>2015 >have female coworker >has a bf since 7 yrs ago >I manage to bed her >she goes on vacation with bf and returns engaged >however we still bang on the reg >ffw to today, lunch time in the office >"gee my ex called me to offer me a ride to the office this morning" >uh-huh >"I turned him down because I dont wanna mess up the wedding etc" >mfw internally >"yeah good thinking" >mfw 2 weeks ago we went to a cheap motel and fucked her twice in the jacuzzi, then went to bed and banged two more times and creampied her >mfw you turn down a ride because you wanna behave but it is totally ok when a guy raw dogs you >mfw last week we fucked again while she was having her period >lel women "logic"
Also this girls wants me to be her trainer to the wedding, we have like 4 months before they get married, what routine shall I put her into? do I just put her right into SS or SL with the proper form introduction?
Also the diet, would IIFYM in a standard deficit be enough?
thx guise
Camden Powell
Dominic Brown
you already did this shit once today the fuck out of here with your "alpha male" bullcock
Dominic Kelly
Found the cuck
Brandon Davis
low reps, high weights.
25-30 minutes of strenuous cardio every single day.
Brayden Rogers
just make her do cardio if she isn't looking to continue it after the wedding.
Elijah Taylor
one of the gimp seats is open (basically padded toilet seats where the regular cinema seat should be, you're supposed to put a bucket the cinema gives you under it so literal retards can piss and shit while watching films, one is on each side all the way back in the nosebleed seats so they don't bother people) load up on snacks with my EBT card; popcorn, nachos, hotdogs, burgers, sodas, mini pizzas, Milk Duds, the works claim my comfy gimp seat "in with the new, out with the old" non-stop for the entire duration of the film, have half a mind to think I'm pissing and shitting beverages and food I ate earlier in the film film's over, get up to leave I forgot to get a bucket big mucousy turds running down an aisle turned into a slip-'n'-slide of piss and spilled soda (and a tiny little bit of blood, I don't get enough fiber) big box of plain nachos I didn't eat (because the meat and cheese was on the nachos on the top) falls out of my lap and spills all over the place try to catch it and accidentally knock the rest of my soda over I'd hate to be the one who had to clean that up, they probably closed that theater for the rest of the day and lost thousands of dollars on canceled screenings.
Gavin Harris
that's cool OP, but starting a thread to brag about yourself isn't very alpha
Henry Lewis
False, A true alpha does whatever the hell he wants
Luke Gutierrez
William Gomez
Women want emotional fidelity above all, men want sexual fidelity above all. (Women want a provider, men want to raise their biological children)
Women, due to their solipsism and egotistical nature, have a trouble understanding why men want that.
To her, fucking OP is okay because she still loves her fiance and there is no attachment to OP. But meeting up with her ex would be cheating emotionally, so that's a no.
That, and a big part of rationalization of her emotions and behavior ('I'll stop fucking him after the wedding', 'it's not like I don't love my boyfriend, I'm going to marry him after all').
Christopher Kelly
So yeah, don't get married, lift, have multiple fuckbuddies, don't get married, and enjoy life.
Mason Nguyen
Jaxon Williams
But then who would provide her with emotional support when times get tough?
Brandon Sanders
someone is going out of their way to shitpost with this pasta and the "my parents are gains goblinz" one and I don't know why
Gavin Martin
Because this is summer and we are invaded by r9kbots
Nathaniel Robinson
>feeling the need to brag to a bunch of autists on a manga image-board
Gee, you sure are alpha OP
John Morgan
I hate how much this makes sense and doesn't make sense at the same time.
I'm going to die alone and I am ok with this
Evan Mitchell
Better alone than being a cuck, man
Jose Brown
She can get a cat or take up feminism or some shit
Colton Johnson
>he does not brag about the bitches he gets with his new aesthetics