Sometimes I wonder if all this trouble is worth it?

Sometimes I wonder if all this trouble is worth it?

To miss out on Little Caesars pizza. To miss out on such an affordable, delicious, & convenient meal

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Stop it OP I'm dying.

LC is shit tier pizza and you have shit taste

Just ate 6 pieces of Little Ceasars deep dish. Thinking about going for 2 more.

Delicious brah

Trips for the truest thing ive ever read

there's so much I want to eat
Food made me happy

i found a roach in a little caesar's pizza once. It made me hate pizza since.

You should look into iifym.
Even on a cut you could eat pizza. Just make your own. Wheat dough, make your own tomatoe sauce, some healthier cheese and some onions/turkey pepperoni/whatever veg and ur good.
If a couple of slices of pizza are going to fuck ur shit up then you are doing something wrong.

their deep dishs are mad good. with that buttery garlic sauce or the jalapeno. mmmmmm

you're a fat fucker though


Just fast one day and eat this the next. It won't hurt you.

Garbage tier food, eat bro food brah. Its the best.

Theres more to life than indulging in temporary pleasures. If you actually enjoy getting fit and healthy you will find more satisfaction in healthier foods despite them not tasting as good.

Whats dirty bulk

Squats on my dick

I eat little caesars every week, I order one pepperoni and one meat lover + garlic bread, and a pepsi
sometimes I have burgers instead of pizza. I'm still losing weight so I see no problem

I just ate an entire hot n ready, I'm taking test tren and drinking a gallon of milk a day, and my bodyfat is not going up.

Iifym brah, I har penne carbonara for breakfast you piece of shit. It you can't find space to fit in a lite Caesars pizza then you ain't gonna make it fucker.


>eat gay food because you like it
no, you mormon

If you ate a little caesars pizza and that is ALL you ate for the whole day, you'd be fine.
280×8 = 2240

Maybe go for an hour walk.

Forgot calorie info.

Just make your own. You can choose to ignore certain ingredients and modify the process.

For example, long fermentation pizza dough would only consist of flour, water, salt, and yeast. Without the sugar all you're left with is the calories in the flour.
Weigh it, divide it up, and you have a low cal crust for a pizza just for you (rather than an entire family).

why miss out?
eating garbage once in a while won't make you fat, just as eating 'clean' every once in a while won't make you healthy.

>Sometimes I wonder if all this trouble is worth it?

quit the shit food. even tho u are not lifting. actually u would get fat with that cravings if u wouldnt be lifting. and it shouldnt be like that. liftin shud be a plus, not a make up



>Skipping PIZZA when it's CHADS secret to ez gains.



eat as much shit as you like, don't worry about it

Those who don't and work at their body earn the results where as a weak ass cunt like you will forever moan because you haven't got the balls to do what is necessary

so shut the fuck up,fill your fat fucking face and stop complaining

lc's breadsticks > lc's pizza

It's not like eating a few slices of pizza now and again is gonna kill you, just don't make it a habit you fatass

frozen pizza is literally better

consider this, you piece of shit:
you won't have any good memories of eating fast food if you eat it for the sake of it being delicious
you will however have good memories of going to a pizza place with your friends or family, or watching a football game and having beers and pizza with friends. of course if done too often this will ruin your body, but done once in a while it has no negative effects, it won't ruin your physique
and what's even more important you will always remember how it felt and how people treated you when you were fat, and how they did when you were fit
just start thinking in terms of short term/long term effects or short term/long term happiness

i eat whatever the fuck i want and still lose weight. learn to count calories

This right here. I'm a recovering fatty and most garbage food I loved just doesn't taste as good to me anymore. Pizzas still the one thing that I crave, even shit-tier Little Caesars. I just go out of my way to limit it to once a week at most. Usually whenever a friend orders some and I'm at their house.

Who the fuck puts sugar in pizza dough? Maybe you americans with your dead dried yeast need it. My italian mother would slap you for that shit.

They taste horrible. I live in New York so the pizza here is rocking. Also Dominos is a good option

>My italian mother would slap you for that shit.

She oughta be slapping impatient bakers and the bosses of huge pizza chains.

Sugar makes the dough leaven quicker and causes the maillard reaction.

This is one of the reasons why all chain pizza in the US contains sugar. (In addition to sweetening the crust to get people hooked.)

If you'd like some general literature, here you go.

tl;dr: moderate amount of sugar means faster rising, mama should slap millionaires

> dominos is a good option

typical retarded city boy

Hey I make pizza for domino's fuck you

your pizza sucks compared to pizza hut and papa johns

I've been to many birthday parties and if they bought dominoes, I just leave

No point in wasting my time with these kind of people

Kek this

Your deep dish is fucking terrible, why even bother making it

> l-look guys! We can do it too!

>what do you mean it tastes like half cooked shit?

you're talking about the 'american' style pizza i guess?
I'm talking about real pizza.

age and salary?

35 $20,000/year

I'm talking about "make money as fast as we can" pizza dough. The kind the big pizza chains (mentioned throughout the thread) use.

You're talking about dough that needs to ferment for (at max) five days. I know what you're talking about.

The stuff about sugar I threw in was just about purpose of it in baking in general.

Should Veeky Forums-appropriate pizza contain any sugar? Probably not.

nah man, take some fresh yeast, mix it with flour, water, a bit of salt and some oil and put it on your fridge for 2 ours. BAM!

when i was in canada i tried to make some pizza and they only had dried yeast in the store. that yeast needed to be 'activated' with sugar. i didn't knew that so my dough was shit...

Implying frozen pizza and Papa John's aren't so much worse that they're in their own tier below whatever one LC is in.

last night I went out for drinks with my friends and a girl I have been trying to court for months.

she ignores my advances and grinded on another guy in our party.

there are no good feelings here

Implying I would ever want to eat that.

>for months

if you don't fuck a girl in the first couple weeks, a month max, then you have no chance with her. you need to activate your animal instincts (le tips fedora xD) and GO after her.

i've just come off 2 weeks of keto. never again. never ever again.

it's not worth it. we've got one life, and pizza should be a part of it.

Their pan pizzas okay...
Totally didnt eat any of it though

>Little Caesars pizza
Literally the lowest shit-tier of pizza. Even Dominos is better. If this is the shitfood you dream about, then you're pathetic and should consider killing yourself. FFS m8 at least get Round Table.