Costco gains

> Costco aka Veeky Forums Mecca
Post your favorite items bros

Here's some stuff off the top of my head

Holy shit holy shot holy shit you guys

The powdered peanut butter they have has changed my life. Mix in any protein shake and it tastes so far king good and it's 6g protein 4G carb 1.5g fat. It's called pbfit

any WA-anons here?




I used to get the chicken and normandy veggies from there. Honestly the mixed veggies were shit but those chicken breasts were god tier.

Covington b r e h s

Vancouver mang

Monroe to Lynnwood every day. I have easy access to two Costcos.

Dirty ol Kent

After work sometimes I'll sneak in and eat a meals worth of samples for dinner. >I've never told this to anybody

the $1.50 hotdog and drink

who doesn't do this though

You forgot the fuckton of frozen chicken breasts.

I've checked 3 costcos in my area and none of them have the disposable meal containers. My life is a disaster right now.

Arlington, hey yup


Anyone from Australia know if Costco here carries the same stuff as Costco America? I wouldn't mind buying chicken breast, eggs, oats etc in bulk if it's cheaper but I have nfi if they have all that kirklands shit here as well.

The ones around me don't sell sweet potatoes :-(

Picked up a 6lbs whey bag on sale for 29.99. God bless costco.

>tfw moved out of Covington a year ago

I want to go home.

bruhs i work at the winnipeg one buy the trail mix, greek yogurt is good too, whole grain breads are good, skip anything made in store, all of it is loaded with sugar, and other shit. milk obs,

My local Costco is constantly filled with negro's causing trouble at the till the little restaurant then security on the way out. Why must they behave like chimps everywhere they go? It stopped me using Costco.

>Sweet Baby Ray's

Lowest imaginable tier

Grew up in Snohomish.

Live in LA now tho.

Seattle, not to far out of Shoreline, so easy access to that costco

upper right corner you retard


>amount per "serving"
>not amount per 100g

Americans truly are fucking backwater hillbillies.