>Be me >Had a date with GF yesterday so we spent the day together >Dropped her off at home around 6 because she still lives with her parents and I don't want them to get the wrong impression of me (she's 18 and I'm 22 btw) >Got her home just before her family was about to eat dinner >First time meeting family so I'm kind of nervous >Her mom greets us when we arrive and holyfuckingshit she's like legitamately obese >Meet her dad and sisters next and they're just as obese >Trying to make sense of all this in my head becuase my Gf isn't exactly skinny but she's nowhere near fat, let alone obsese >Get invite to stay for dinner >Consider staying until I realize they're about to scarf down a combination of fried chicken and pizza >Explain that I'm getting ready for an important Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament coming up in a couple of weeks and that I was on a strict diet and that I can't eat this bull shit (Obviously I said it nicer than that) >Her family gets offended AS SHIT and tell me that it's time for me to leave >Talking to GF that night and she told me that they talked shit about me during dinner >Mfw they were mad because I wouldn't eat shit with them >Mfw GF sympathesises with family over me
Anybody else got any bad meeting the family stories?
Jonathan King
Unless you forgot to include the part of your story where you squated her mom, this is not very Veeky Forums
Elijah Perry
GTFO, just run. Flee before their (literal) gravity draws in gf and she becomes ham planet
Luis Carter
>not being chad and eating pizza while fucking their daughter
Owen Myers
Fuck her until you get bored, then run.
Cooper Hernandez
You didn't have to say no retard, all you had to do was eat a little and say 'oh I'm so full I shouldn't have eaten earlier!!'
Gavin Brooks
This user. Get the fuck out. If you think this is going anywhere you're wrong, even if you two mongs get married in a few years she'll just turn into a ham beast and you'll fucking hate yourself. Higher standards desu.
Lucas Flores
opposite for me >meet gfs parents >they really like me because I told them im majoring in computer science >tell them how I lift 4x a week and eat healthy >Parents start telling gf she "finally" caught a good guy My gf has been acting weird ever since.
Alexander Lee
this you fucked up OP
Isaiah Turner
They asked you to join dinner with them. You could have eaten a small portion. You could have not eaten anything and just hang with them. Besides you dont get a gf before meeting the dads.
I r8 this autism/10
David Foster
There's a reason why people say to look a girl's mother if you're wondering what she will look like at older ages. Your gf will balloon up before long. She's also used to really shitty eating habits and a generally lazy lifestyle. She's also clearly passive and complacent if she couldn't even defend you. She will just drag you down m8
Jaxon Smith
so much this If she was on their side, dump her bro, you'll dodge a bullet
Xavier Gomez
girls seem to like guys that their parents dont approve of more than guys their parents do approve of
when they're younger ofc
Julian Carter
Weird how? Is your girlfriend a Stacey
Mason Murphy
They should just be glad you had the decency to not sodomize their apparently not shitty daughter
Henry Myers
I really rather not dump her. I finally found a girl with a great phat ass that likes the same shit I do
Daniel Price
Then don't. Ultimately the choice is yours. I feel like she would be more understanding than her parents. She knows you better than they do, so talk to her. Tell her your rationale and state that there was not any ill will when declining the dinner. I'm sure you're not banned from the house, go over there and apologize and join her for dinner after the meet.
Up to you.
James Walker
1, The girl will be a fat fuck, just like her mother, so fuck her 'til you get bored then dump her 2, One cheat meal won't fuck up your entire diet. Also, you didn't have to stuff yourself, just eat a little 3, They shouldn't have gotten so offended, but in this situation refusing them is bad manners
Adrian Green
Beta bitch.
user hear me out, dont fucking go to that house. Obesity lies there. You continue fucking your broad whenever given the chance, but keep looking for other bitches.
When she ballons up, youll have to dump her. Not if. When. So get your shit together.
Andrew Bell
You don't have to dump her immediately, just now that down the road she is likely to be obese as well (around 25 or so)
Christopher Parker
Lmao bro. What are you trying to prove? If you try to ignore the problem and not address it, what different are you when compared to a nigger?
Aiden Jackson
Niggers way is the only way here. Pump and dump I say.
Isaac Thomas
She wants a guy who is bad for her for attention.
Ditch it, bruh.
Angel Hernandez
Youre going to get dumped
Leo Cooper
ur dun kid
Thomas Robinson
This post had me laughing like Snidely Whiplash's asshole dog. Gj
Jonathan Bailey
>in laws are 24/7 fox news junkies that are hyperchristian idiots with hair trigger feelings about the stupidest of subjects > shit on the entire world for doing things they also do
If only you knew how much worse it could be
Xavier Hernandez
>"finally" caught a good guy So that mean she likes bad boys, and usually dates them.
you're fucked m8
girls HATE their parents' approval
Oliver Powell
Fried chicken AND pizza?
You fucked up son
Carter James
This guy gets it. Well done user Fuck you op
Hudson Harris
Wtf that's free calories.
Austin Moore
Too much of a white knight for her bro. she sounds young. If you're both young I would suggest either going out with someone older or finding someone more mature
Mason Barnes
Yeah bro would have destroyed your chances at a tournament to eat 2-3 pieces of chicken with your girlfriends family
Aaron Parker
>Sit down with family >Eat one slice of pizza and one thing of chicken >Don't offend them, offset calories by maybe 500-800 depending. Wow, it's fucking nothing.
Zachary Long
Tell her how you really feel about her family. Either she'll get it and you're good, or she won't and Neo can't even dodge bullets like that.
Cameron Diaz
Fuck it took me until the the 1st response to realize I wasn't on Veeky Forums
Later niggas
Parker Kelly
You mean Dick Dastardly?
Ryan Harris
This is very true. I met my girlfriend's parents and they strongly disliked me and weren't exactly subtle about it. Turns out she loved that her parents didn't like me.
Gavin Johnson
>Meet girl online >She a skinny antisocial shutin loser with no friends >So am I except I lift >We click together instantly >Meet up in person, shes just as beautiful as her pictures >See her face physically contort with surprise >Thought she meant it as in I was ugly >She actually was surprised at how big I was muscle wise >Got worried I'm actually just a player, had to convince her I was socially retarded >Meet with her parents, also surprised as fuck >Literally ask me, and I quote "Why would someone like you be with this loser?" >These were the first words out of her mothers mouth >Offended as fuck, she just takes it >Had to convince her mom I'm also a loser and that her daughter is a winner in my eyes >Dad comes in, huge hamplanet >Practically says the same thing but "Well if you want her that badly feel free to take her, no one else will" >Holding back my anger >Come back the next day with luggage and start packing all of her stuff >Parents ask me what I'm doing >Had to tell them she'll never set foot in the house ever again and that she'll be living with me from now on
Wew lad. I got angry just thinking about it.
Hunter Bell
You guys moved in together after seeing each other once?
Matthew Phillips
No, there is a lot that happened in between meeting and then meeting her parents. I glossed over that.
Camden Evans
Don't poke holes in his reality, he might snap and shoot up his McJob
Noah Young
Isaiah Mitchell
but I'm already in my career field
Ryder Bailey
2/10 Not even autistic
Ryder Hernandez
A lot happened between that first meeting and >the next day ?
Matthew Edwards
>be me >have younger gf from rich af family right up in a different social tier >go to pick her up for movies, get dragged in to meet folks >parents are fucking awesome, feel really comfortable playing pool and having beers with her dad >take jacket off >forget what shirt I have on its literally got pic related on it >we'd like you to leave user >she broke up with me the next week
Logan Torres
The gap is between our meeting and meeting her parents. The day after I met her parents, she moved in.
Ryan Peterson
Sounds like the white night fantasies I used to have when I was a fat beta kid. If you're telling the truth good for you, you've made it.
Lincoln Sanchez
No mother fucker user meant as in what happened in between.
Ayden Edwards
>Explain that I'm getting ready for an important Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament coming up in a couple of weeks and that I was on a strict diet and that I can't eat this bull shit (Obviously I said it nicer than that) OP tell us EXACTLY WORD FOR WORD what you actually said to them, and we'll be the judge of who was being unreasonable.'
Oh and by the way if you won't do that then we're going to assume that you were a rude asshole and they were perfectly justified in kicking you out.
Noah Young
Ya done goof'd son
Carson Clark
Sadly, given OP is the nigger he is projecting to be, your "advice" will be well received.
Eli Cooper
Another one >be me >have major food allergies, coeliac disease and dairy allergy >fuckingweakgenetics.jpg >go to meet parents >great time, I'm witty and charming >dinner is bought out, seems safe >eat it >liquid fire of a thousand suns ignites somewhere in my lower colon >no time to make excuse and leave >ask for bathroom, they point out the one nearby >foolishly think I can contain Fukushima/Chernobyl levels of fall out >stagger in sweating >torrent of gas and shit pours out of me, super fucking loud >cry internally for a bit then make my reappearance >pic related
Fuck muh genetics
Ryder Peterson
At the time I was barely making enough to pay my rent so it wasn't really a fun time for the first few months.
In between meeting her parents and the next day? She stayed at my place and we talked it over till we decided she should move in. Unless you mean in between meeting her and meeting her parents. Normal dating shit desu except 100% more autistic between two socially stunted retards.
Ryan Russell
>visit gf often, but her dads always at work >her bro and mom love me and always bother her about when ill come by next >one day I visit again and her father comes in >just says hello and you can sense he hates me >walks by multiple times without saying a word >mom has to tell me that he must have had a bad day at work and hes really nice usually >he changes from his work clothes and just throws all his dirty clothes into the kitchen >shit stained white underwear right on top inside out >gf and her mom start crying
He was mad we had premarital sex. It was all pretty dramatic. Funny thing is that ex had like 2 boyfriends before me but im the nasty guy who took away her purity in his eyes.
I can probably bang his wife too but thats not fair for my ex.