Coffee every day

What does Veeky Forums think about coffee - especially the working lads?
I usually only never consume caffein before training.

But I am the type of person that is always tired, no matter how much sleep.
So if there is absolutely nothing to do or generally a very boring situation, I will get really sleepy and have go fight falling asleep.
Yesterday we had an 8 hour long presentation about a new technology, consumed coffee for the first time outside of preworkout. And it actually helped a great deal.

Basically everyone is always drinking coffee in work places.
Don't you build resistance really quick and thus make the effect void? That would throw away the only possible help when I really need to be awake in rare situations.

Do you drink coffee every day? Does it still makes you less sleepy?

People drink coffee because it's delicious. That's why they drink it every day at the same time (usually anyway), because if you do that the body has already produced a counter to the effects of caffeine. In other words, you become tolerant of it at times when you usually have it, but not at others. So the effect is negligible, except that it's delicious.

I used to drink coffee every day, but it gave me hectic gas and stomach pains, and i always had to take a shit pretty much straight afterwards. Now i just have the occasional one on the weekend. I've noticed ever since i stopped drinking it daily, i don't wake up tired as fuck in the morning.

I see.

So just as I thought - I use it only in an "emergency" situation, where I really need a boost so I don't fall asleep.
And if I drink it daily, like everyone else, the effects will vanish entirely?

Its true, like most drugs out there, you take it at first for the feeling it gives you, but after a while you end up taking it out of necessity to feel normal if consumption is daily like coffee. Your brain will always try to balance itself, that is why when you have that very first cup of coffe/ciggarette/most stimulants, you feel fucking great because you have a surplus of neurotransmitters.

It really depends on dosage, your body chemistry (because some people are more sensitive than others to certain drugs, this does not include the mechanism of drug tolerance) and how frequent you use a drug.

"Moderation is key", is very often neglected advice, it's not that it is hard to understand, it is just that urges are hard to resist, we always want to feel 100% or more (who doesn't), but understanding the importance of balance when it comes to your brain and the usage of drugs will benifit an individual greatly.

Those who do not consume any psychoactive drug(a chemical substance that changes brain function and results in alterations in perception, mood, or consciousness) need not worry.

I used to drink coffee everyday, in the end i drank coffee to satisfy my coffee cravings [that is the truth], though i didn't like this, so i added the justifications that;
1. caffeine gives me energy,
2. makes me more awake.

These are also both true, but become less apparant the more coffee you drink over time. With a high, later comes a low/crash, for an in the moment thing coffee is ok, but after a few hours you start to crash and need another one to stay at a high, this is a bit costly on your brain as it will need to work harder to continue to go back to a balanced state, too much caffeine will mean that your brain my not be able to compensate for all the neurotransmitters used during the high and that is when things can go wrong.

I'm not saying to not use coffee, its fucking awesome, moderation is key.

>And if I drink it daily, like everyone else, the effects will vanish entirely?

Well, kind of. You will notice its absence at the times when you usually have it, and you'll feel as though you get a boost when you have it. But that's just normalizing yourself.

>And if I drink it daily, like everyone else, the effects will vanish entirely?

You're way overestimating the diminishing returns.

Drink it all the time. Doesn't make me less sleepy, I can drink it before bed no problem.

>hectic gas and stomach pain

It's the oil in the coffee, user. Coffee beans are oily, sometimes that oil roughs your stomach up a bit. Try high-caffeine black tea if you want the kick without the oil.

No, not entirely. You become tolerant to the jittery overstimulated feeling, but not to the wakefulness. This is a good thing.

lighter roasts and paper filter methods are less oily

(while also being more caffeinated, better tasting, and close to calorie free)

I personally dislike the taste.
However, my biggest grip with it is the addictiveness caused by it. Most of my family - mom, aunts, uncles, grandma - just seem to be unable to properly function without it. One of the most often heard phrases around is "I can't wait to get home and have a cup of coffee," or "Now I could use some coffeee," or "I need some coffee" meaning that the day sucks without it.
I don't want to be addicted to it like them.

office drones who need coffee to function
people who get a headache when they don't have their morning cup

and it drains liquid from your body just like beer

Well they are none of that - mom is a cook, uncle a lumber jack, aunt is a school headmaster, grandma is retired and another uncle is a car mechanic.
Incidentally, apart from grandma, all of them smoke.

Oh look another coffee thread

Alright lads, I'll stick to moderate consumption when necessary.

Thanks for your input everyone Fuck this guy though

>Do you drink coffee every day? Does it still makes you less sleepy?

Yeah. I grind beans every morning and squeeze the shit out of them in my french press. One cup before work, two at work and one after. Tastes good even when it's gone cold. Feels good man.

No problems with sleeping.

It helps me take a shit after I wake up. Will that stay it also eventually stop? If it does stop, will 1 week break / 1 week take balance it out?

literally why the fuck wouldn't you drink coffee?

>I've noticed ever since i stopped drinking it daily, i don't wake up tired as fuck in the morning.

Wat. Is this true?

I was reading about Phelp's diet during his bulking periods and he describes having a coffee every morning.

If an Olympic athlete of his calibre can do it then I think everyone else will be fine.

I do off cycles for coffee alot. 3 months of daily drinking -> 1 month of not drinking.

Try this so you dont lose the benefits of coffee. If you drink to often without stopping the only benefit you get is no withdrawal.

Coffee only takes energy you already had in your body.

It is better to eat nutritious foods to actually give your body more energy.

I built resistance to a small degree - the first cups you take are really really potent. Nowadays I drink 3-4 cups a day, one is usually before a workout.

>it's delicous
That's why most people need to add sugar and/or milk? No, the taste of coffee sucks.
It's just an acquired taste. Nobody started drinking because it tastes good, they started drinking because of the effects of caffeine.

>the body has already produced a counter to the effects of caffeine
And this. This is why people who drink coffee regularly feel like shit if they can't get it. It is more or less an addiction. Albeit a week one.



What happens after daily coffee drinking is that you baseline level drops, so coffee only helps you get up to baseline again. In the beginning your baseline is higher so coffee brings you above that, but this effect diminishes over time.

My friend drinks multiple cups a day and has no problem drinking one right before bed. It's like he's immune to the caffeine at this point.

What should you do then? Cycle between coffee, speed and cocaine?

Don't quote me on this, but cycling on and off doesn't permanently restructure your brain again, the damage is already done. It will be much quicker to gain tolerance again, not at all like when you first started drinking.

I honestly think just water is best, at least for consistent energy levels. You won't get high, but you won't get low either.

I workout in my home gym every morning and sip two cups of coffee through the second half of my routine.

after my shower I feel so energized and it doesn't taper off. IF I feel like I'm crashing, which is a rarity, in the middle of the day I'll either pound water, have another small cup, or go for a run. or all of the above.

I like the taste and I drink such a small amount it's very affordable to enjoy good coffee everyday

oh and protip: the lighter the roast the more caffiene (typically)

breakfast blends are your best friend if you are drinking it based on getting energized. plus light roasts are mild enough to taste good black for casuals

ehh better than my adderall addiction
I used to be mr water fag but always got C's in school
now im taking 600mg of caffeine a day Im making A's in all my classes.
i wish i got on this shit during high school

Coffee is really good for you, no reason not to have it so long as you dont get to actually needing it to function.

I used to have one or two every other day and it was great. I developed crohns recently so have dialled it back as a precaution, but i still have a few a week.

The moment when they tried to give you a vaccine to kill you but God truly loves you and told you not yet my son. It's not your time to go. Demons feed off of your anger and I will always love you so hard to believe in God. God kills wicked pagans.

>That's why most people need to add sugar and/or milk? No, the taste of coffee sucks.

They add sugar and milk to chocolate as well. Doesn't mean that dark chocolate isn't delicious. It's not at all an acquired taste. It's just not sugary fatness as you're used to. And it's not "most people" (except in America perhaps).


>They add sugar and milk to chocolate as well

That's because raw cocoa is bitter and sucks ass. Just like black coffee.

>recommending less tasty coffee

uncultured American detected