What martial art would you reccomend Veeky Forums?

So I've been wanting to pick up a martial art, but I haven't felt like I've been in a good enough physical condition.

I think I am now though - I have improved a lot of the last few years.

>lost 60lbs
>put on muscle

I have been lifting 3x per week, and I've been trying to jog aswell. I plan to keep making gains

What should I get into? What do you do?

I would like to feel like I can defend myself, I feel emasculated knowing that I would be near useless in a physical confrontation.

Muay Thai

I would do BJJ so I wouldn't suffer repetitive head trauma and become an even bigger retard.

>no head trauma just constant loss of bloodflow to the brain

Take an experimental class of a martial class and see if it suits you.


Try sucking dicks 1 cock max every other day.

Starting Strength

Do some research as to what arts are taught around you. Muay Thai, Boxing, Judo, and BJJ are considered to be very effective/ important for self defense, but if none are available in your area, don't let it discourage you. Some martial art training is better than absolute zero.

Check out local gyms. Ask to watch a class or if the gym offers a trial period. Take the trial offer and then go find another trial offer at another style. Do this for 2-3-4 arts and choose the one you like best, or, if one seems like you would really excel at it, join that one.

As I said before, practicing any martial art is better than no martial arts. I, however, am wary of Kung fu schools, as well as some karate or kabudo schools. Kyokushin karate is regarded as a great art, while other karate styles are frowned upon. Many people also knock Krav Maga and say it's useless or tacticool and dumb. I practiced KM and found some techniques effective, particularly the sense of urgency or spontaneity and the reflections in technique that come due to these stressors, which I have adapted into my base fighting style. Any art can help, just find one that you enjoy.

My martial arts experience:
Tang Soo Do : 13 years and concurrent
Wrestling : 4 years
Krav Maga : 1.5 years
Wing Chun Gung Fu : 0.5 years
Signing up for Tae Kwon Do classes with family friends and hopefully Judo classes in late September or November once a school schedule is more set in stone. Also had some experience in an MMA gym, but found the environment unhelpful/unfriendly.

Good luck OP!

Stop by all your local martial art places.
Take a class.
Find a awesome teacher.

Anything in MMA is tested. Any martial art you do has to be battle tested.
Eskrima is awesome for self defence.
Boxing is great (sept for brain damage).

I do jujitsu/judo/bjj. Cross train in others.

Any karate that does legit sparring.

Any kickboxing, western or thai, it is all good stuff, as long as your gym regularly spars

Jiu jitsu is king of grappling. Wrestling is queen (because of gayness).
Judo is practical
Aikido is a meme
Kung fu is a meme

99% of tkd is a meme, but some of the upper eschelon guys can kick really fucking hard really fucking fast to the face, and sometimes that is all you need.

Krav maga is a meme, and usually overpriced AF. Most places dont spar because it is """"too deadly"""". This is the red flag for bullshitfu

>unironically training kung fu
Where you from, user?

If you're outside the U.S. try Krav Maga. Don't bother if you're an American bc they have gone and fucked it up like they always do.

wrestling, lets you learn how to roll with a man without people thinking you're gay

>tfw wen you are

How to not get bonar when rolling?

small dig breh

Do boxing and tell you sparring partner to go easy

its not a martial art but if youre just looking for self defence go for krav maga or however you spell the martial jew


Krav Maga amd Judo for that Big Boss style CQC

Kendo and Iaido if you post on an online Scandanavian Tar Sand Exploration commitee

1 off
Boxing, its alot of fun and there's a huge focus on fitness
There's also minimal bullshit and you can immediately gain competence at self defence

By minimal bullshit I mean stuff that's specific to boxing as a sport; ring control, attire, peekaboo, etc.