Fat hate/Fat people stories/fps


Other urls found in this thread:


>it's some girl's birthday
>usually people bring in chocolate to share with people
>she brought in a chocolate cake to share with the entire form
>it's fucking gorgeous
>end of the day and everyone hyped asf for this cake
>fat ass assistant teacher cutting up the cake and sharing between us children
>cutting up micro thin slices for everyone
>including the fucking birthday girl
>main teacher and fatty have a slice each bigger than if 6 of us combined our slices


i see her on the bus on my way to or from the gym, she doesn't remember me as i haven't seen her since i was 10. fucking one day mrs robinson

Your story was nearly interesting, user

Reposting another user's story.
>go fucking kill your self

Fats are so greedy

Real talk, how do you pinpoint a fat person's Achilles heel?

I was fucking someone you could call "plus sized"(UK size 18) recently but here's the thing, she didn't have much resembling an appetite when we were around each other. She didn't drink shitloads of sugary drinks, she ate reasonable portion sizes and not too unhealthily either. She drank alcohol, but I know I could drink her under the table and drink much more heavily when I do drink and I'm still kicking around the 14% body fat range.

Despite all of that, she had maintained this weight for most of her adolescent life. Normally, I can pinpoint where people are going wrong but I'm drawing blanks here. Any input?

She binge eats when you're not around
Probably snacks

Maybe she just grazes all day.
It's easy to overeat if your only eating little bits at a time every hour.

>when we were around each other

She pigs out by herself brother

shame fatty bro.

Bitch gets home and pulls out the drawer under bed filled twith twinkies and twix bars.
Crys and eats herself to sleep

i fucked a girl who was more or less like that, she told me she has phases where she gives a shit and goes on some meme diet but then goes back to her old ways, so her weight just fluctuates

>Work at Walmart on midnights
>Be male cashier, have to walk around to collect money with land whale Boss
>Talk about dieting and working out some
>says she only eats 800cals a day and never more than 25g carbs in a sitting
>Walk in break room an hour later
>land whale has tub of popcorn and is spraying pic related onto it in between every bite
>literal cloud of butter forming

More or less what I thought might be the case. I might look DYEL by Veeky Forums standards, but I probably intimidated her into eating less when we're around each other. Thanks.

have you considered the possibility that even when she's out of your direct line of sight, she might still exist?

She just doesn't eat in front of people lad, she's ashamed of herself.

>Captcha: highlight pictures with French fries

I had waffles this morning and nearly vomited after eating one. How do they do that?


is it worth it to switch from olive oil to this?

That's fucking gross. I like popcorn occasionally, but tend to stick to unbuttered or lightly buttered varieties.

They all do this. All fats do. All of them.

There isn't really anything wrong with it if you use it to spray the pan so things don't stick. But spray a shit ton on something not cooked and eating it is gross as fuck. I personally use olive or coconut oil from the same cans.(to spray the pan)

>still thinking they can create energy out of nowhere


hypothyroidism or she binges alone

if she was always this fat maybe there's a greasy fatty way of cooking at her home, I have a girlfriend from school and she barely drinks water when we hang out but they eat a lot of pasta at her home and she is chubby

I'm a chubby girl. 135lbs and short. I've been trying to cut and I have still have my fat girl cravings from when I was bigger. I can eat healthy all day but then at night I have a hard time keeping out of the chocolate. Something about the night turns me back into the werefatty I once was.

Don't buy chocolate then you retard.

size 18 is not thaaaat fat, and short people have tiny BMRs. you dont have to eat a large surplus to put on size if you do it for long enough

get out of the habit. its a vicious circle. so long as you keep eating chocolate at night you will always want to eat chocolate at night. once you manage not to for a while, you'll stop getting the cravings

just leave a bit of room in your calories to eat that chocolate at nighttime

>but then at night I have a hard time keeping out of the chocolate.

fat bitches are like werewolves with treats

keep ur thighs chubby please we love them

thigh gap is a myth for asain kpop stick insects only


i have no sympathy for someone who purchases junk food that has no place in a diet at all
fucking americans waste their money, their health, and their time on food they know they shouldn't eat.
it's not a meal, don't eat it. what the fuck america

I have a very feminist girlfriend, and yesterday was a treat for me because yesterday some fat acceptance stuff came up on her feed on instagram or facebook or whatever the fuck bitches use that isn't Veeky Forums - and then I got to hear her rant and rave about how fucking stupid and harmful it is, how she hates these women and can't believe anyone takes them seriously, how they have no idea what real problems or real oppression is, how they're idiots who deny basic science, how they're just overprivileged white cunts with no regard for others... on and on it went. It was beutiful, like a symphony of pure, black hatred.

So, #notallfeminists I guess?


I'm going to steal this

spread the love


Was back of university campus I graduated from years ago. Holy fuck, it's full of fat kids. Especially the Asians and Indians.

Not everyone was skinny back when, but at least they weren't full out fat fucks.

No wonder fat acceptance and HAES is all the rage.

Fucking cuck

weight loss depends on gravity if you go to the beach and get into the water because tide depends on the moon and in the moon you weight less you lose weight and if you go at night you will lose more
If you put sand around your body it will act as a filter and you will only lose fat because the minerals of the sand (sand is made of rocks) will feed the muscle mass through the skin and prevent it to be lost but if you don't cover yourself with it you will lose muscle so be careful thanks

Apparently you don't want to actually lose weight.

What I really hate about far people is when try to make me conscious so they can feel better.
I firmly believe in exercising portion control and not eating like a glutton. Anytime I've eaten with someone fat, they look at me stopping myself even though that extra wing might taste great and say something passive aggressive. If you wanna eat, go ahead but don't fucking tell me what to do.

Sometimes they just have no clue about portion control.

I think of when I was at my fat cousin's house and she was having abagel with cream cheese for breakfast—put like half the fucking tub of cream cheese on the bagel.

I feel you. I can last until its time to sleep and then boom the cravings hit.
167 to 144 at 5'5. Will never hit my goals at this rate with my devil cravings.

it's all yours my friend

Just because you have a craving doesn't mean you have to satisfy it. There were a couple times last week where I had a strong craving for sweets and my roommate's pop tarts were calling me. I just ate something else instead. Grapes one night and yogurt the other.


Telling someone they're fat is a hate crime???

Fucking triggered.

did anyone see cosplay contest at blizzcon
some 350lbs girl cosplaying roadhog took 1st place

roadhog's fucking fat so it makes sense right? i don't know how cosplay contests are judged

>i don't know how cosplay contests are judged
I'd assume by how good they look. Y'know, how accuracy and quality.

>work with fattie girl
>i drive her home everyday
>be skinny fat myself, i started running to make fat ratio better
>shes saying to me "why, you look fine, you shoudlnt stress it"
>shes saying that she tried many different "diets" with no effects
>she tries to hit on me constantly but im disgusted by her

wew lads the mental gymnastics

fill yourself up before night with something that isnt that calorie rich

not eating before sleep is ameme

Fresh shot from a video about couples losing weight together.

people straight up eat sticks of butter?

>look this bitch up on fb hoping to call her ass out
>can't find the post
>find this gem instead

its time, you fags


How does this make you feel, Veeky Forums?

>I just can't stop eating chocolate!

Then don't buy it retard


Her forms looks prrtty bad. Npthong wrong with that, real yoga is pretty difficult, but she shouldn't be teaching people.

Dude fatties tend to be ashamed of themselves and don't like admitting their short comings. Hell my gf isn't even fat but struggles with her body image and says she likes having me around at all times because my presence will guilt her into not binging on shit. Crazy to me because she has visible abs, but she feels like a fat person on teh inside and thinks if she was by herself she'd just binge and not admit it to me.

she pukes it all after, like all youtube big eaters

The reply is to to a post from a page called Fantastic Things In the World.

It's definitely fat.

chubby girl senpaitachi i hear you ;-; almost former landwhale here 227lbs to 148 at 5'4" and going down
basically what # said, greek yogurt is the most hack meal when youre craving shit, you can find some brands at 45 cals per 100 gr
fruits are good when the sweet tooth comes (accompany them with a MASSIVE cup of tea without milk or sugar, fills you up)

also try to do a week without any added sugars? first few days legit feel like cig withdrawal but then the cravings pretty much stop

>3 holocaust skelles
>14 skinnyfats
>only 2 people lift OR are overweight
gentelman, let me introduce Veeky Forums of the 2016

Are you literally retarded? You don't need to eat much to REMAIN fat, it's not like she's on a one-way trip to obesity - she gained weight and now she just maintains it; it's easy to remain fat - if you don't burn up your glucose reserves (not working out), everything you eat will inevitably become fat and you really only need to eat maintenance levels for a non-active person (say ~1500 for an office-working girl) to retain your weight.

>Source: recovering fatty for many years
At rest I would need to eat 1700 a day and my weight wouldn't budge. She just eats normally without a nutrition plan for getting leaner.

>Just stop eating this thing you like

It's more complicated than that.

I love it how they always say: "I'd rather be fat and happy."

Do they not understand that if they feel the need to justify their weight to strangers over the Internet, then they're not truly happy?

If a person if happy and content with themselves, they don't need to prove it to anyone else, they just live their lives.

Because of this, every time I see the "I'd rather be happy and fat, than X" I can't help but laugh.


Kekaroony fampai

>Real talk, how do you pinpoint a fat person's Achilles heel?

It can be done, but you have to move their ankle fat out of the way first.

>stop eating garbage

It's really not.

No, it's really not. That thing you like is bad for you. Stop eating it and get some fucking self control you fat beast.

I like pasta, specifically ravioli. A lot. I haven't eaten it in almost 4 months, and guess what? I'm happier because of it because I'm down 35 lbs.


>eat greek yoghurt when you're craving
No, count your calories and don't eat more than you should, period.

Man the fuck up you pussies, jesus.

>he green texts outside chans

>he doesn't

>he does

underage b& detected

100%. im a beast for pasta and muffins. tried reducing the portions, and while i can control myself around muffins and eat just one every once in a while when theres leftover pasta i scarf it down, so i dont have it around at all

find your weaknesses and learn to overcome them tbqh

Size 18 in the UK is really quite big, though I never checked her labels so I'd never know what size she actually was for sure.

size 18 is fucking fat buddy

CICO is a given at this point my guy

just saying its more filling 200 gr of yogurt rather than 3 squares of chocolate when both are about ~100 calories

In the city I live in we have this huge event that people from everywhere flock to. I remember one year they were selling deep fried butter on a stick at one of the food trucks.

fat acceptance is the least feminist thing ever. Fat acceptance destroys women's potential, and turns them into consuming machines.

you already know what you are doing is wrong.
stop doing it.
thats it.

stop enabling yourself by buying chocolate in the first place.

>be This bitch
>spend years salivating about being married to some poor fuck
>be cute and sporty
>cheats on all boyfriends
>finally finds beta who will stay
>cheats on him
>gains 150 pounds
>abuses him
>pregnancy scares each month
>alienated him from all his friends
>despite all this, he fucking marries her

none of this is true. The fatter you are, the easier it is to lose wight. Because your fat body is inefficient and requires more energy just to stay alive.

holy shit, tricep routine?

Fatty trying to lose weight here, how do you deal with cravings for sugar/anything sweet?
What I do so far is taking Quark (god-tier for anyone who doesn't know it btw, ~12g protein and 60-70kcals per 100g in the low fat variant) and mix it with a banana for taste, then portion it and put it in the fridge, and it really helps since instead of eating some 400 calories of garbage I have a ~150 calories snack high in protein, pic related

I really don't understand how men sink to these levels. Behind every terrible bitch is a gamma enabler.

Grreek yogurt (unsweeetened) + honey and/or controlled amounts of chocolate.

Those delts are pop n fresh

I am actually curious, will chewing gums take away the sugar cravings?
I mean, you are getting the max satisfaction for sweetness without putting a massive dent in the calories like pigging out on a cake.

>fat requires energy
muscles require energy. You could say that fat people consume more energy moving, but if you're not doing shit during the day you will simply need to eat like a normal person to keep your weight. We're not talking obese people here, mind you, who weigh 200-300kg more than said girl, who is just a little chubby. Fat people on maintenance don't bulk, they just eat normally.

I also always chew gum to prevent cravings, it works pretty well until evening, then they get too strong

When you crave sugar eat fruit

Fat has to be maintained too, although it needs less energy than muscle, otherwise it would start rotting
see fatties who lost their feet or shit because no energy could reach them due to them being so fucking fat

>having out with qtpa2tie
>very flirty and friendly,made it VERY clear she wanted the D
>problem is she has a boyfriend and I'm a conservative man so I don't bang women in relationships
>one day she tells me that he's a huge Bernie Sanders supporter and was trying to assault Trump supporters at a rally when he got hia bell rung and wound up in the hospital
>we both share a good laugh about it
>well old sport, I tell myself, if he's a Sanders voter it would be misogynistic and problematic for him to try to control his girlfriends actions (I don't use quotation marks for quotes because my writing style is heavily influenced by Cormac McCarthy)
>I invite her out for vegetarian tacos (I don't believe in animal cruelty) to a Mexican restaurant where the staff was all legal (MAGA)
>afterwards I bring her back to my place and throw some smooth jazz on ncmccp+mpd (I only use free and open source software)
>we proceed to go to pound town on every available surface with my massive 6.25 inch cock and standing up (I have a great deal of functional strength thanks to Mark Rippetoes program)
>I even eat out her asshole because that's the type of man I am
>she was really feeling the burn that day, I guess you could say I socialized that pussy

Oh yeah he was fat or whatever too