So I can leg press over 1,000 lbs with a full range of motion. How common is this?
Leg Pressing
Leg pressing is a joke, start squatting.
Anybody who can squat 3 pl8 ATG can do that.
Not super impressive.
Do squats.
If leg presses don't matter then why does my gym have 5 different leg press machines
for women and old people
The same reason it has 40 treadmills, because it brings in retards.
>why does my gym have equipment that gives people the false sense of accomplishment?
like most isolation exercises, there's a benefit to them, but mostly only to body builders and people who know what they're doing.
Bullshit, I can ego press 5 plates per side with good ROM for reps but can barely rep 2plate on the real squat
Heavy squats are bad for your joints no matter how good of form you use.
Leg press is fine if you use good ROM and get the rest of the leg with other exercises
most men i see use the machines typically leg press between 3 and 5 pl8s. I was leg pressing 20 pl8s total. Its unrelated to squat though. I don't squat due to a past shoulder injury
I have a torn acl - no insurance.
Full squating hurts my knee. I still do them but not over 225 lbs.
Leg press I can do 315 with no pain.
I do both. Just do what works for you, mane.
you cannot fuck up implication vs equivalence this badly retard
Honestly I like both squats and leg press. Leg press definitely gives me more of a pump in my quads when I do 8-10 reps.
Squats are obviously great.
>not doing both
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Anyone with a 3plate squat can leg press 1000 pounds
>Question why I leg press 1000 pounds but can barely squat 2plate
>5 plates per side
>1000 pounds
Are you this bad at math?
Can you do 10 pl8 per side
>5 plates per side
That's 10 plates of 45 pounds total. Which is 450 pounds, which isn't even half of 1000, you complete moron.
5 per side, 10 total
1000 pounds, plus however much the machine component thing itself weighs
1 plate is 100 pounds
You really are this stupid, it's amazing.
>Enter a thread
>Act retarded and masturbate to the thought of people being frustrated by your posts