Is this the reason asians are so skinny?

Is this the reason asians are so skinny?

yes, every thin asian drinks green tea. great observation.

Replacing sodas with lightly sweetened/no sugar tea would cut down the calories

t. wang

t. vu

They replace sodas by eating a shit load of rice/noodles. Green tea is a replacement for water.

Why are asians so skinny when they only eat ramen and sushi and tea?
Ramen is terrible for you

seriously you guys stereotyping this hard is borderline retarded

Don't let restaurants fool you, an households have very little to eat for the meals of the day on weekdays, with an emphasis on light carb-based dishes, little protein. Exercise is almost always cardio, because being skinny is what is considered attractive to them. This changes if one looks at southeast asians and interior Chinese populations, where manual labour still provides a comparatively decent livelihood, though diets (owing to their impoverished conditions) do not quite provide what is necessary for a well built body.

Friend of mine downed a whole pizza no fucks given. He doesn't work out at all but he's still skinny. He must just shit that out.

>Why are asians so skinny
They have fat shaming ingrained in their culture

Because they consume energy less than or equal to their body's energy expenditure at their current weight.

>Ramen is terrible for you
Obviously not, as evidenced by rest of reply.

well clearly they aren't eating enough ramen to get fat

Top Ramen is shit for you. All the instant ramen you buy at the store is shit for you. Traditional Asians will make their own ramen 99% of the time.

You don't drink rice. Rice is a meal. Sodas are consumed all the time for hydration

no and you are dumb

Asian diets tend to have less fat in them overall and the ones they do use are superior to fats in normal American diets. They eat a lot of carbs and your body has to convert carbs to fat and the energy used to convert carbs usually results in those carbs being burned rather than stored.

Fast metabolism does that. You'll often see a lot of tryhards mad about not having one

Clearly you've not been to "Asia" yet... their serving sizes are not as repulsive or decadent as American servings. I've got to buy about four or five servings for it to achieve parity with average American servings.

They, believe it or not, actually show some discipline and retain some fucking dignity about themselves in general, which cannot be said about the average Westerner.

I'm not pro-Asian either. I hate the Chinese and wish they'd take their shitty foreign investments and monopolization of the real estate market and fuck off straight to hell with the Indians.

not enough food for everyone

In Japan, it's illegal to be fat.

That's why.

>Fast metabolism
its 2016 and people still believe this is a thing

I drink imported Japanese green tea often.

It's not even close to the same thing as highly oxidized shit "green tea" you buy in supermarkets here. It's actually green when you brew it like pic related.

It gives you a different energizing "clean" effect than coffee, and it's probably good for you but I really don't know.

>Low test
>Eat food enough for a small rat
>Eat lots of sodium induced sauces / food