>Post yfw gym tomorrow
Post yfw gym tomorrow
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Hell yeah gym tomorrow!
>but today is rest
bored as fuck, maybe I should play csgo or idk wtf to do ;-;
get a fucking job loser
>tfw gym today
Gotta lift and do cardio tmrw
>Brendaroo bar
>mfw gym is the only time where i don't feel like shit
gym tomorrow.
>last workout was a struggle
>prob finna hit a plateau today
Hope my arm is feeling better by tomorrow!
>tfw lifting on a cut
It's fucking Sunday you retard, regular people have Sundays off
Why not just go today if it's so good?
>bretty excited
get another job loser
ye boi
Y-Yeah fucking happy fun time with the barbell alone in the basement with all the deloaded lifts at babyweight :^)
What was this video called?
>not going to the gym on Sunday and making Monday ur rest day
I can't wait
>school starts tomorrow
>finally go back to using rec gym instead of 24 hr
>remember that half the time it's filled with groups of people doing half squats remember that it takes an extra 45 minutes to finish my shit
only bonus is there's more squat racks.
Fuck it, I'm reinstalling.
Its rest day, stop bothering me while I recover
let's gooooooooo
I still wanna do cardio today since I ate a lot last night, should I?
Back day lads
My college gym has been closed for the last week. Going to hit legs tomorrow.
Sure go ahead fgt
>not going to the gym on sunday and monday because you're too insecure about potential lost gains to take a rest day
> forget you're on holiday
I got over my Kazakhstan obsession. Now I'm back to 2D waifus.
>YWN go to a gym in Estonia, surrounded by qt Estonian cardio bunnies wearing Fredrick's of Tallinn gym wear.
Tomorrow is arms and chest. My favorite.
>Back and bi's after 2 days rest
winter is coming, why tf are you not bulking
chest and ab day son
I'm on PPL nigga
It's always gym tomorrow
>mfw first day tomorrow
I hope i am this excited tomorrow when i wake up at 6:30.
>mfw i'll do like an hour's worth of cardio + swimming because I just had 3 cheat days in a row and probably put on 1-2lbs
let's go baby
>gym closed for maintenance fri-sun
excited to get back in there, feelin a little deflated
3 full days better be some serious maintenance, mine does it during the night for most things.
Because not everyone lives in your hemisphere senpai, here summer is coming
I had mine close for a whole week
I was struggling with suicidal thoughts by the fourth day
Heavy push day
>not squatting every day
It's almost like you don't even want to make it
>squatting tomorrow
Good work lads
>tfw didn't make it in Saturday so Saturday was my rest day
>tfw squatted today
>tfw chest and back tomorrow.
>tfw went to a buffet today so tomorrow will be gud
>tfw hungover right now
Not sure I'm gonna make it tmr
>tfw getting back into heavy lifts are a deload week
i am so hype for tomorrow lads
>leg day tomorrow
Hell yes
>mfw on vacation and theres no gym at the hotel
i fucking hate it when people reply to every post in the thread, its fucking cancer
Im quite excited
getting a juicy back week by week
>Just had a large pizza
>Got gym in an hour or so
>Doing legs
So exited, the last time i ate pizza before lifting i broke 125kg squat and hit 130.
Legs again already
Thanks for the (You)
>not having a home gym to workout whenever you want