>tfw working in warehouse lifting 80lb barrels 11 hours a day
What do to keep my gains bros? Just eat a lot more than I used to?
>tfw working in warehouse lifting 80lb barrels 11 hours a day
What do to keep my gains bros? Just eat a lot more than I used to?
add 1000 calories to your current intake, after a while your body will adjust
it's not ideal for heavy lifting but you'll do fine
>80lb barrels 11 hours a day
160lb barrels 22 hours a day C'mon let's get big
>keep gains
You'll make more gains working a job like that as long as you eat
Some guys have been there for years and they're swole despite never going to the gym and they get drunk everyday, we basically have to do a clean and jerk with these barrels all night and I can definitely feel it in my shoulders arms back and core
sounds like some slavic olympic weightlifting training facility
Lol it is a pretty hard workout and the physiques on the guys who work there are actually impressive and they're alcoholics
Less worrying about gains and more worrying about back injuries.
Gains come naturally in a high movement job. Your body will tell you its fucking hungry, unlike fatties you're actually moving and the hunger is an actual real response from stimuli saying you're desperate for macros/micros.
Until you actually see negative effects (too much weight gain, too much muscle loss) just eat until you're not hungry.
For people who move all day long you have to completely recalculate your tdee.
I used to work as a baggage handler, worked 14 hour shifts lifting baggage around, and on occasion had good practice throwing 30kg bags.
Lost a lot of weight, probably due to me waking up and down the belt for those 14 hours, and sweating a bucket load.
pocket scoops
Take protein shake to work so you build more muscle
Lol what the hell
I'd rather hire 1 guy who can work a forklift and move shit on pallets so I'd only have to pay 1 salary and get 20x the work done
You've got no clue how this place works you have to hold the barrel over your head and slowly dump it
>tfw working in whorehouse sucking 25cm cocks 11 hours a day
What do to keep my gains bros? Just eat a lot more than I used to?
do any other guys work there? if yes then
Lol what the hell
I'd rather hire 1 OP so I'd only have to pay 1 salary and get 20x the work done
Yeah, take high protein foods to eat on breaks. I had a job like that and made a lot of gains and I wasn't even into lifting back then, went from a fatass to a bit bigger than otter mode in 8 months
I've been taking tuna sandwiches and chicken thighs and rice to eat on breaks
i almost had this job but it was was 100 pound boxes and they wanted me to do ten hour shifts.
i didnt want to do ten hour shifts which frankly is bullshit.
i wash dishes now and dont regret it even if i make almost half as much as i could have.
Shits exhausting at first but I'm getting used to it
yeah i imagine. im tired enough after a four hour shift of washing dishes. my shitty ass summer lifestyle has me being a pathetic neet every day all day and its starting to show. i cant walk as far as i used to or anything practical like that, even if my lifts are increasing.
I was NEET for 8 months before I got this job and thank fuck I worked out while i was NEET otherwise I wouldn't even be able to do this job
What you mean keep your gains? You're making gains doing that just keep your protein high