I somehow managed to gain 20lbs this summer...

I somehow managed to gain 20lbs this summer. I find it hard to stay motivated ever since getting a gf and being accepted into a Masters program. How do you guys stat motivated to be fit when everything else in life seems to be going well for you?

If you're not motivated, means you don't want it bad enough.

>why do my thing go up

what did he mean by this?

You're right, I don't. What I'm asking is how do instill that mindset that I need to get fit? There are no external factors causing me to

you're a fatass piece of fat shit.
feel any external factors, user?


No because I'm actually not fat. I'm a completely average sized human. It sucks yeah

>No because I'm actually not fat
keep it up and you sure as shit will be

Motivation is overrated. If you're waiting for motivation to do things, you'll fail when things get tough. Hardening yourself with discipline and creating habits in increments that get you closer to your goal is a much better strategy.

The cry of a fatty.

>I'm not fat im big boned
>I'm not fat look at these other fatties
>I'm just a bit over weight for my height

What do You think life wont bite you in the ass in the end?

Look, if you don't want to change, why the fuck are you here?
If you're not "motivated" enough to change yourself, why the fuck are you here?
By all means let yourself turn into a fat slob, let's see if your gf will still like you, and let's see how being obese will impact your academic functioning.
I find it hard to believe you've been accepted into a masters program, intelligent people usually understand how important being fit is.

Motivation is a fucking joke.
You don't STAY motivated, no one stays motivated.
You ARE motivated, you start, and you STAY dedicated.

Remember that you'll want a job when you finish your Master's degree. Picture job interview with a small panel at prospective employer.

Then picture them discussing your weight, as the first topic that comes to mind, after you've stepped out.

This quote got me into lifting.
Always been fat, I'm 21 now and I want to see what my body's potential is.
I bet it'll be fucking radical.
So far I've lost 20lbs, just another 40 to go, which should be done by december, then I'm gonna start slow bulking till summer.
Not OP by the way, OP's not "motivated"

Socrates didn't fucking say that

God damn it I fucking hate that quote because every new lifter posts it and you never hear the end of it

Who said it then, faggot

The thing is, I know I have it in me. A few summers ago I managed to lose 30lbs. It just clicked inside my head. I was obsessed. I need to light that fire again.

I dunno man, I did a Masters, worked full time, had a g/friend and managed to maintain a certain level of fitness. This went on for 2.5 years as i was studying part time.

It about just getting started, ruthless planning and time management, getting up an hour or two earlier, digging deep, seeing the end result before you can see it, discipline, wanting it, and other cliches.

Fuck off with your gay fires and shit.
Do it or don't. Don't ask strangers to light a fire in your ass if you're too lazy to care.


It actually is

Is what?


It actually is

It actually is

Is what?



It actually is

Is what?

D e e p .


why me

Regardless if it was Socrates or not. The meaning behind the words have no less power. If it were to say


You wouldn't think twice about it and brush it off. So people feel the need to put words of wisdom under a "alias" thats already known and will be looked at with acceptance vs criticism. So don't dwell on who is given credit of the words, just understand what the meaning is behind them that's it.

"I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing." -Socrates

"Let him that would move the world first move himself."- Socrates

"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." -Danny

"True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us." -Socrates