How the fuck do I actually eat enough food to hit ~2500 kcal every fucking day? Pic fucking related, it's one pound of salmon I have to shove in my fucking face every day along with a cup of fucking rice, 2 ounces of butter or 4 ounces of olive oil, and seasoning. That only lands me 1,000 calories, which I've found, if I multiple everything I normally eat by 1.5x is the average I get for my dinners I have recipes for. What the fuck. I have to eat 2.5x that every day? Is this why Americans are fat as shit? How do you animals eat that much food normally? What the fuck can I eat to get calories, and protein without having to throw up every meal from making my stomach distend after eating two pounds of food, not to mention breakfast and lunch where I have to make 1500 calories poof out of fucking oats, eggs, milk, and sandwiches. What the fuck, Veeky Forums?
>a cup of peanuts
>800 cal
Woah that was hard
Post pics skelly fucker
>1500 calories poof out of fucking oats, eggs, milk and sandwiches
4 pints of milk is 1450 calories
Not even trying OP.
>has troubling "bulking" at 100~ calories below most otter mode guy's maintainence
thanks skellington
how much of a skeleton are you OP
you can't eat 2500 calories? that shit is under most people's maintenance...
eat some nuts, make a high calorie shake, eat CALORICALLY DENSE foods. but honestly, you shouldn't even need to pull out those tricks for 2500 cals... eat until you think you're full, then eat some more
Please don't judge, I'm trying to bulk but holy shit it's difficult. You literally have to eat like a fatass or shove disgusting shit down your throat like a cup of fucking peanut butter to hit 2500+...
well why the fuck are you eating fucking fish if you're trying to gain weight? are you fucking simple?
that has to be a fucking art museum exhibit
Nigger don't even give me that shit. Even chicken is just as bad, I'd have to guzzle down two fucking pounds of it for 800 kcal. Who the fuck eats two pounds of chicken in one sitting EVER?
Lol you're a fucking pussy
I have to eat 4500/day
Just think about that for a second
You'll never make it
eat chicken thighs with the skin or some beef/pork. eat a handful of peanuts/almonds after each meal, cook with oil... this shit is EASY
come on nigga are you even trying?
How can you not make 2500 calories? Milk, chocolate protein powder, ice cream, peanut butter. Easy to make, can adjust measurements for flavor/thickness, easily 1k+. More if you add a banana.
What the actual fuck. Is this how YOU bulk? Ice cream? Peanut butter? Jesus. Is 90% of fit just plain fat dyel?
Do you eat McDonald's every meal for 6 meals a day? How the fuck do you actually burn 4500 a day so you don't become land whale status? Do you weigh like 250 lbs already?
no wonder Americans are so fat
See, that's what I'm saying. It's fucking disgusting the trash they're putting in their mouths just to make their bulks. Jesus. If your diet has you gargling peanut butter or chugging ice cream to make you "fit" you need a new fucking diet.
>eating pork
Aside from ice cream, peanut butter is god tier bulking. So is milk and protein powder.
So is any meat aside from Turkey/Chicken/Fish.
Are you retarded? As if peanut butter is unhealthy or going to kill you or some shit. Same with cooking with olive oil, or having some nuts with your meal.
I'm about 90kg in this pic and I've bulked from 75kg, I used to struggle to hit cals until all I did was focus on getting the right amount of protein, 75-100g fats then just eating like shit to hit the remainder of my cals. It's not pretty but if it means I'm not always cold, weak and emotional from being a skelly piece of shit then you gotta' do what you gotta' do.
You can either make up your deficits the easy way, or you can continue to bitch about having to eat. If you're so skeleton that you can't make 2500 easily, you do what you need to.
Do you have a pic of your skelly self prior to lifting?
Yep give me 10 minutes to find it
Okay, have fun being a twink forever.
Stop fucking complaining and eat your 2lbs of salmon and chicken everyday then.
It's one or the other, eat a little "dirty" shit along with your "clean" foods so you can actually make some progress and hit your macros. Or stay small
I need some motivation, mane.
Just do gomad, sperglord.
I think I have another, can't help but laugh looking back at these, I never realised how chit I looked.
I am 6'2 btw
bro you had a really good base
You looked fairly well there, though.
I certainly didn't feel it my man
That's actually fucking disgusting. Enjoy the stretch marks, acne, bloating, and feeling like shit from 25 lbs in 25 days. The more I find out about Americans the less time I want to spend around them.
At least Americans don't need to ask a Mongolian papercraft board how to fucking shovel food down their mouths. How fucking dense can you be that you can't literally shovel food in your mouth and swallow it for bulking?
>Stretch marks
There are only like 1600 calories in a gallon of milk.
2 scoops of protein powder
2 table spoons of peanut butter
2 cups of 3% milk (yes faggot stop drinking your watered down milk)
1 cup oats
950 calories (Ish)
Try trying for a change :^)
So many butthurt skinny fags in here.
How can you possibly eat more than me???
People who are taller than 5'5" can eat more you little bitches.
Peanut Butter added to protein shakes mixed with WHOLE MILK is the easiest way to add calories.
Skim Milk is the nastiest shit known to man. Take all of the insulin-buffering fat out of milk and your left with plasma and colostrum and sugars with some shit quality milk-protein and vitamins your body can't absorb bc the fat is gone with them.
this is a bait thread
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to say it.
I masturb8
Gain w8
lifts w8's
and make b8's
thumbnail looks like a very angular cat holding a massive piece of fish
>25 lbs in 25 days
>thinks it's the 1600 calories giving him stretch marks
How autistic are you?
New to Veeky Forums
I'm a skellyfat and want to get bigger (but not too big)
Should I bulk as well?
If you do, don't fucking do it the way these disgusting pigs are saying to. That's for sure.
Drinking a gallon of milk a day wont let you gain 25lbs in 25 days.
Nor do you NEED to gain 25lbs in 25 days. You can still do gomad and add on some chicken, fish, and veggies but not gain stupid amounts of weight.
How retarded are you?
Then how do you do it?
Well now you're trolling or you didn't read the sticky, faggot.
One box of velveeta shells and cheese, and a box of red baron pizza is 2,000 calories, and I'm rounding down -- you got all day to eat that, and then eat your actual protein-heavy food with that
how long did that take you bro?
I currently have a similar body to your before pic and struggled to gain any mass with my first bulk even though I was eating 3850kcal a day
>25 lbs in 25 days
>Thinking it's the milk that will let you do this
1500-1800 calories
you'd need to drink 3 gallons of milk to gain 25lbs in 25 days if factor in your TDEE.
Drink a few glasses of milk and eat a peanut butter sandwich.
6+ months of counting macros & PPLx
Nigga i've only gained 7 pounds and i've been doing gomad for a couple months
Stop making fun of americans to cover your butthurt about achmed cum being the only source of protein you euros can get ahold of.
>bulking on salmon
Some people are just stupid i guess
This is bait
>100g of nuts : 600Kcal
>1 scooby bulking bar : 400 kcal
OP I eat 2k cals in a meal, and don't feel like a bloated/, good coma after.
>inb4 already big
6' 136lbs
Post something interesting and i'll tell you what i eat.
Food coma*
>salmon and rice
you have to go deeper into the fatness user
If you think it's hard to eat just 2500 calories in an entire day then you must be fucking retarded.
That is literally all you need to solve this problem.
But you don't want to solve it do you? Because youre a whiny attention seeking faggot who would rather justify putting no effort in than getting results.
Spergs complaining about not being able to eat.
C'mon now. Eating is the easy part.
>How the fuck do I actually eat enough food to hit ~2500 kcal every fucking day?
what the fuck? If I eat normally like a normal person every day (and that does NOT include fast food or frozen dinners or any of that shit) I easily get 2500kcal from just regular home cooking
>tfw eat 2000-2500 cal per day and am cutting
I'm bulking on 2900
here's what I ate yesterday
> Breakfast (7h30am)
1/2 cup rice
1/2 cup beans
One egg, six egg white omelette
> Lunch (2pm)
Pulled chicken (260g) with 100g cabbage and broccoli
1/2 cup rice
> Midafternoon snack 1 (4pm)
2 tbsp peanut butter
2 slices Bread (inb4 >bread)
1 tbsp honey
> Post-training snack (7pm)
1 cup 0% greek yogurt
1 tbsp honey
> Dinner (9pm)
250g chicken breast
1/2 cup rice
some bok choy for taste
PACE YOURSELF. If you're more comfortable with eating smaller meals, do that more regularly.
Also, if you're a skelly, don't be afraid to dirty bulk. I'm a recovering fatty and find clean bulking makes me gain weight less quickly so that's why all of this shit is so clean
I have always been really skinny and i thought that i could never eat as much as fit people recommend. One day i just realised that i don't necessarily have to do it, because as long as i eat more than usual, i will gain weight. Maybe it will take longer but at least I won't get stressed and feel like i have to puke all the time. Three months ago i started to have three meals per day (I used to have one before) and i just eat whatever i enjoy more (avoiding shit food of course). I gained 5kg since then
I eat literally double that and I haven't put on a pound this year
i need some suggestions. im a pescetarian and im fucking sick of eating only eggs and salmon twice a day every day. i dont like peanut butter btw
>those delts
You arent cut out for this gym bulking thing, just join crossfit. No bulking there just retarded pull ups.
Oats. Milk. Whey. 1000cals.
getting really tired of these fucking threads. if you can't figure out how to easily add up a few calories, just give up you faggot
you're never gonna make it
>Hard to hit 2500 cal
Sounds like you need to switch to the Veeky Forums diet:
2 cups of coffee
4 cigarettes
3 tracks from a Portishead record
3 times a day
>not eating foods high in calories
are you sure you're actually trying to bulk up user? theres such a thing as eating more than once a day you know
what the fuck?????
2500 is easy as fuck
are you a fucking bird?
Bagels are an underrated bulking food, look at these macros, and they aren't greasy or sugary so you wont feel sick
holy shit w2c in canada
calorically dense stuff
>tfw your starting point is my goal
You eat it in place of bitching on the internet
>tfw cutting
god i miss bread
I'm cutting at a crazy deficit and I eat Ezekiel bread. 2 slices a day max, but still. Macros are p great. Just watch your carbs for the rest of the day and you're solid.