is skyr mixed in with oats the GOAT breakfast?
good nutritional values
tastes good
dozens of flavours so can keep switching it up and never get tired
>b-but a real man doesn't care about taste and eats what he has to!
enjoying getting fed up with your diet every sunday and ordering a pizza?
Is skyr mixed in with oats the GOAT breakfast?
Cobalt > Skyr
>no fat
>shitloads of carbs instead, lots of it as sugar from the yogurt
Insulin spiking! my favorite passtime!
retarded for breakfast
>lots of it as sugar from the yogurt
170g can
17g protein
0g fat
6g carbs
5g sugar
100g oats
14g protein
55g carbs
0g sugar
8g fat
>5g of sugar for the entire breakfast is "lots"
>not eating carbs for breakfast
have you been reading women's magazines user?
not him but
>only 31 grams of protein and 440 cals
why would you eat carbs for breakfast? you only need a bit of fructose to fill up your glycogen storages. youre better off saving the carbs till the workout/post-workout
you know some people workout in the mornings, after breakfast bruhhh
some, but that doesnt make this shit "the GOAT breakfast". fuck off. it lacks in protein too
>why would you eat carbs for breakfast?
because carbs give you energy (not talking about calories) different from protein or fat. feel good and ready to start the day.
>youre better off saving the carbs till the workout
after breakfast is when I work out 3/5 days
if anyone gets their "insulin spiking" from the 3-6g of sugar those things have they must be diabetic
>it lacks in protein too
do you even know how much protein you actually need? its not like you're supposed to get the majority of it from breakfast either way.
>because carbs give you energy (not talking about calories) different from protein or fat. feel good and ready to start the day.
the energy from protein and fats last a lot longer. enjoy your blood sugar dropping 1 hour after eating.
>sugar is the only thing that spikes insulin
do you have any idea what protein needs are based on?
17 grams of protein from yogurt and 14grams of protein from oats gives you about 2.5 grams of leucine, the main MPS driver. you need 3-4 grams of leucine to maximize MPS, therefore the meal lacks in protein.
>its not like you're supposed to get the majority of it from breakfast either way.
youre supposed to get as much protein in your breakfast as in every other meal.
I wished they made yogurt with as little sugar as possible. In Norway all the fucking yogurts are loaded with sugars
>enjoy your blood sugar dropping 1 hour after eating.
>55g of the 61g of carbs are from oats
>oats have a very low Glycaemic Index, this means they are slowly absorbed into the body’s blood stream. This not only gives a long gradual release of energy and helps keep your blood sugar levels stable but it also keeps you full much longer than other breakfasts.
do you even know what oats are? do you understand that not all carbs are the same as eating white sugar with a spoon? if your insulin or blood sugar levels spike from eating oats your body is more fragile than a disney princesses
Pretty sure they import shit as well.
I just get those onkens.
100g is 66 calories, 4.6g protein and 3.6g carbs from sugar (about as low as yogurt can get I believe).
i know oats are low GI. they still spike my shit up.
anyway, you'd be better off saving dem carbs till later. unless you workout after breakfast.
>100g is 66 calories, 4.6g protein and 3.6g carbs from sugar
Has to be the lowest i seen. I'll look out for this. Takk Ola!
skyr has 10g of protein and ~3g of sugar per 100g (varies by flavor)
regular quark is 55kcal, 8g protein and 5g carbs per 100g and cost nothing (~70c per 250g)
Greek yogurt + pb
Egg whites + salsa
perfect and balanced breakfast
>Egg whites + salsa
I haven't had Skyr, is it good? I have high protein yogurt from Bulk Powders.
it's pretty close to the taste of regular yoghurt but with much better macros. there's like 30 different flavors though so pay attention to what you pick. I haven't had a bad one yet out of ~15 but some of them are like "cheesecake" or "maple syrup" and suddenly have 3x the sugar. simple flavors like vanilla and the one with apple chunks are my favourite
What's the consistency like compared to regular yogurt? Thicker?
a little thicker but not much. you can eat it like you were eating yoghurt without needing anything to drink. when you open one it's set so that it comes out in chunks and keeps the shapes left by a spoon but I like to stir it a little so it gets more runny
breh eggs and hot sauce of any kind are legit