Back Thread

Back threads never seem to last long on Veeky Forums. You guys do your chin-ups, r-right?

Post your meatshields.

Chin ups? Those are mainly for biceps.
Did you mean pull ups?

Chin-ups are back + bi's. In my opinion, they're more bang for your buck, but I do make a point of doing pull ups as well.

>Back threads never seem to last long on Veeky Forums

take the hint and stop fucking making them, there's enough /general/ bullshit on this board. what's next, /britlift/?

66kg bw
Current PR- 10 full rom pull ups with 30kg weights

>Back thread isn't welcome on an Ethiopian fitness board

First back thread I've made. Back to /r9k/, user.

Nice mang, that's some good strength at your bw.

kek i look like dude in a dress, my back looks much softer in person i think

manlet lmao

Yeah I need to cut.
210lbs in pic.

Can actually do 3 muscle ups believe it or not.

how will i look after I cut, Veeky Forums?

Congrats on having a bigger back than 90% of the males on this board.

Looks like you've got some good size under there. Don't cut too hard

>that waist with those wings
You look like a light breeze would make you fly away

there's already a cbt, just post your fucking back there

/current butt thread/
/current lats thread/
/current calves thread/
/current serratus thread/
/current pelvic floor muscle thread/

fuck yourselves

Explain how you have a wide back with just chin ups?

Mirin' OP

Back is a major muscle group and cbt's are typically filled with front shots to show off abs, etc.

Theres nothing wrong with a back thread. Go bitch about the female cbt if you want, angry little man.

Oh shit yeah sorry, I forgot Veeky Forums threads are a finite resource..


I'm 6'

Where did I say I only do chins?

Thanks mang

Thank you my man.

What do you do?

stroke me daddy

Chins/pulls, deads, rows, landmines, pulldowns, face pulls, rack pulls.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Alien physique but in a good way

Thanks. Btw I have been told before that I have alien physique. what's that supposed to mean?

traps for the chaps









I think it means your torso is shaped like an alien's head.

>pic related




nice neck pillow are you always comfy on long distance flights

Not flexing


Yeah i like to do pullups and chinups on the side of lifting

for you

Weighted pull ups good for your back training Veeky Forums?




Of course, that's the only thing that I do for my back

kek nobody is thinking that either.

>not doing both

Work on your legs breh. baka desu senpai



mirin otherwordly gains

Imagine how damn long would your neck look if you didn't had massive traps

Nothin special

Just realized how shit the photo is.
Here is an old one.

clean muscle ups ? or that swinging faggot shot

what roids?

Looks like a movie still

I will remember your kindness when the day of our revealing comes.


that pic was taken while I was still recovering from a glute injury, thankfully I'm back at the squats now

my friends have joked that I have no neck before

Back goals

Any tips/recommendations on lacking areas?

Thata a bodybuilder myth

Chinups is mainly a back exercise that hits the bicep too
Pullup is mainly a back exercise that hits the brachiodoralis

keep it up


Could be natty considering the length he goes to for a simple back shot

No. I won't phone home.

like a twig