Ask the JuiceFag anything!

JuiceFag checking in, Veeky Forums. I'm on day 26 of no solids, just juice, booze, and coffee. I'm down 23 pounds. AMA.
Also, juicing thread. Anyone else done a long fast? Anyone juicing for cutting?

How do you stay full?

Are you excited for the diabetes, or a bit anxious?

Doesn't it drive you crazy that your experience of cucumber is incomplete without that satisfying CRUNCH to go with the sweet and refreshing taste?

>How do you stay full?
I don't stay full. In fact, I'm empty through and through and I don't mind. After 10-12 days of juicing, I lose all hunger. After that, it's easy. I get all the nutrition I need from the juice, and have lost my cravings and need to feel full.

>Are you excited for the diabetes, or a bit anxious?
I'm not expecting any sugar spikes. I try to make my juice 80% vegetable and 20% fruit. There's not that much sugar. And only trace fats. I put cream in my coffee though, so I get a bit of that every day too.

>Doesn't it drive you crazy that your experience of cucumber is incomplete without that satisfying CRUNCH to go with the sweet and refreshing taste?
After a while, I lose all hunger entirely. The crunch and nosh of my favourite foods totally fades.
My appetite doesn't miss it. I know I'll go back to eating, and look forward to having cucumber, carrot, tomato, and celery with cottage cheese or hummus. That's a good dinner for me.

Oh? When are you going back to eating, how many days/pounds you got left?

>When are you going back to eating, how many days/pounds you got left?
That's a great question. The juice fast is quite easy after the first dozen days or so, and I'll keep it up until I lose the fat that I want.
I started at 241 pounds, at 6'1" and not muscular or getting regular exercise. I want to get to below 0% body fat.
The weight would fly off faster if I didn't drink beer so much, or red wine. I don't mind. It's not a race to see how much I lose in a certain time frame.
A few years ago, I watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" on Netflix, and I decided to do two months like that guy. This time, I'll go as long as I want to, I want to get down to 175 pounds, which is a loss of 66 pounds. It might take around three months this time.
When I'm 175 pounds, I'll be low fat and low muscle too, I'll have lost some mass. But that's easily regained with some exercise and protein. So I guess that's my goal this time, a destination weight rather than a length of time.

>I want to get to below 0% body fat.
Sorry, typo there. Obviously I can't get below 0% body fat. I want to get to around 5% give or take.

So, who is juicing for cutting? I heard from an user on an earlier thread of mine who reported losing 20 pounds in 14 days. He said he wasn't drinking booze, and still doing a slow jog of a few miles per day to burn fat.
I've never had those results, but I believe it. In my view, this is the only "crash diet" that is healthy and works. Make good juice at home, using lots of different produce, preferably organic.
Give it a try, user.

How many calories do you get a day and are you hitting them macros?

1. Do you have any solid shits?
2. Is flatulence through the roof?
3. What impact on energy levels?
4. What equipment are you using for juicing?
5. What are the recipes you are using?

You ever juice a potato?

Can you post a pic of a jewcy jewce?

>How many calories do you get a day and are you hitting them macros?
I have no idea how many calories I get per day. But I know that after the first two weeks I'm losing 1/2 to 3/4 pounds per day. I don't do any anaerobic exercise while I'm juicing. If I spend the day on the couch, I lose a half pound. If I'm doing some chores, working, walking around then I lose 3/4 pound or more.
Macros? I'm not lifting. I need little protein, and there's enough trace protein in juice (plus a bit of cream in my 2-5 cups of coffee every day) to keep my body going. Yes, I'm probably losing some mass but that's easily recovered.
I'm getting very little fats. There are some natural oils in fruit and veg, and again in the coffee cream.
Carbs? There are natural sugars in the veg and especially fruit. I'm not claiming that there's any natural magic about juicing or that organic juice will be your snake oil. But I believe that an overweight body wants to lose fat, and we keep it from doing so by our own bad diet.
So, I guess I'm on a low cal diet, no salt or refined sugar, very low fat, very low overall carbs. I get some fibre in my juice, so I still have a poop every day or two. Small, sometimes slimy, but I still give my plumbing something to do.
Your macros are less important than getting full nutrition in my view. And I'm getting that. Only if you lift hard do you need to worry so much about the macro ratios and overall calorie balance.

What blender do you use? Nutribullet?

>1. Do you have any solid shits?
>2. Is flatulence through the roof?
>3. What impact on energy levels?
>4. What equipment are you using for juicing?
>5. What are the recipes you are using?
1. I have shits. They are small, and every day or two. Sometimes they are slimy, sometimes solid enough. I've been told that having some good lemon with every juice my poops will be more solid. I can't say for sure if that's true. But obviously, the more fibre I have in my juice then the better my shits.
2. Very little flatulence. That comes from over or mis digestion of proteins, in my experience. I'm no scat expert. When I'm eating, I like to have some raw veg with warm hummus, extra garlicy that I make myself. That gives me gas, but it's so yummy and nutritious.
3. Energy levels are fine, as long as the energy needs are low. I don't do any serious anaerobic or strenuous exercise while juicing.
4. I have two juicers, and I'm not here to shill juicers. There are the kind of juicers that have a spinning pad which grates the produces, pulping it and using centrifugal force to get out the juice. Those are quick and give a smooth juice, but they leave a fair bit behind. I have a Cuisinart juice extractor which has great engineering, easy to assemble and clean. When I'm consuming only juice, I want to get the most out of it plus some fibre so I have an Omega masticating juicer, it grinds and squeezes the juice out of the produce. I like it more.
5. I don't follow recipes, other than trying to stick to aobut 80% veg (lots of dark green) and 20% fruit (for some different vitamins and a bit of flavour). There are lots of recipes online, but I like to just throw in as much variety as possible, as long as it's fresh and preferably local and organic.

>What blender do you use? Nutribullet?
I've never used a NutriBullet.
The juicers are all range of prices and quality. In my experience, a cheap juicer is shit. Do some research online, buy the unit that gives you what you want, and be prepared to spend a bit for a good unit.
I've never seen a decent juicer for less than $250, sad but true. The cheap models break down, and are harder to assemble and take apart and clean, and don't do a good job.

>You ever juice a potato?
>Can you post a pic of a jewcy jewce?
I've never juiced a potato, although I could. Root vegetables have a lot of sugar and carbs, and this includes carrots and beets. I use them sparingly in my juice.
I don't have any pictures. My juice is typically green, sometimes with a touch of red if I've used beets or grapes.
I think that "jewcy jewce" is better sought on /pol/.

I know this maybe is too much to ask, but would you give some juice blends that are god tier in terms of nutrition and flavor?

How many grams of protein are you getting each day? Are you literally trying to get rid of as much lean mass as possible?

>would you give some juice blends that are god tier in terms of nutrition and flavor?
OK, if one is going to do a juice fast, you have to realize that the point isn't that juice taste "good". One goal is to "turn off" your appetites and taste buds while you're doing it, that's how you get through it for more than a week or two.
I do 80% vegetable, the more dark green the better. 20% fruit adds a variety of vitamins, some sugars, and a lot of flavour.
There are lots of recipes online, look at some juicing sites. But you asked, so I'll comment on some of my subjective observations:
1.Tomato - these are technically a fruit, and if you juice tomato then the flavour overpowers the rest of the juice. If you're making a sour juice, then maybe tomato is good. One of the best things about tomato is that if you cook it or stew it, there's a pile of lutein. But not raw. Plus, the skins will gum up a lot of juicing machines. I generally avoid.
2. Kale - leaves are awesome, and the stems have some nutrition too, but juicing the stems adds a lot of bitterness to the juice.
3. Lemon - I've been told that having a half lemon or whole lemon in the juice is nutritious and helps your poop.
4. Herbs - I love adding herbs, but they have strong flavour so go easy. I but parsley, cilantro, and dill in my juice but only small doses
5. Pineapple - Lots of nutritious, but lots of sugar, use sparingly
6. Apple - wash well, use with peel and all. Pears too. For apple, core them to pull out the hard seeds, this can damage the juicer. Good nutrition and flavour and not a ton of sugar.
7. berries - all berries are awesome, but high in sugar too. Don't be shy with those.
8. Mushy - bananas are great, but hard to juice. Other mushy fruits are the same. Frankly, juicing the banana peel is more effective than juicing the banana.
9. Cabbage - I like to buy green cabbages, they give a lot of juice, they are cheap, and cabbage has a lot of rare nutrients.

>How many grams of protein are you getting each day? Are you literally trying to get rid of as much lean mass as possible?
I have no idea how much protein I'm getting. Not much, but I don't need much.
When we consume more protein than we need, it's a waste. And we overestimate the protein that we need.
I admit that I'm losing some mass but it will come back quickly with some exercise and protein.

Thanks for answering bro. The thing is, since the purpose of this kind of diet is basically drinking your nutrients, in theory, you could turn a chicken breast into a sort of light pulp and drink it or eat it as soup, the same with vegetables. You can even eat/drink it cold. Have you tried it or it goes totally against the juicing theory that you are experimenting? On a side note, I really hope you are taking notes of everything you are doing so you can analize it properly.

Its puke Juice good? Or another meme like gook boiled piss and nigger dick flavoured pudding

>the purpose of this kind of diet is basically drinking your nutrients
That's a good point. You could juice/pulp a chicken breast. But I think that defeats the purpose of the fasting.
Firstly, its to ensure that you're getting loads of nutrition. I'd never eat six pounds of vegetables per day, but I'll drink the juice of six pounds of various veg easily enough.
Secondly, a good juice is a good meal replacement. But by juice fasting with no solids, one is rebooting one's taste buds and digestive system.
I suppose that if you wanted some extra protein, one could stir in a raw egg or egg white with the juice, I don't see any harm in that. Or some unflavoured whey protein.
I have to avoid high sweet, salty, and savoury in order to keep my appetite and taste buds turned off. That's why I don't believe that pulping a chicken breast is productive. Tell me that a cooked chicken breast with no added sugar or salt or spice or fat has a lot of flavour in the first place, it doesn't. So trying to incorporate a chicken breast into a juice diet is rather pointless.
I should be taking notes, but I'm not. I just mix it up all the time, and try to have a lot of different types of produce each time I make juice, and different every time. I don't want it to taste like shit, but the point isn't that it taste "good" either.

Thanks for answering bro. I understand. You should start taking notes imo tho. Best of lucks. I'll bump your threads when I see them to check how everything is going.

Do you use a masticating juicer or a centrifugal juicer? In the book im reading, a proper juice has very little fiber in it, so what do you do about fiber?

Hey juicebro. I've talked to you before in other threads. I decided not to buy a juicer for now, but I did start buying some pre-made juices.

Just got a case of 6 bottles of this purple carrot juice in the mail today. Tastes pretty good, somehow has significantly more beta-carotene and other nutrients than orange carrot juice, has a little fiber as well, and very high in anthocyanins so it's like drinking carrots + blueberry juice in one. Sometimes I buy their beet juice or their non-concentrate V8 style blend (tomato + celery and stuff) at the store but this stuff I can only get online.

You ever buy storebought juice as a back-up? This brand is pretty good

Making your own juices can be up to 500% more nutritious than premade, because the organic matter starts deteriorating instantly so its better to make and drink them in the same sitting. The fruit/veggies in the juices can also be grown incorrectly and or picked too early and cause the drink to be depleted of essential nutrients. They could also use a type of juicer that oxidizes and heats up the fruit/veggie to 118 degrees Fahrenheit which causes nutrients to damage.

But if you don't care about that, then fuck yeah that shits bomb.

You're throwing away most of the good stuff. Just eat the whole piece of fruit or veg. Juicing doesn't make it healthier, it makes it less healthy.

Do you actually know nothing about nutrition? It sounds like you don't understand macronutrients, calories or even basic bodily function.

This thread is straight up broscience to me