
Also, symmetric strength thread

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do more press volume. Pause bench or just throw in 3x8 after your normal sets

>tfw you were mostly yellow but you lost 20 lbs

I meant help with the squat. My one rep max bench and squat are the same, 90kg, which scares me. Squat should be at least 120kg, which seems fucking impossible currently.

Though thanks for the bench tips.

Sauce on these pictures?

I'm in the same boat. Did 75kg squats for 3 sets of 5 today (87kg 1RM according to symmetric strength) and I swear I've never sweated so much in my life, can't even comprehend 2pl8 at this point.

Yeah I usually do 3x5, but I go, for example, 60-70-80. Or I do 5-3-1 with weight 70-80-90.

I used to be able to do more, but I realized form was shit, then I deloaded and started anew. Now I try to go as deep as I can and I got to 90kg and no fucking way to move anymore to be proportionate with other lifts.

Help guys I fell for the SS meme. Why is my bench such shit? I've added triceps pushdowns as accessories will this help?

do cable flies breh, isolate those pecs

I've increased my bench by 20kg in a couple of months by doing some version of 5-3-1, but I did bench three times a week, monday 3 sets of 5, wednesday 3 sets of 3 and friday 5-3-1. Increase weight on each next set by 7.5kg and increase weight on every next day in the week by 5kg, then next week start all over again but with 2.5kg more as the starting weight than the week before. And my first starting weight was I think something along the lines of the original 5-3-1 program, like 65% of your 90% one rep max, or so.

Though now I couldn't even imagine doing shit like this, don't know how I kept up with it for 2-3 months. Probably noob gains.

>I used to be able to do more, but I realized form was shit

lol I think you're me. I got slowly up to around 90kg and then one day bumped into a friend at the gym and asked him to film my squat form. Turns out I was barely even reaching half let alone full ROM. Fixed my form and am now going up 5kg a session but I think I'm gonna need to do 75kg again.

You aren't far off though, 90kg is fairly close. How much do you increase per squat session?

I used to increase 2.5kg, now I'm just stalling. Though squats is the only leg exercise I do, maybe I should add something else. Well, that and power clean, but my form on power clean is nowhere near good enough to pull some proper weights, so I just try and practice it with 50kg,

Just got lmao4pl8!! for deadlifts a couple days ago and pretty happy about that one

158lbs. Doing Texas Method MWF. Will probably switch back squat to front squat while focusing on getting the rest of my lifts up to par.

>Texas Method
how long lifting? how tall? almost double bodyweight in bench seems superb

How long you been lifting. Mirin them lifts senpai.

5'9". Lifted on and off for Track & Field in school, got a job and then stopped lifting for 4 years or so. Got back in the gym last November and have been doing MWF split since.

Can't risk it guys sorry.

FUCK wrong file.

Maybe someday I'll be proficient

do you include the bar in the weight you put in?


>tfw almost entire body untrained
>tfw been going to the gym for four months

200 lbs
Been lifting on and off for about two years, just moved from a three day bro split to Texas Method

Been lifting for ~6 months. Lats and delts lagging behind, what do?

I really suck at squats, and I'm not much better at deadlifts. Not for lack of trying either, unfortunately.

High volume pullups + overhead press, alternated

>Squat is the same as the DL

I'm merlin, but what the actual fuck

alternate standing ohp with seated dumbell press whenever one stalls, switch to the other. with the pull ups google 20 pull ups program, it works.

Thank me later.