We write an apology letter to Scooby two words at a time.

I'll start: Dear Scoobert

muh dick

your ass

Sincerely, Veeky Forums

leather skin.


loaf turnover


What did Veeky Forums do this time to that faggot?

in time

Get aids

It's over /fit, this is the message our conglomerate must send to our lord and savior scoob.

How do we deliver the message?

Dear Scoobert,

Muh dick, your ass.

Veeky Forums

PS: Leather skin loaf turnover in time--Get AIDS

Will someone please tell me what happened? Been off Veeky Forums for a while.


A long time ago, Scooby used to browse Veeky Forums under a trip

Faggots on this board thought it would be a good idea to fuck with his personal life and shit.

He left.

He still browses apparently but no longer uses a trip

That was a long time ago. I was aware of that. I just thought Veeky Forums may have made that queer butthurt again.

I, for one, am glad Scooby lost his job and had to sell his house !AIDS4U/xk3

He didn't lose his job. He was like CEO of a software engineering company that he started or something. People just kept fucking with him by sending him pizzas and whatnot. I think he's retired now.

Protein farts.

Toppest of the kekkest