could lifting change their lives?
Could lifting change their lives?
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Did he FUCK that thing?
Please say no.
Even if he did please say no.
How the fuck did she survive even the first pregnancy?
You should put two fingers in your daughter's pussy and take a pic if it's going to be posted on the internet, that's just common sense.
Oh fuck. That goblin gave birth to Andy Serkis
golem get ye gone
>tfw this fucking genetic failure that would've been discarded in ancient times not only has sex but got married and even had children yet I'm still a kissless virgin
This is why first world countries need to be nuked. It's completely fucking up the gene pool. Her disorder shouldn't have been passed on, but look what she went and did. I fucking hate the modern world.
How fucked is your life if you settle for that thing? Id honestly rather die alone.
Cmon guys that's what white men can get now. Don't be racist.
How the fuck would it even work? She is literally a ball.
what the FUCK is that turkey-baster looking thing at the bottom right of the second pic for?
" We're going out for dinner, honey. Put on your best Sponge Bob PJs"
Imagine fucking that thing. It'd be like fucking a balloon or something
>this genetic failure is by definition not a genetic failure because she found a mate
>while you did not
If she had a better face I could be into this desu.
Don't get me wrong, I think that lady is gross, but don't fucking get upset because you're an undesirable dickhead, it's pathetic.
Top kek
Why are people so selfish to bring children that are carrying this kind of genetic disorder into the world?
She was pregnant there with a third child, too.
Well, I guess 'normal behaviour' is a stretch in that family.
The thirst of some men knows no bounds.
>baby on the right
The daughter that turned out normal looks cute.
those kids are normal though
they might even have better genetics than you faggots
>gives birth to healthy kids
>found a partner
>genetic failure
while you are
>a manlet
>found no partner
>down syndrome girl getting tall ok looking white guys
>that thing in OP
i wonder if the opposite happens as well.
Those kids aren't normal. You can tell by their heads; the shape is off. Also there's something about their eyes, too
Maybe he's a country boy. You know, lack of available mates and a strong thirst can really change someone standards. Just look at Veeky Forums. These fat neckbeard losers that will never get laid post the most basic looking beta women and drool over them like their goddesses.
This dude did it so he could look like a le gentleman to get normie puss.
Also that's probably the best looking chick with downs I've seen, but maybe it's just the hair, makeup and dress.
>could lifting change their lives?
No the kids are gonna be total manlets no amount of lifting can fix that
Hell no.
Absolutely rekt
She is evolutionary Veeky Forums
What are you user?
>Imagine growing up in that family
The horror
Wish I had a photo but my classmate on the basketball team took a literal retarded paraplegic girl to prom from the ghetto. I think she's dead.
Am I the only that things he actually did something nice?
He could probably have asked a normal Stacy girl out to the prom and mega-ram her, but instead made that down syndrome girl feel normal for a day.
Maybe he rammed downie, you don't know. Maybe he's retarded too, but looks normal.
>Am I the only that things
Jesus Christ brain, why must you always embarrass me in front of the cool kids!
She probably offered to then got his dick suck before he took her home early as fuck.
Went back to the dance later and fucked half the hot doe eyed girls who's heart he melted with his kind selfless act.
that woman looks like she only has a head and a womb. Broodmother or something.
Just goes to show women have it on easy mode. No matter how disgusting or genetically inferior you are there will always be a line of betas wanting to fuck with you.
Manlet reporting in,I found a mate
Find the pic or give us the school and year it was
It wasn't an act of pity or charity on his part man.
They're genuinely going out.
This should be illegal
Not bad for a downie desu. Would never breed with tho
LOOK AT THOSE FUCKING LEGS. LOOK AT THAT HORRIBLE LITTLE SHIT FROG BALLOON SPAWN. It's this type of degenerate shit that's creeped me out my whole life. I've known people like this, always smelling like milk and scratching flakes off their head onto their desk at school. Those kids are pants pissers I bet you $100. Busted up sketcher wearing, snaggle tooth, candito training looking weirdos. WHY IS THIS ALLOWED
Looks like Joseph Gordon Levitt
That sick fuck
>Busted up sketcher wearing, snaggle tooth, candito training looking weirdos
Gonna name my aesthetics crew this
Maybe that's his fetish.
sharp group
Why do people delete their posts when they make a mistake anonymously? Don't be so fucking insecure.
>[insecurity intensifies]
It wasn't as funny as I thought it'd be anyway
christ he looks like Pullo
oh my god
why aren't we using eugenics already?
Oh it's happening.
It's just that you're part of the who gives a shit cattle class and they would rather have you pumping out useful slaves or sterilized.
And the media academia many government programs chemicals in all things and carefully manipulated social media is set up to ensure this happens.
Because retards will ironically cry inhumane while letting these creatures create even more cruel jokes of nature
I don't like this people, perfectly "healthy" people are passing along ALS and shit like that.
>shit frog balloon spawn
As humans devolve, AND WE ARE DEVOLVING, just make sure to pass on your superior genes. Your descendants will go on to enslave the mutant masses and rule the world as princes.
"ok looking" he's attractive though. Chances are he was just being nice, ie has a long distance gf or something or probably her brother.
There was a thread about her here a while ago. she actually turned down another male downie that wanted her because of his stronger retardation.
All women are the same, no matter the level of birth defect...
This. Love is one huge marketing campaign aimed at men.
Go to a forum frequented by mostly women where they think they are safe from male interference (something like: the average woman in a mans body would be deemed a sociopath by any standards.
Women are great at reading emotions and not controlling theirs, a deadly mix.
At my high school they would select a retarded girl or guy out of the pool of about a dozen retards to be the prom prince or whatever and some popular kid would take them to prom out of pity.
Kinda sad that but I don't think the retards were that aware.
It's /pol/ bait bro, ignore him
This is probably just a high school prom or homecoming or something. He's just being a good guy.
You fucking newfags. The story behind this picture is they were friends since childhood, he's a chad who could have asked anybody out but he's a chad with a good soul and gave her a nice evening. After that he pounded Stacey before going to college
Again fingering the pussy.
>Cares about the gene pool
>Thinks it will affect him
It's not like your gonna accidentally fuck a basketball, and why care if its not your bloodline? If you're really worried get your mates dna sequenced under the guise of checking your potential babies eye color
Wtf? Who hurt you? All humans want to mate better. Do you want to date a fucking downie?
If anything it's mens' fault for accepting this. No one is forcing you to have sec with women you deem unworth yourself or whatever.
Just because molesting children is constantly on your mind doesn't mean everyone else is a pedo. Guy is just holding his kid in a very conventional manner, in the first pic the kid probably squirmed so it looks a bit weird.
Oldest daughter looks pretty adorable to be honest. May turn out to be normal/hot.
>Average looking guy, with average job and average personality marries girl who was average looking but is now a bit fat, who quit her job and who is a tad boring and obnoxious.
The woman usually considers this settling because she had been told all her life she is a princess and never got punched in the face when she crossed the line.
I'm not saying that guys have to fall for this (although if they want sex anytime soon without having to dust off the old rape helmet, they better) but it definitely shows how narcissistic women are.
Truly high test
Seems to me that they
>tfw no qt downie gf
That man looks exactly like someone who would impregnate a woman like that.
To feed he baby
She obviously cannot breast feed hr devil spawn
Damn Russell Crowe you could have done better.
Based on that pic alone I would genuinely not be surprised to learn that this dude fucks his daughters
Maybe, stop me now if this sounds cliché, it's because you're a horrible person and nothing to do with how you look. Hm?
Men are told they are wrong for wanting to find a better mate. No homo but the guy in the pic is a solid 7.5/10 and could be slaying 7's but he dates a 4/10 girl with down syndrome.
>Men are told they are wrong for wanting to find a better mate
By who? I've never been told this. It sounds like you're experiencing confirmation bias from all these fph and /r9k/ threads juxtaposed with very little irl social interaction.
Also guy in the pic isn't actually dating the downie girl, he just took her to prom because they're friends and she probably wouldn't had anyone else to go with
What a bro
I went to check out one of those boards and this is from a pregnancy one hahahaha
That says a lot about how bottom of the barrel your genes are.
Wow, I think they might fit in here
The divorce threads on those sites are the worst.
>I have been fucking every man in a 50km radius because one time my husband sighed when I told him the epic story of how I had a bitching contest with the cashier at the deli.
>How do I absolutley crush him emotionally and financially, but stop just short of making him kill himself - thereby having him weasel out of paying alimony.
>Cue 100 sub-urban housewives sharing tips on fraud, gasslighting and other depraved bullshit that only belongs in psychological torture porn.
He's a bro and she looks great. Note that a girl with Down's Syndrome managed to be slim and not a hambeast, unlike 70% of regular girls.
Find the 2 and tomorrow you will get kissed 55555555555555555555555555555555552555555555555555555555555555555555555 count down 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1... Now close your eyes snd make a wish! Paste this into 15 coments and your wish will come true! Hurry you have 29 mins or opposite of your wish will happen
This is why I approve of the death sentence.
Damn. That dude is cool as fuck.