User, the box said this has 24 proteins. That means you can eat it, right?

>user, the box said this has 24 proteins. That means you can eat it, right?

Yeah I'm bulking so it's fine, I'll just add in a protein shake later to balance out my macros.

For the last time my name isn't user

is that boxxy?


she must be repeatin her bangers name a lot, cuck. sorry

Who dat?

You aren't welcome here, please stop posting and leave

I dont care now get the fuck out of my house you uggo

No bitch, that aint nigger dick flavoured pudding

Newfag underage

Fuck off retard

Haven't you gotten the memo that nobody likes memes when you force them?

fuck off

I hope you shit in your own dick you pussiboi motherfucker

>MUH sekrit klub

>touching my food with your hands


>Getting b8'd this easily


This thread lol

Is that moot?

Kek I have those plates

Who is this cunt?

Have you made any good gains with them? Pics pls.

Some Korean super hero or something. This website is obsessed with him/her.

>Haha This burrito is bigger than your dick, user.

Why do niggers always have the gayest insults

You only need 3 preotens

nope, you just need a scoop of dat dere cell tech

[citation needed]

>tfw no boxy gf

boxxy is so cute I probably would not be able to tell her no, ever

my god


>tfw it's probably true

I dated a scene girl who acted just like boxxy, was the most annoying fucking shit imaginable. Don't go for girls who try to be overly annoying or prove to the world they have ADHD, try to find someone normal.


>going out to the movies with a bunch of friends
>ex-gf shows up
>she orders a hot dog at the movies
>"Wow, this hot dog is bigger than /u/Anonymous's dick!"
>everyone laughs at me
>qt friend I was talking to stops texting me
Live to feel.


But what if its my fetish?

Holy shit what a bitch, and your friends didn't tell her off or anything?

that's fucking brutal

Probably would have broken that bitch's legs desu fampire.

Should have taken the hot dog and thrown it down a wide hallway, give her a taste of her own medicine.


your friends are dumb as fuck if they laughed at that, desu

the only appropriate reaction to her joke was for everyone to look at her in confusion, awkwardness, and disgust


damn i miss doge

too soon

doge truly paved the way for a lot of puppers

im honestly hoping this is just bait

Well it's a big burrito

Well, now we know who the underage kids are

Lay the foundation pupper

was the sex good at least?

lay the foundation pupper

-i see your blowjob skills havent improved by much
-ah, ladylike as usual
-did you follow us all the way here just to play this for me? im flattered, jenny
-your stalking is 10/10, but the delivery lacked heart. but then again, cold approach has always suited you best

by being awkward and stumped, you screwed up and qt friend sees you suck

>this is what virgins do with their time

ye its big enough to fit that cavernous rotting hole you call your cunt.

>fat jew
>acceptable to post on Veeky Forums
jesus christ you boxxy lovers have shit taste

lay the foundation pupper

Lay the foundation pupper

Theyre good plates
Got them too

Only if you put it in your vagoo first.
And then I still won't eat it.

lay the foundation pupper

Absolutely not, she was trying too hard to get into that cringeworthy scene shit in bed. Clawing my back to a retarded degree, asking me to choke her then crying when I put any pressure around her neck (and I've choked basically every girl I fucked, she just sucks at getting choked). What I get for fucking a girl that was still in highschool though. The sex was terrible, I did all the work, she didn't know what she was doing, and worst of all she was in highschool, which means no life experience, which means if I don't fall asleep every conversation of ours is how her life of highschool sucks and how her life is harder than anyone elses.

Trust me, date a girl that is at least in college and has had a job. If she hasn't held at least one job by 20, she isn't worth dating for me. She doesn't need to get paid six figures, just have a job and at least have aspirations for community college.

the problem here wasn't her but the fact that you were dating a high school girl while not in high school. who the fuck does that?

I know, my fault. I was already 2 years into college and had a couple of seasonable jobs by then. Then again, now I'm dating a 5'0 russian girl 9 years older than me. Maybe I'll get my shit together someday.

lay the foundation pupper

Is this the krusty Krab

lay the foundation pupper

>be Veeky Forums regular
>girlposting errywhere
>leave Veeky Forums for 6 months
>girlposting still errywhere
Feels comfy man.

I-it was a different time back then.

It's bretty gud.

lay the foundation pupper

Too bad you haven't grown up at all, loser.

lay the foundation pupper

Youre thinking about it too much, you let your insecurities get to you and ruin your mood so that affected your behavior that night which is probably why people didnt talk to you. Life is about rolling with the punches

lay the foundation pupper

"You could still probably throw that hotdog down your hallway of a vagina pretty easily though, eh?"

lay the foundation pupper

Wow first pic where this bitch actually looks qt.

Could've said something that made her seem like a slut like "yes, that must be why you always yelled 'oh give it to me daddy'", coulve insulted any part of her body, couldve said something to make it seem like she was chasing you like "i know its hard but youre gonna have to try to stop wanting me at some point". Even "if you say so" with a smirk and confidence would have been fine. You messed up by letting it get to you. Being embarrassed/bothered by it implied that it was true.

well its a thick burrito. looks slightly above average length too.


Ha. Got me there

Laugh really hard while shaking your head.
And say "wow" with a huge smile.

She looks kinda cute again.