Can lifting fix the effeminate "nu-male" look?

Can lifting fix the effeminate "nu-male" look?

the what?

Sorry OP, you'll always be a cuck

lifting can sometimes fix a weak mind. but it doesn't happen in every case.

the number one cure is actually challenging yourself and then overcoming -- which doesn't always happen when lifting, most are just lifting as a side-effect of dicking around in the gym.

since lifting turns you right-wing-

Nu males don't lift.

Lifting is problematic and patriarchal

I'm pretty sure your average /pol/ poster looks pretty much the same as those people, or worse

Took the words right out of my mouth.

>Mfw nu-males think grasping at straws and using a last name as an insult is effective


Can someone explain the Drumpf to me?
Does it have any significance or did they just think a weird spelling was a good enough joke?

His grandfather changed the family name from Drumpf to Trump

Could you quit being a baby and type drumpf into Google?

You would both be wrong. Everyone that posted in the "Faces of /pol/" thread yesterday was and is incredibly alpha. /pol/ is easily the most alpha board on Veeky Forums and it isn't even close.

Triggered numales redditors detected

>y-you're from pol

Feeling the Bern yet? Hahahahahaha

That British guy that does the knock off daily show made a joke saying that trumps family changed their name at Ellis Island so people think insulting his heritage makes them brave or that they are contributing in anyway to the political arena I hate my generation so delusional and so stupid

Pics or it didn't happen.

Nu-males think that every euro transplant in the U.S. didn't adjust the spelling of their last name. Its from a John Oliver skit, basically just a bunch of grasping at straws in a quirky tone. Go figure, brits aren't funny.

I wish I could see all your faggot's faces when Trump loses.

I know my dude Johnson doesn't stand a chance but at least he's not a fucking meme like your obnoxious reality TV star orange-faced goon.

You are so mad right now

I think that CURRENT YEAR guy started it as a parody of the MAGA motto, basically Trump is an anglification of the german (?) surname Drumpf so the joke is that Trump should change his last name to Drumpf. I fail to see how that is funny or an effective political protest , but hey, they're SJWs

The "Current Year" man did a segment on Trump and part of his reasoning for why trump was such a shithead was that his fathers father changed his name when coming to the US. From Drumpf to Trump.

At the time Trump was going on about Cruz not being American I think and said something about Cruz not being his real last name.


Tripping is almost like being 70% of a nu-male

Johnson isn't even an actual libertarian, he refuses to attck Clinton on her globalist agenda. He just is in it to shill and split apart the votes. I wouldn't be suprised if he is being paid by the dems.




Nah a good amount of /pol/ actually lifts cause muh ironpill and latsbrah.
No doubt there are subhumans on there though

Johnson is a moron who supports the TPP

>taking screenshots or saving pictures of other men's faces
Is this the kind of beta, homosexual behavior you're used to? You're already too far gone. You'll never "make it".

desu I think the aut-right are incel FAs too but they're better than numale leftist cucks

>Nah a good amount of /pol/ actually lifts
that's hard to believe considering not even a good amount of Veeky Forums lifts

>those nu-males in the bottom left

Y'all better shut up about my man Bernie in this thread. He's gonna give #BLM the respect it deserves!

The two on the right with the glasses make me kek everytime

I like how you don't show proof and then spit out maymays

Poltards confirmed for being trump worshiping incels.

I think that's a woman.


Keep grasping at straws, my feminized "bro".

Why is there a /pol/ thread on Veeky Forums

like it doesn't even try to disguise itself it's the same old memespam. Why can't /pol/ keep itself on one board. Fucking furfags2.0 if I lived in America I'd vote against trump solely to spite you just like I vote against faggots thanks to all the trapfags here

I didn't even know what incel meant until a week or so ago

I think most people who keep parroting it are probably projecting

>asking proof is grasping at straws
for being "redpilled" you sure do sound a lot like a liberal

I'm not going to spoonfeed you. Go visit the /pol/ archive and find it.

>implying I'm a "moderate" centrist faggot
I'm still right wing I'm just not autistic about it like /pol/ tards are

Tbh, i'm in the same boat as you, but I legitmately do believe that there are many incels among us.

>feels thread
>no homo threads
>high test threads
>vg threads
>e-celeb threads
>anime threads
>fph threads with the same 50 pictures posted every time


Dude I'm a "true conservative/libertarian" and I'd rather have Trump than Johnson. He's awful


I've seen CBTs on /pol/ that weren't bad. Also you can get better fitness advice over there because it's like this board without the memes lol

Who /pol/k/fit/a/o/ here?

>he can't even link to the thread

way to be a feminzed cuck numale degenerate


Trump is decent but the "le altright" faggots that worship him and think he's the next Pinochet or Hitler and not just a more patriotic, less Christian, conservative Republican are sperglords

Get a burny tan it automatically makes you look less effeminate

I'll fight you faggot.

>Hey guys X!
>I don't believe you, provide proof
you're a fucking idiot

Veeky Forumsfa/biz/ patrician here

>I rely on other men to provide me with things
Do you support Bernie Sanders, by chance?

>more patriotic, less Christian, conservative Republican

What's wrong with that

>think he's the next X or X

way to fall for the memes

Just keep calling him Bruce and they can't win.


>Dude I'm a "true conservative/libertarian"
>I'd rather have Trump than Johnson
oh i'm laffin

>tfw made $700 off of Robin hood this month
>tfw donating it all to Trump

>What's wrong with that
Literally nothing which is why I, as a normie-tier conservative and not some neo-fasci-reactionary-libertarian alt-right sperg, want him to beat Shillary

Doing God's work user

>make a claim
>don't give any kind of proof
>convince yourself you've won the argument
yeah you're definitely a liberal

so basically you are a low information mongoloid who follows "moderate" politics like the typical ameriburger

>implying you don't rely on the military for your protection
>implying you don't rely on your mommy for your neetbux


>everyone who disagrees with me is an anarchist libertarian fanatic

They need to stop putting fluoride in the water supplies.

burden of proof is on the accuser. Learn how to be an adult you underage fag

>voluntarily throwing your money away
>"I'm a Veeky Forums or guise"
as expected from a tripfag

>Milo supporter

reminder that if gop can't get their shit together and put forward an electable candidate forward for 2020 we're getting shillary for 8 years.......that's right, the weakest candidate EVER put forward by the Democrat party will get two terms

Who /TrumpCoin/ here?

I was very much a nu-male several years ago and now I'm not, lifting did help, but generally maturing into an adult will sort it.

The bottom line is that anybody who is politically active on social media is a nu-male, regardless of what side of the political spectrum you are on, do you think the soldier in the field cares which rich asshole sent him there? Do you think the man who cuts down trees and spends days in the wild cares what end of the political spectrum the men his taxes go to are? Do you think the man who works 12 hour days, every day, to provide for his family has the time or energy to debate some university student about foreign policy or immigration?

Men do what they have to, they have more important things to do than bother themselves with petty playground politics.

Cruz will be the candidate in 2020. Then, Cory "charismatic, handsome, experienced, young, and smart as hell"
Booker will be the Dem. candidate. Republicans are eternally fucked

what is this bullshit political post disguised as a Veeky Forums related post

>experienced, young, and smart

Everything will be fine. It's all going exactly to plan. Don't worry about it. Republicans are masters of 4d chess

>being a wage slave somehow makes you better than someone with actual intelligence on the subject

Nobody is better than anybody but please gtfo trying to seem superior to those who know what the fuvk theyre talking about in any field, or trying to relate blue collar work to being a masculine man which you are trying to equate to being republican and vise versa. I can easily cherry pick specific demographics or careers to fit my narrative as to why theyre Democrats and dont have the time to argue with Milo's fanboys on twitter


haha right? Surely being Senator for 10+ years at that point as well as having a Masters degree in Sociology from Stanford, being a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, and having a Law Degree from Yale means you're dumb :^)

Wew lad.

I fucking hate Americans and their shitty fucking black & white mentality and binary oppositionist culture

You're embarrassing pol

now watch them call you a fence-sitter like they've been brainwashed to do ever since they were 6. Us or them, us or them! How easy it is to make your people think their country is always right when you teach them a mentality like that

>he thinks Ivy League colleges are for intelligent people

HAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit! You're precious

??? Did you not read the part where I said

>Regardless of where you are on the political spectrum

your whole reply is based on a post you clearly didn't read, congrats, you played yourself.

Yes, because their multi billion dollar endowments, insanely low acceptance rates, and highest nobel prize winning professor to student ratio means they're for everyday people like you and I

>le americans always think they're right maymay

How easy is it to brainwash Yurocuckolds? Because they always parrot the same things. It's pathetic.

>Masters in sociology

Literally anyone could fucking do that

A STEM bachelors from a state college would be more difficult

You NEVER post in anything fitness related, just like cute tomato. You're a non-lifting DYEL only posting in off-topic shit here. Neck yourself, faggot.

They're for people connected with mommy and daddys money


The liberal arts departments there are as bad as anywhere else, are you unironically holding a degree in sociology as a serious accomplishment?

>anyone who disagrees with us is a "liberal" from Europe
Here we see the "dichotomous mentality" in its natural habitat.

/pol/ embarrasses itself, you fucking loser. I'm so sick of you /pol/shit's invading other boards.



Did I say liberal?

Here we see a Yruocuckold parroting what his puppet masters have trained him to once again

there are filters for a reason

Let me ask you again: DO YOU EVEN FUCKING LIFT, TWINK?
You have the body and attitude of a nu-male, tripfag attention whore.

Desiring on-topic discussion on content specific forums isn't the same concept as a 'safe space'.
Why do I even come to this shitty fucking board. Its probably only like 8% of you who actually lift anything other than a greasy 360 controller.

>being this mad

You're as irrational as a liberal

Go back to your containment site where you can hide behind your downboats

You used the term 'cuckhold' in a context unrelated to sexual activity. We all know what the implication of that usage was. I'm neither left wing nor from Europe but I really find it hilarious that you automatically assume I am because I think American identity politics are retarded.

>ugh so shitty and problematic

CYA nerd