Bent Over Row
Bent Over Row
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looks like a pendlay famalam
useless fuckng shit
just use a cable or dumbells
Explain. How is a machine better than a barbell exercise?
>dat rounded lower back
good if you can keep your form correct, not good if you're using your hips to jerk the weight up.
shouldn't be the only exercise you do for your back either, pair them with pullups/chinups/deadlifts etc.
Chinups and Deadlifts.
when :
the barbell exercise is not a full body exercise
the barbell exercise does not offer significant better stimulation for the muscle groups compared to other options
the barbell exercise presents a clear mechanical disadvantage that difficults proper overload
the barbell exercise is not a competition lift
But what about things such as use of synergy muscles and stabilizers and that stuff? Does that not add something of value to the exercise?
To me the ROM is so shitty that I disregard them now.
It can. It can also fuck things up when the requirements of those start to interfere with the goal of the trainee when using that exercise.
I like barbell rows. I do a ton of them because they work for me. But Christ do they have a habit of beating up the lower back. And that, for many people, makes them a lesser choice than chest-supported or DB rows or basically anything where you can get a good lat/trap/rhomboid workout without worrying if you're going to fry out your erectors because of all the added volume.
usually yes but bent over rows of any kind are not an efficient row exercise
Why not both? I rotate all kinds of rowing movements, barbells, dumbbells, t-bar, cables, overhand, neutral, underhand grip, chest supported, non chest supported... You don't have to pick just one.
hey if you are ok with the extra stress on your lower back then go for it
but when i'm rowing i want to train my upper back, i definitely don't need or want extra volume on lower back specially if i'm training deads squats and cleans too
Wow that bent lower back
kek'd idk why haha
>But Christ do they have a habit of beating up the lower back
They shouldn't, and you don't need to nor should you max out on barbell rows
I'm 90% sure rowing has subtly different effects depending on how much you're bending over and where you're rowing to. With dumbbells, I row to my shoulder, which is high. With cables, I row to my belly, which is low. With a barbell, I Yates row instead of pendlay, row to about the middle.
It's not better, but different.
My back muscles are incredible after doing that every back day, along with wide grip and close grip lat pull down.
Do all three if you can handle the volume. Do you incline, decline or flat bench on chest day?
Worse than deadlift for lower back? No matter what rows you do, deadlift will fuck you up more.
My back hurts just looking at it.
He wants to have his lower back fresh for deadlifts, squats and cleans, stupid, nobody said anything about damaging their lower back.
Posted this in qtddtot: When doing pendlay/barbell rows, what amount of knee bend is too much? I have a a good bit of knee bend so that I can reach the bar without moving my torso between reps. "Personal trainer" at my gym said I was bending my knees too much and setting the bar down. I told him I wasn't doing Yates rows, but he didn't know what that was. I told him I wasn't going to argue with him about which style I wanted to use, and asked if he felt I would injure myself doing it this way, which was a no because I'm keeping my back straight it's my legs are long and my arms are short. Thoughts?
>deadlifts are bad for your back
>not doing face pulls instead
Provided you're not standing upright and rowing, thus destroying your shoulders, you're probably good.
Mate my back is on fire after deadlifts, do not recommend. I'd rather cram 3 rowing exercises and 2 variations of lat pulldowns to justify not doing deadlifts.
That's a deltoid exercise.
I do them after deadlifts. Low weight (135-155) high rep (12-15) super strict form. My upper back and grip have really benefitted.