What kind of body do women prefer?.
Big guy, high bf% on permabulk or low bf% and swole
What kind of body do women prefer?.
Big guy, high bf% on permabulk or low bf% and swole
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high bf wallet
Not the manlet
Do you really think anyone will pick the dwarf?
Idk man. How strong are you?
Fuckin twink, just has low bf%. Anyone who isnt skelly/auschwitz mode could out lift and beat the shit out of him.
every woman will take biebs over the bald disgusting dwarf any day of the week
These threads are so dumb.
Remember back to when you were younger. Did you have a sister? Friends who were girls? Were you in the same room as women at any time?
They put pictures of boys on their bedroom walls and in their lockers. Celebrities they thought were cute, who would inspire them to endlessly scribe their names in notebooks in glitter ink.
Now, focus on the images and ask yourself: how many of them were bodybuilders?
There is your answer.
I personally would prefer the guy in the left, maybe not to that extreme, but a guy who can take care of his body is something I admire than just just a guy who takes fitness sort of seriously like Bieber seems to. Also the guy on the left seems like he can protect me more and I would probably have more fun with him in bed if I'm being honest.
>caring what little girls want
Basic shit like hygiene and maybe having your own place will serve you faggots better
>what kind of body do women prefer
>a house
You are a dumb nigger. Answer the question that was asked.
Right for sure
>inb4 generalizations
If it's body only, 95% percent of the girls will pick Klokov over Bieber, even at the same height.
I'm not dumb enough to expect women to know what they want.
But if you want to play that game, twinkmode is not the best option because most of us don't walk around shirtless all day.
zac efron
then and now
who cares, I've given up trying to please them
13-19 right
20-23 left
24-30 right
31+ left
Girls want to be dominated. A bigger male will typicaly seem more dominating. Not always true, but it's true enough that more mass is what they really want.
Girls don't know what they want. Watch what they do as individuals when it comes to this. Their group think will deceive you.
Most girls preffer Ottermode.
And I mean most. As in, no less than 80%
Only White conservatives aged 40-60 would pick the fat bald ugly man on the left.
low status on the left, high status on the right
deal with it
the one that's famous
it's 10% physique, 90% status
they wanna fuck the guy they can brag to their friends about actually even meeting in person.
Ripped guys are a dime a dozen amongst each other. Hundreds of thousands of them on Instagram. Muscly nobodies. Miles ahead of the fat nobodies, but still not much else
the top percent on the sexual market are always celebrities. It's not even about money, it's just about being well-known for being the shit at something
Oh god its true then.
Women just want black guys because thats all my sister liked.
In all seriousness. Look at this image. Do you find her sexy? I do and she has the perfect body for me. Your opinion will probably be different.
Hey guess what? Women are like that too.
ask yourself this
would girls give a fuck about bieber if not for his money/popularity?
A guy's physique is just a status symbol. A sign of value, just like everything else about a man that women judge. At the end of the day, girls want value. And with females groupthink, they want guys that all the other girls see value in too. That's social proof for desirability
On a primal level, it's "hey, this guy is worthy because thousands of other girls think he is."
a person being famous is just a higher sign of value and social proof than being in shape and unknown.
>not understanding social patterns
low status men like low status women like those in your pic
the only reason girls want biebers twink ass is cause he is worth millions
that is it
girls fuck fat guys with ferraris but its only because of status
The percentage of women who lust after bodybuilders is probably proportional to the number of men who lust after morbidly obese women. Do such people exist? Sure. Are they even close to the majority? No.
Hah. I make 80k a year. Wouldnt consider that low status I just dont like gold digging sluts who think they deserve it all because they were shat out a little better looking then someone else.
Not to mention those "high status" women are fucking low class scrubs behind their husbands back and at my old job as landscaper I can tell you it happens a lot especially when we pop our shirts off.
>women don't know what they want
>I do
Lol, this condescension though.
>and at this point you raped her?
>no no, we had sex
>the plaintiff states she repudiated your advances several times
>brah, women don't know what they want. I do.
right, but remember that it's not just about net worth either. it's about the lore
a schmuck who wins the lottery for a hundred million, but has no talent or fame, won't have as much status a guy who only has a few million but is internationally renowned
athletes aren't just popular for being jacked and rich, but also for the extremely high amount of social pre-approval. it is fatal for guys to ignore this element but so many do
Holy shit. I cant believe you guys. I know Veeky Forums is full of autists that have never talked to a girl but holy shit. If any of you are kidding yourself into thinking anything more than .5% of women would take a bald chubby powerlifter over a lean defined body with a little muscle then you need to log off immediately. Power off the computer and go outside. Please do yourself this favor
>I have a superiority complex
>forever alone and bitter
>there is nothing wrong with me, so I blame women and resent them
>my resentment makes me want to dominate them and show them their place
>I project my desires onto others
>therefore, women want to be dominated
You're welcome. I just saved you thousands in pychiatric invoices. I wish you luck in your healing journey.
Stop fooling yourselves, the only body a woman wants is this. Argue all you want but it is a fact.
Women want your money.
my entire point is that people pick the twink in this case cause that twink has money and status
bieber looks like shit, even for ottermode
I'm an actual girl but okay...
I notice some of you guys do these two things:
1) Assume only guys browse Veeky Forums like a girl on Veeky Forums who cares about fitness and Veeky Forums's humor is impossible.
2) That you guys seem to honestly believe you understand the minds or thoughts of literally billions of women either based on the ones you've encountered or have heard of and think all women are the same, yet half of you claim the other half has barely touched a women which is very contradictory, but alright then.
I just wanted to clarify that women could find the left more attractive than the right even if some of you guys can't perceive that, it's possible.
No, if you presented women with two photos, the powerlifter in OP and an anonymous not famous guy who has the same body and facial aesthetics of JB and you asked women which man appeals to them most, they would invariably pick the guy that looks like JB. No status involved, purely animal attraction.
>what type of body do men prefer?
>high bf% but curvy or low bf% but skinny?
This is how retarded you sound.
I know that was your entire point. Thats why I gave you a (You). Youre a fucking idiot
>im a girl so i can speak for all womyn
Yes im sure there are some that would. A very small portion of the population. Im speaking in generalizations here
This site really is full of autists
What do women like?
1. Assertiveness, dominance and confidences
2. Social status
3. The ability to provide for a family
I never said I spoke for all women and I never will; I'm just saying finding the guy on the left attractive is not impossible. You're the one that actively pointing out that you're generalizing which is what I'm trying to avoid because some of you guys have this warped sense of women that some women have of men and it's really sad actually. Also, I was originally responding to the user that claimed I was a guy just because I went against the norm.
Biebs if he were taller than a smurf
>all womyn are special snowfleks
>pls dont generaliz my people this is oppresion
fuck off chubby chaser
yeah well I dont want to be the guy that is getting his dick sucked only because he has money
who wants to be that guy?
This may trigger a lot of guys here, but the truth is that girls don't care -quite- as much about how we look as we'd like to believe
oh they do give a shit, don'the get me wrong, but it's such a small piece of the pie
you know how some say cutting is 20% working out and 80% diet?
well that's what it's like for physique and status. looking good is great, don't stop working at that, but next to a guy's fame and influence, it's practically nothing
you're close, but not quite there
money can be a byproduct of a guy rising to a certain level of status, but money alone doesn'the get a girl wet. It'll make her think a guy is "secure" as a meal ticket and she'll be down to fake a few orgasms in the hopes of never paying a heating bill again, but that's not really lust
the real desire comes from the influence, the power, the "legend" of the man. fame. recognition for talent. a history book marker. someone who is immaterialy significant. these things compel a women to fuck without expecting any money. the sex with him IS the reward, not a means to an end. they'll fuck him for his name, not because they think he's a walking ATM
you can't buy that
>all women have the same preference
Oh I never said that, I just don't enjoy the generlizations especially on something that is opinion based and I don't think that is oppressive all people are my people not just women, I just don't see why I would be considered an "autist guy" for liking left more than right. I never said left I was ideal, I even said a less extreme version of left would be more favorable, but over right? Any day of the week user.
This, thank you!!! That's all I've been trying to say.
Every guy on the planet.
Sex hasn't been a thing worthy of earning in ever and it's cheap as fuck.
you're so close to getting it but not quite there
it is not the money
it is the recognition and social proof
money can be a byproduct of that, and meticulous women will suck dick they're not attracted to for their own means, but the social approval for a man's talent is what they go for without needing anything else.
you don't want to be someone they reluctantly fuck in the hopes of buying shit. you want to be fully actualized in a talent or hobby that just so happens to get you mass recognition
Many guys just aren't involved in (or talented at) things that come with a chance of gaining serious respect and fame, so they invest all of their points in money or physique. Can't really blame them. It's not realistic to expect everyone to have a knack at something that makes them famous
but I mean, its better when a girl wants to fuck you for you, not cause you are rich.
its a satisfaction thing.
yeah a lot of girls just use guys to make themselves look better, even with a fat fuck in a ferrari it says "see, people with status want me"
if you dont enjoy generalizations why did you open a thread where OP asked a generalized question? Are you retarded? Im thinking yes
Money is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
And men with money and a bit of common sense can afford and handle having women who only want him for his cheddar.
girls who date guys for money still fuck the dudes they find physically appealing on the side anyways
these girls are essentially escorts, if you think about it
I'd say less of an aphrodisiac and more of a bargaining chip
And aphrodisiac is something that makes you horny
Money convinces women who aren't actually horny to endure the sex that stands between them and the money
furhtermore, many women will oftentimes actually WITHOLD sex from a guy who is rich so that he keeps paying her way without pumping and dumping. The term is "beta bux"
now if you are the man she will fuck for free, my friend, then you have become the aphrodisiac
Well, yeah. Of course.
But guys who know women are with them for their money see them as fucktoys and distractions not partners.
it is much smarter to keep your income a secret from women if you can help it
like said, revealing your financial power level can actually backfire and make her try to blueball you until your piggy bank has been vampirized
yeah theres a fine line, some people are naive enough to think they are with them for their personality
but the 50 year old fucking 21 year olds knows she doesnt give a shit about anything but $.
Women who fucked a man who was wealthy or more powerful then them reported more and better orgasms.
if you just want money to get the pussy for you, then it seems like just getting prostitutes would be a whole lot less trouble
the professionals will simply do their job on your nuts and leave. goldigging basic bitches will go to absurd lengths to fuck your shit up if they know you're rich and get desperate for a cut
ergo, the better alternative is to attract regular women without spending a cent on them or telling them about a cent you have, while commissioning the odd hooker now and then who you can count on to leave you alone
>more powerful
this part is truthful. Power means influence, influence means social recognition
>more wealthy
Either a byproduct of the aforementioned power, or a trap to convince men reading the survey to keep saving broke hos. Steer clear of the latter and focus on the former
by the way, source?
Money = power in the eyes of most people.
Secondly, fucking a the hottest of broke ho's and making them cream by simply flashing a fist full of twenties is not the same as being captain saveaho.
As for source, I don't know. I read it while going through some psychology forums a long while ago.
ehhhh I'd still be careful
the issue is that the average rich guy's appeal as an easy meal ticket will outweigh the "power" perceivable from it, unless he's legitimately in a position of serious authority or influence
as long as you know the woman doesn't actually think you're attractive and just wants the dough, taking advantage of that (if she actually lets you fuck instead of holding out to coerce you into sharing your wealth) could have benefits
but for god's sake don't actually spend cash
You're actually acting like the well off guys don't instinctively know a chick is a gold digger or that the gold digger has any real power in that relationship.
That she doesn't know that he knows that she's there for the money/fame/power/protection and he doesn't hold all of the power.
That a rich guy would go after gold diggers and literal whores and not go after the sexy young working class or poor litteral farmers daughter who'll squee like a loli in a candy store after buying her a small diamond bracelet or giving her a ride in a limo.
>What kind of body do women prefer?.
Different strokes for different folks. Some chicks like hairy dudes, some don't. Some chicks prefer ottermode over bearmode and vice versa. Training for females is retarded and is a sign of poor self esteem. Poor self esteem of a man is the number one cause of vaginal drought.
>justin faggot
beta bux, my boy
I wish it wasn't true, but it happens every day. It's the opposite of rational
you underestimate the desperation of lonely men with more money than common sense
>buying her a small diamond bracelet or giving her a ride in a limo.
fucking dumb
on top of the fact that she might not even put out after that
just get a hooker
Women like height regardless of body type. They're much rather have a tall fat guy than a tinytrip. Sorry manlets, why do you even bother working out?
I am by no means able to speak for the entirety of the female population. Your dwarf is creepy as hell though
Disgusting nails. Wouldn't bang even if my life depended on it.
Under rated post
>tfw you will never get a big, manly and strong guy as your bf
>tfw you are stuck with the right kind
Do I need to be high test to attract the left? Where can I find them outside of the gym? Please help!
Try McDonald's you fucking chubby chaser
I don't think you know what that word means
Whichever has the lower body fat percentage, obviously.
They'll have 'abs', and a more defined facial structure, due to less fat on the face, which makes everyone more attractive.
Bieber is a manlet though, he'd get laughed at in any tall country. He's shorter than my little mum hahahahhahahaha
That top drawing is adoable
right is the only correct answer. it is what women want
Speaking solely from personal experience:
I got a ton of attention from women at 10-12% bodyfat. Like, an insane amount. Literally getting groped by girls at night clubs and cat called by groups of teenage girls as I walked past them on the sidewalk. It's important to note that while I worked out, I wasn't even that muscular. I basically looked like pic related, which is dyel by the dysmorphic standards of Veeky Forums.
When I decided to bulk up to around 22% bodyfat in an attempt to get stronger, it was like a switch was thrown. I suddenly became invisible to women. I don't know if it's because my body was thicker or just because my facial aesthetics were reduced by my higher bf % but I went from having girls flirt with me wherever I went to having girls avoid eye contact. Like I was a fucking leper or something.
Note: I am tall and somewhat handsome. This shouldn't make my results count less, however. I think if anything the difference in the way women treated me should just be even more noticeable.
never go above 16%
i prefer high bf perma bulk but i am """high test""" so i might just be insecure
This. It's been like that for centuries
So basically women want men who are Men.
Meanwhile, out in the real world, I've been with girls simply because they thought I'm a decent-looking, likable guy who is fun to be with. Weird.
>the real desire comes from the influence, the power, the "legend" of the man. fame.
I agree completely. And if we could condense all of this into a single word, the word would be status. This is why a high school quarterback might be a complete nobody in the grand scheme of things but still able to fuck every Stacy in school like the Chad he is. No one in the "real world" knows who he is but he has status in his microcosm of society.
Status is what makes a guy "alpha" (or whatever silly words fitizens ascribe to Chads).
I want to look like this guy shortterm, and like eric bugenhagen 5+ years natty term
this is me by the way
I dont give a fuck about girls, I just want to look intimidating and swole
I like this body type on men.
Sure-- keep believing the "no grils on the internet" meme, autists.
Intimidating? Are you saying your desire to be big comes from a place of insecurity or anger?
hahhahah fuck that was cringe. Do everyone favor and just like, not post ever again? btw your taste in women is fucking shit, oh well.
>9 months
Not bad, mirin FRAME.
Justin Beiber
thats a BINGO
classic greek thicc mode is best natty mode
I remember they were writing articles about the biebs lifting last year, but he looks the exact same over a year later, did that faggot just give up?