3 mins on clock, lying with back on ground:
>A. 30 secs: head from neutral position to chin on chest (neck flexion)
>B. 30 secs: from neutral, look left 90 deg, look right 90 deg
>C. 30 secs: from neutral, ear to left shoulder, ear to right shoulder
>^ repeat cycle

But really, gaining weight and getting stronger on the main lifts will do most of the work.

Thanks for the advice. This my 3rd reset (I had been stuck at 240 just prior to this). I should keep working 3x5 then?

Yeah keep at the 3x5, start eating more. Should be aiming to make the needle on the scale go up. You should be focused on adding weight to the bar and your body during linear progression, then lean out when you start your intermediate training.

When you get stuck again, you can consider using a belt to milk your LP a little more before moving on to an intermediate program.

Is it that bad to eat "cheat meals" on a cut if I don't exceed my calorie intake?

I try to eat good and I do, but sometimes I want a slice of bread or someone suggest pizza and I'll eat only a bit, but then I feel guilty since I don't know if this will fuck up my cut

DOMS will happen for basically every exercise that works muscles that aren't used to being strained. A pressure in the lower back is good,

greeting kisses are a little strong, that's more of something a couple who are comfy with each other would do. A hug would be the better choice.

IIFYM, it doesn't matter. You don't have to eat inherently "healthy" foods like chicken to lose weight, you just have to monitor your intake.

Will steroids cure depression?

lol fuck no

Alright thanks man

ty brah


Any suggestions/recommendations for a weighted vest?

Will do thanks

Beginner lifter here, I just passed one plate on deadlifts recently but had to take a break from deadlifts and squats because of this pain in my left hip when I rise up out of position. I was doing some research on the internet and I think it's a problem with my IT band. I probably got this issue because my form isn't completely perfect, is there anything I can do to make it heal faster? I've been taking ibuprofen and resting. I'd like to avoid going to the doctor's if possible

Deload to a weight where your form is perfect. Work up slowly (5lb increments)
Maybe do yoga &/or ice the injury.

I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about so don't listen to this advice.

I read in a men's health the following statement:

If you "take" your protein shake before your workout, its useless because you burn all the protein in your workout.

You have to take it immediately after the workout, even before showering to gain its full effect.

How much broscience is this?

Complete bullshit. Look at your diet from a daily perspective, or even weekly, but not hour-to-hour.

Ive skipped out on my cut diet this week. Shame me.

Can I get protein Analy?

Like a suppositorie of whey?

I want that brotein in my boipuss

Post a form check video, you're probably doing something wrong.


How long should I do the greyskull lp before I go to a novice program?

Until you no longer linearly progress, in case you were not aware what the LP stands for

you're allowed to deload and whatever but you'll likely realize that when your progress more or less plateaus is THE TIME.

basically it's kind of a shit answer but you'll know

I'm still on the 3 x 8-12 meme for 4 months, increasing weight about every week and a half or so and still seeing progress but it's starting to slow.

Should I start doing 5 x 5 or just go heavier quicker?

How do I get out of this situation? This girl sent me a snapchat and a few minutes later she sends me a text telling me not to open it. My buddies and I wanted to see it so we loaded the snapchat, put my phone in airplane mode, screenshot the image, and quit the snapchat app. Like a dumbass I forgot to test it, so we tested it on my friends’ phones and it didn’t work. Now I can’t get my phone out of airplane mode without this girl knowing I took a screenshot. How do I get out of this? I’m not opposed to deleting my account, I just need something that will work for sure.

why? We'd just be wasting our breath on someone who doesn't want to make it.

leave the country

"Sorry, I opened it before you texted me. You should really get the red spot checked, it looks like Syph."

Well, were they nudes or what?

They weren't even good or worth it. Just a shot of her with her bra.

/latebloomer/ here. Legit grew half an inch within a month and still growing. How will this affect my gains? Currently still manlet status at 5'7

Post it fgt

im interestedin taking supercuts or something similiar ,whats a good one?

>Is it normal to feel a little soreness in the lower back that goes away in an hour or so?
Hell, my lower back is sore for days after DLs.

The info on my turkey breast packaging seems to show less energy, protein and fat (and higher carbs) than every Internet source I can find.

Should I trust the packaging or is this company telling porky pies? If the disrepancy is real what would cause it? Are Australian turkeys a different breed or something?

Look at the ingredients, they have sugar and rice starch

At what point is losing muscle on a cut a serious concern? If I'm about 16% body fat how much of a surplus can I do without losing my gains, and until how low of %?

No more than 10%. Doesn't explain the 33% discrepancy with other information sources. And I thought that stuff would have made the calories higher anyway, not lower.

Keep your DI of protons at 100% and keep working muscles, it shouldn't effect you too much.

I just want to get to 160kg deadlift as fast as possible. My max is 140kg for conventional and sumo @ 57kg bodyweight. What would the best program be?

Deadlifting heavy weights often

Anyone have any good examples of ecto lifters/bodybuilders with short muscle bellies? Is it impossible for no genetics skellies to make it?

Does getting fit compensate for being a subhuman?

I'm a neet who recently started walking two miles almost every day. I eventually built up to some days over three times that.
But about a week ago I found I can only walk about a mile before feeling tired and out of breath. I can still complete the full walks, but I feel like I'm almost at square one.
Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? I think my diet and sleep has stayed relatively constant.

if i start a cut right now, eating 1700 cals how long abouts will it take to get down to 15% percent body fat. im currently about 22% percent body fat 6 feet 1 inch 210 lbs.

I don't really feel soreness in my chest when I do bench press or dips.I feel like I'm favouring my shoulders when I use these exercises. Am I just doing them wrong?

This might sound autistic, but try holding your breath and try to exert your chest when you bench.

Newfag summer dyel cancer here

1.) Please explain the origin of the "Location/Noun/Verb/Communication medium."
i.e.: Tibetan Door Painting Exchange, Syrian Ice Fishing Forum

2.) Are accessory exercises noticeably effective at improving compound lifts, or are they just memes?

3.) Rest days; real or broscience? If today is leg day, than it's rest day for push/pull right? Or any combination of those?

4.) How come this board idolizes individuals with physiques unattainable by natty means?

I'm going on a cut pretty soon. How much protein should I be eating to retain my muscle while on a cut?

I"m just gonna eat a ton of egg whites but I need to know how much grams of protein I need.

1. Don't know but it's hilarious

2. The boost they give your compounds are fairly noticeable. But the bodt they give you're physique is very noticeable. So if you want to look big accessories are gonna help a lot.

3. Very real, an upper body day would technically be rest for your lower body but you need to rest your central nervous system. Take at least one real rest day a week.

4. Because we all have body dismorphia and they look amazing.

1. Think it started out by people questioning why you would accept advice off this website, eg "why would you trust anything you read on a japanese anonymous imageboard'.

People just morphed it into more hilarious variants.

hey guys long time no see.

well if i have not worked out in a long time should i start from scratch? like AxBxA and shit or what ?

its been around a year , please help y'all thanks!

Yes, I had to do the same thing. Do a beginner routine with extra volume.

how long did it take to get back into it ?

My tdee is 3400 calories, is this way too high? it doesn't seem normal. For the last 10 days i've been eating under 1700 a day just to be sure. I just got into serious strength training so i've been going to the gym 4 times a week. I'm 5'6 250.

A side effect from me lifting is I have a big, but muscular ass. I've read on here that women like it, but I can never tell if people on here are being sarcastic, so is it true or not?

How do I kill my food urges when my family comes over and they bring my favorite food? I need some god damn iron will or something.

i've lost 70 pounds and i need to lose 130 more before i get to my goal (160 lb at 6'1)

ive been fat since i was little and this is the first time ive done anything about it seriously.

but today i felt like shit. i saw a picture of me taken today from a low angle and i look so fucking fat. everyone says how much weight i lost but i dont see it and I wont look normal for a year.

plus, ill have fucking loose skin.

what the fuck do i do?

liftan for 4 months btw

>Had a bad day of eating.
>After about 45 days of 2000 kcals and under I binged on about 6500 kcals of food and alcohol 2 days ago. All shit tier food.
>Feel bloated as shit so I fasted off of food yesterday and im having 1500 today.
Is it JUST tier, Veeky Forums?

Still getting back into it. Been back at lifting for about 3 months, my bench is still about 10lbs from what it used to be, my squat is what fucked up the most, it's still about 90lbs from what it used to be. My deadlift is actually more than it used to be already. It's gonna really depend on how active you were in your off time and how much you used your muscles, obviously you would keep more gains working construction than working security.

I feel like I pulled or tore a muscle in my left arm. I'm not sure. It's just been severely hurting the past month. At first I just pushed through the pain but now I feel it just holding me back from pushing myself further.

What do, Veeky Forums? Would seeing a doctor even help? Do I just need to stop physical exercise for a couple weeks?

>My tdee is 3400 calories, is this way too high?

>I'm 5'6 250.
your TDEE is 2486 and you are classified as morbidly obese

ignore exercise calculators. You want to be losing weight while you're sedentary.

3 options

1) Politely ask your family not to bring that food to your dinners.

2) Eat a small portion that will fit within your macros. Offer to keep the rest and eat it in small clumps, enjoying it while you can. You can also just dispose of it or give it to someone else once they leave.

3) Take some when offered and trash it when they aren't looking. I don't recommend this option.

you didn't get this way overnight user. You need to think of this less as a diet to change your body and moreover as a lifestyle change that your body is adjusting to. It's more or less like an open wound, and it's gonna take a while to heal.

Focus on that goal.

Is there any reason I shouldn't be on ZMA when I'm not lifting, and for how long should I / can I stay on ZMA?


I'm a pretty bad case of DYEL at 122lbs, 5'10. Is it possible and/or reasonable to get fit with just at home bodyweight exercises?

Money and my circumstances make going to the gym a bit difficult.

at the end of the day, I'm 5'7.5" on the dot barefoot.

I know this is short, but is this abnormally short? Will this impact me as a man? My ideal physique is 5'9". Is it that big a difference between the two?

I have wide shoulders and an above average face.

Would wearing an .75 to an inch in lifts really matter?

I only got 4hrs of sleep last night

is it a good idea to go to the gym today?

it is but it'll take longer and you need to start eating a LOT. like a shit ton.

that's basically what I've been doing for several months. at least get some dumbells and a bench though

I suggest to fuck her right in the pussy.

I fell off my skateboard and I have some kind of whiplash/neck strain, will it still be safe to squat/OHP/DL?

-5x10 10 kg weighted pull ups
-3x3 20 kg weghted pull ups
-5x15 parallel dips
-5x10 10 kg curls
-4x15 diamond push ups
-5x15 bench dips
-4x25 sit ups
-4x15 bodyweight squats

how should I organize these into a program and what else should I incorporate ?

>you start an intermediate program when you can no longer progress workout to workout on SS with proper rest and recovery.
then I should have started an intermediate program 2 months in

Does somebody have some of the picture of that finnish god who sometimes is found in CBT threads? The really pale and blonde one.
I wanna make a catfish tinder account

Depends how bad it is. You could always start low see how it feels and go from there. No real point in risking major damage because you didn't want to wait a week or two to recover.

1. Is reverse dieting necessary after 5-6 months of cutting? Can I just go back to maintenance or should I build up slowly? Thinking of adding back 100-200 kcals a week.

2. How fast does lost strength come back (only lost about ~5kg on each lift)? I'm not gonna start bulking, just maintain.

Is it better to do situps/crunches with something to hook your feet into/hold your feet down, or just purely on the floor?

I'm on a one meal a day intermittent fasting plan and I can't work out where to position my meal in the day.

>If I have it in the mornings I will be sleeping on an empty stomach. Does this to any extent degrade my sleep and its benefits?
>If I have it in the evening it means I'll be working out on an empty stomach. I've heard that doing cardio on a fasted stomach can accelerate fat burn. I've also heard that lifting without a prior meal is to "operate way beneath potential".

please grace me with your wisdom Veeky Forums senpai!!!!!!!!!!

alright this is a pretty stupid question but if you stop working out do your muscle deflate ? what happens?

If you maxed out your linear progression in 2 months (even if making smaller jumps) you very likely either didn't rest enough between sets, started too heavy, didn't actually eat enough, or didn't sleep enough.

I didnt max it out.
I slept, ate, rested enough.
I just had trouble progressing from the start. literally cant stay on a weight less than 3 workouts before going ahead

I need to lose weight (at least 50lbs / 22.7kg) and when I last casually lifted I enjoyed it, which was 11 years ago. I'd like to lose weight but also start lifting more seriously..

I've heard that it's idiotic to start SS on a cut, but I've also read that you should lift on a cut.

>Should I start SS even though I'm trying to lose fat?
>If not, what kind of program do you recommend?

Morning is fine.

That sounds like you started too heavy.

Generally you start with the empty bar and add weight until the speed of your reps START to slow down, then you know that's your starting weight. Did you do that at the beginning?

I started at low weights, not just the bar because that's a way to trick yourself into thinking you're progressing while instead you're wasting time.
I followed SS instructions

I meant adding those weights in your first session, sorry. Yeah, it sounds like you did things well, I'm just trying to figure out WTF is going on.

You're pretty lean at 6' and 175lbs. Are you eating 4k+ calories?

If you are, I'd say go for the intermediate program and see if it works better for you. Good luck, m8.


you know that old saying "if you don't use it, you lose it"? It applies. Muscles maintain their size because they get used. If you stop using them, they literally atrophy.

if you eat, you literally never sleep on an empty stomach, doesn't matter what time you eat. Food doesn't go from your mouth to your asshole in a few hours.

if you workout on an empty stomach, it doesn't really matter. You might feel sluggish and miserable the first few times you do it, but your body quickly gets used to it. Try either one and see which works best for you.

you should be able to do crunches without having to anchor yourself. But do whatever you have ot do to make sure you don't lift your feet.

1.it's not necessary but probably better for you to do just so you ease yourself into it
2.depends on a bunch of things

when buying fish oil what am I suppose to look out for?

also i get acne when taking fish oil. apparently its the caps outer layering???
how can I avoid this?

thank u