Basically weight 110lbs at 6'0, have a hard time gaining weight.
I just can't force myself to eat food. Someone recommended me to eat every three hours, is this a good idea?
Any other tips?
Basically weight 110lbs at 6'0, have a hard time gaining weight.
I just can't force myself to eat food. Someone recommended me to eat every three hours, is this a good idea?
Any other tips?
Eat a lot, preferably clean
GOMAD is always an option
Maybe mass gainer if you're really desperate
Eat. But you need to eat certain things.
For a while I stayed at 120 and shoveled food day after day with no change. You need to include things like protein bars and protein shakes.
milk, peanut butter, mcdoubles
Add 2 or 3 tbsp of olive oil to every meal. It comes to an entire nother meals worth of calories, without doing shit by way of satiety
Basically how much protein do I need if I try to go to the gym every day?
So that'd amount to 9 tbsp of olive oil a day? Okay
Drink as many calories as you can.
Gainer shakes, milk, nuts, pizza
Here's my standard bulking diet, easy 3000+ calories a day:
Breakfast shake - 900cals (can add peanut butter or olive oil for more):
500ml milk
100g instant oats powder (myprotein)
1 scoop of whey
Lunch - chicken sandwiches - 800cal:
4 slices of seeded wholemeal bread
Cheese spread
Dinner - 1000 cal:
chicken, rice & veg - 800cal
or meat pizza - 1200 cal
Snacks - 450 cal:
crisps/chips - 150 cal
50g peanuts or cashew nuts - 300cal
>Basically weight 110lbs at 6'0, have a hard time gaining weight.
>I just can't force myself to eat food. Someone recommended me to eat every three hours, is this a good idea?
Okay so there is a trick for people like you with a special body type that makes it LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to gain weight. You gotta start giving yourself whey enemas. Hands down was the only factor in me putting on 30lbs of lean mass and getting toned dude. It's alot simpler of a method and safer then just eating more.
This seems a little bit off in ratios. Doesn't it matter how much fats / carbs I eat as a bulker?
you are literally a human twig. i know 5'3 girls who weigh more than you. eat some fucking food, get a solid amount of protein, and stop giving a shit about extraneous details like MUH MACROS.
milk and peanutbutter
As long as you get a decent amount of protein with each meal you'll be fine. Calories are the most important thing when first bulking. Without getting enough calories you're just not gonna gain weight.
The ratios for that meal plan with the chicken rice & veg dinner would be 345/110/135 (carbs/fat/protein). 135g of protein a day is plenty for someone at 110lb. Most people recommend 1g of protein per lb of body weight.
Could maybe do with a bit more fat but that won't make much of a difference.
Fat/carb ratio does not matter for most people. You just need to get food in however possible, you have a dangerously underweight BMI.
You should be going to a doctor about this, really. Some medication can be used to increase appetite.
Thanks lads
Another question
I like lentils, they've got 23g of protein per 100g
Is it the same quality as animal proteins?
People keep posting this spunk sprite on here, who is she??
Brazilian chick, 20 y/o iirc
They're missing a couple amino acids so they're not a 'complete protein', but you can eat them with other food to get those extra amino acids in. Any complete protein, grains, or nuts will be fine.
e.g. lentils and beef, lentils and rice or oats, lentils and peanut butter, or just have a glass of milk with them
is there more of her?
Sweet mate, thanks a lot.
One last question and I'm out to buy groceries.
Is there any way to quicken the digestion process, and when I pack on pounds, will my appetite increase by itself, or will it still be the same hassle to get food down?
Apple Cider Vinegar/lemon water before meals, and plenty of water in general
Probiotics with meals. Either raw sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt or quality probiotic pills. Your appetite should increase as you get use to eating more but that's not a guarantee.
Make sure you're drinking enough water, it will help digestion and could stretch out your stomach a bit.
You'll get used to eating more soon, and drinking calories in shakes or milk is a lot easier.
Working out will increase your appetite too. If you're struggling, a bit of cardio here and there can actually help you to feel more hungry. 15 minutes of running only burns 150 cals but will make you want to eat a lot. If you're sitting around or sleeping too much then your body won't feel like it has to fuel itself much.
One more thing, eat often. Then you won't have to force yourself to eat loads at once and be bloated.
>15 minutes of running
>150 cals
Maybe if your sprint it all.
Even better then. It depends on your weight & running speed but it will still increase appetite even with a light jog
So it's not bad for me to jog a few minutes?
If you're not getting much exercise already, then it will likely help you. If you sit around all day then you won't feel like eating much, but if you go for a jog then you'll have enough appetite to bulk more easily.
yo, i'm the same as you user. or was. perma skelly without an appetite to constantly be eating loads. I tried gomad but it makes you feel like shit, gives you terrible shits and acne (if you're prone to it)
been seeing consistent good gains by eating large quantities of brown rice, chickpeas, spinach/kale, sweet potato, butternut squash and black eye beans. they're all really easy on the stomach and packed with nutrients.
also work your way up to larger portions, don't jump in at the deep end. the more you go to the gym the more your appetite increases so adjust your portions accordingly.
you have to eat all the food. all of it. think like a fat person, food is to become your bitch.
Thanks dude, it's really hard for me too. How many calories are you at now, do you often go to the gym? I just drank 500ml of milk, and I aleady feel unwell.
yeah she's got feet aswell
Dude you need to fucking eat, don't sweat this irrelevant shit when all you need and all you should focus on is CALORIES. Fucking eat more.
You should have 1 gram of protein for every pound you weigh so it will change as you get heavier
Pro-tip: remove foods with low calorie density and replace them with foods of high calorie density.
See a doctor to get your thyroid checked.
Don't go to the gym every single day you'll just overtrain your frail skelly body, do starting strength 3 days a week. And EAT, get a taste for whole milk and drink that shit like there's no tomorrow
Why should he eat a huge amount food? He should eat 500 over maintenance, which isn't a huge amount. OP, do you want to slowly bulk into ottermode or quickly bulk into skinnyfat?
Are you the same fag who posted this same exact pic 2-3 weeks ago talkinga bout how ur squat form is?
this guy is the only one who knows what he's talking about