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Fuck you terry we can't all afford to pay for hookers like you
Using your imagination is better than porn
To late
Blowing a load once a day is optimal for gains. Sex is not necessary for this. He's just trying to stop people from getting gains.
You can blow a load without watching porn, you degenerate fuck
>have ED
>tfw 5 days of noporn/nofap
>just fapped right now to porn
After 2 days of nofap I started thinking about banging my dog.
>Blowing a load once a day is optimal for gains
citation needed
based terry
it's impossible to hate this man
I-I'm trying, T-Terry-san!
How so?
That feel when I'm boutta bust to some Little Caprice... FUCK TERRY I HAVEN'T SEEN REAL TITTIES IN TWO YEARS BRO, YA FEEL ME!?
Keep trying, I'm in the same boat and shits rough
Read his book Manhood. You will both gain respect for what he came from and lose respect for how much of a cuck he has become.
How about you go a year without any pussy and then tell me not to beat my meat fuckboi
The nerve of some people.
He's not saying you can't jerk off, just don't watch porn. I watched porn 3 times today and the third time I put my fingers in my butt
I'd rather not fap than stop watching porn, how else am I gonna see beautiful naked woman?
Real life
>tfw the porn you watch is actually women preparing food naked, save for an apron, with gratuitous shots of them mashing food with their hands as they describe the baking process and for some reason it's so arousing that you're so embarrassed you haven't been able to tell anyone
How does this even happen?
Nothing to be ashamed about getting turned on by wife material
What a fucking legend
Call Terry a cuck to his face, see how well that works out for you.
This, though a bit off kilter, is one of the least strange and embarrassing things to be aroused by. Maybe I'm just so used to worse weird shit that this seems super tame but I kinda think is right in the sense that you're getting off by sexy women being domestic, that's not too weird.
>a year
I've gone 21 years, what do I win?
I just deleted my porn folder, Thanks, OP.
Stopped watching porn and only blow loads on omegle. Using my gains and my fat man ass for evil is quite devilish. Mutual masturbation on omegle far exceeds porn.
Yeah keep saying that to yourself. Quit for one month and see how you feel.
>Two years
Get on my level, brah.
say what you want but it takes a lot of balls to actually make a video like that as a hollywood star
shit like that actually deserves respect
Careful with that shit bro, can become way more addicting than porn because you justify it with "ehh, it's a real connection" and then you end up on massive omegle marathons until 2 AM.
Source: Been there, trying to quit
Do you beat it with another guy? Cause a grill on there is rare enough, a grill that'd willing to masturbate with you? Unicorn mode
ty based terry
now i'm inspired to stop again.
because it doesn't fuck your brain up
Fuck that the test boost I get from falling to 2D tiddie is too good to get rid of
I'm gonna sound like a moralfag, but I believe that if celebrities talked about this instead of money, we would have less unhealthy people.
I never watch porn
I fap around 3 times a day and I use my imagination for all of it
My nigga
I've never seen real titties
Same here
we're all gonna make brah
You'll get a qt and you'll be happy because if you don't it mean I won't have one either and I don't want to die alone
where can you see naked women? other than a strip club maybe, but that costs money and makes me look like a creep
Go to the beach kid
This is now a dirty little secret thread. I pick my nose and eat my boogers. I-It's for the gains.
Judging rom his book and non acting appearances on TV he would probably say something along the lines of "son, I know you are full of anger and think that men are being cast aside or treated poorly, but if you just let that anger go and try to appreciate the little things life would be much better. I nearly lost everything trying to be an "Alpha" so call me whatever you want but I'm happy with my life."
watching porn makes you look like a creep too, you just get to hide nowadays.
I stick my head under the covers and judge my farts on six distinct categories, each equally weighted on a 1 to 10 scale, I then modify my diet healthily to try to improve upon past results. I sometimes judge my gf's sleepfarts too.
Was this fart particularly high or low pitch? Did it have a unique timbre? Did it show skill in pitch modulation?
How long was the fart? Was it one long unbroken fart or a cluster of shorter ones?
>Scent related to diet
Did a particular food make itself known in this fart?
>Scent related to unpleasantness
Was the fart smell better or worse than shit? How close was the smell to actual shit?
>Heat index
How fiery was the fart?
>Freestyle judging
Did the fart have any unique traits, or was it a purely technical fart?
Its basically my own personal Olympics but for farts.
I've seen them once. Like 7 years ago hahahaHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
>heat index
How did you judge your most recent fart?
7.3. Very intense execution but it was pretty brief. Smell was slightly above average, with clear hints of broccoli. It did get a solid 9/10 in freestyle because it sounded like my asshole shouted "RAGS!" which was pretty great.
fuck off tripfag
Are you implying you're gonna be each other's qt?
a month no porn so far!
It's pretty easy as time goes on and I definitely feel better. Less depressed, less lonely which is pretty funny because I used to watch porn to cure loneliness.
Who at the end of the fetish train here?
>cant even fap to /d/ dick horses anymore
>no sexual interest at all
>blood test says my testosterone is at 230 vs the normal 610
>Confidence is gone but this probably shame
>no interest in women
>anti depresants aren't working anymore
>urge to binge eat is out of control
>literally been wolfing down oatmeal and broccoli so i dont fall back into old habbits
>my last shit was so big it felt like i was losing my anal virginity
how about some actual source on that senpai
Do you lift, I'm curious.
Currently doing this with kik. Its fun when it works but the 2 AM nights thing really hit home
13th day nofap
I still look at porn because my life is empty and there is literally nobody for me to go out with
Been too depressed to jerk off...I did not ask for this
Bro you need to go outside and commit a crime get your blood pumping if you Un happy change something
nofap is stupid, noporn is the only thing you need to get on. It's to do with the immense dopamine rush that forms association and emotional connection to a machine, which is essentially what you are displaying in your behaviour.
Yes fapping can have some marginal effect on gains, but masturbation isn't the unhealthy part. It's when you get into edging and starting to look at it as a main source of entertainment where it becomes a problem. It leads to unnecessary desensitization and developments of fetishes and unhealthy obsession. Of course this is not a negative of porn alone, it's shared with a lot of things... It's just that porn is REALLY bad at doing it and barely anyone seems to want to fucking do anything about it.
I've gone a really long time in noporn, and it has fixed a lot of shit like I got my imagination back, things that are simple make me cum faster etc. I'm not going to lie and say I haven't relapsed, but that's not the focus. The focus is on reducing it so it's not a problem and hopefully removing it. But if you go long enough without it, you will be SO off the rush it gives you that when you look at it again in a relapse youll hear your heart beating and pressure builds in your ears, youll feel dizzy, addicted like you cant take your eyes off and impulsively not being able to pull yourself away. Those exact same feelings you had when you saw it as a child come back, and its really obvious just how disgustingly addicted and afflicted you've become through porn.
I mean, if youre ok with being a piece of shit then fine do whatever you like. But just trust me, things are so much better without it. It's not an easy road though so I don't blame people for not having the willpower. Porn addiction doesn't have to disrupt irl functionality to be an addiction either. If you're siting around on a PC edging for an hour with 30 tabs trying to find the one to bust a nut to, then you have a problem.
>thanks to porn you start see people as objects, you start to treat and use them like that
actually for me it's the complete opposite, if I don't watch porn I'm horny as all fuck and all I can think of is "I want to fuck that" while fightning my boner whenever I talk to a woman. But when I use porn regularly they're human beings to me again
There are fucking shit tons of sources holy shit learn to google.
Using your imagination is healthier because youre more focused on hitting the climax and eventually you lessen your need for visual stimulation and harder/weirder porn. And yes that is a thing.
ha.100% not kidding... if i don't fuck my girl or jack off i start having dreams about fucking everyone including family members..... and once a horse.... so don't fuckin judge me. also to the little girl that posted masterbate to imagination is better than porn, fuck you no it isn't.
No, all you have to do is jerk off without the porn until you get used to life without it.
paid for by a single rich hardcore freewill baptist couple
you can say that about anything but does it really make your life better? no. just get used to no cars, phones, computers, fun, life. fuckyou
The research is there, and it's not the only place. The research found on that site when compared to others is synonymous.
Research is research, it doesn't matter who it's conducted by. Don't be so ignorant.
Not him but I wouldn't mind it.
research... doesn't matter who conducted by... alllllllrighty.
My "research" says that you're a mindless nigger.
jesus christ you're retarded
>it's not the only place
other places use the sources created by yourbrainonporn. it IS the only place
>The research found on that site when compared to others is synonymous.
that's because they're copy and pasting from it
>Research is research, it doesn't matter who it's conducted by.
>Don't be so ignorant.
you too
>I mean, if youre ok with being a piece of shit then fine do whatever you like
lol you should step off the gas a bit on the baitmobile
I stopped fapping because it didnt give me that much pleasure considering how much time it took out of my day and how shit I felt after.
I'm using it as a motivation to get out and fuck something, I promised myself the next time I will come (except for wet dreams) will have to be from a woman. Why not torture myself, if there is a chance it might bring me to finally fuck, something that wasnt gonna happen if I continued like I did
>Have slight ED; can get hard but loose it when fucking. Even with gf whom I've been with for years. Rarely get morning wood.
>Try NoFap: ED gets WAAAAY worse. Can hardly get hard at all. No morning wood.
>Try fapping but no porn: gets a bit better but no real difference
>Try limiting fapping to porn to once a week; take it slow, not watching degenerate shit and not skipping vids or having 20 tabs up. Watch good quality boy-girl and "massage" my dick for like half an hour at least before blowing load. Gets better actually.
>Go full retard: jerk it once a day at least, watch degenerate shit (gangbangs, traps, piss... whatever. I literally just jacked it to Frozen porn lol). But also do tons of deadlifts and squats and eat test-raising foods and supplements. Problem now gone. No ED. Hard dick every morning, fuck my gf for hours if I want.
I don't like porn and ideologically agree with what Terry is saying. But damn, I just don't have those problems now that my test-levels are fixed...
Not really unicorn mode desu. On average takes about 1hour to find a sluttly girl on there. From there its just about being nice and pushing the conversation to sex. Then its just a textbook rate my body routine. Sucks though sometimes because the closer you get to mutual masturbation mode the easier it is to lose them and theyll disconnect, but when its happening they usually wont disconnect.
what about homemade porn you made with your gf?
I haven't fapped for 3 days, because I have delayed ejaculation during sex. Last 2 days I've been getting boners and shit but now on this day I ain't getting no boners.
I'm just kinda afraid that I loose my libido if I don't keep jacking it. Is that true? I don't want to become person that's uninterested in sex.
Should I start jacking again or should I keep away from fapping?
Jerking off makes me feel like a lonely worthless animal compared to all the cool people having sex and whatnot, but all else aside you just gotta do fucking squats.
Why is Terry so based?
Going to delete all my Brazzers shit and start to fap only to Yuro Erotique.
I'm gonna try no fap and only get off by using grindr.
Grindr is great, gay guys are so nice and friendly. Making friends by sucking cocks is fucking awesome.
No homo
I wish Nigella was my mommy
Doesn't he have like 5 wifes ?
All the more reason to listen to him
> will see my gf again on Tuesday
> will most likely get laid
> know I should stop looking at porn
> know I should cool it with the masturbation
> I just have no self control
> the worst part is that I've accepted that I have no self control so I tell myself it's okay even though I know it's not
Got to part 3. Then he said "I never used steroids"