5 Week progress

>5 Weeks calisthenics / body weight
>drinking supreme mass by peak
> eating big
>gained 5 kg in 5 weeks
> did I do good Veeky Forums?

It ain't all muscle.
But good, keep going.

looks muscle to me bruv
keep it going OP , you're going to make it

Supernatural fan?


Good job user keep that shit up and keep eating big. You'll make it.

So Bodyweight is not a meme after all

OP here
Post your progress pics m8s
Also shameless self-bump

some random dude 1 yr progress

OP here, what do you mean by it ain't all muscle? What is it then you mong

prince of calithenics

I've been working out during a year now and this is what I looked like 12 months ago, been trying to eat as healty as possible but I've been dricking quite frequently as well.

me now
>got some sun as well.

Fat, fluid

WTF user what a huge fag are you to make you a tattoo of a fucking scifi serie
Never gonna make it

Nice m8

Sure it is. Post your body then

I started bodyweight recently after lifting for 1.5 years since I got bored of the same stuff. Here's my routine in case you're interested. It's a rough draft but I'm still working on it. Obviously this would be after you get more advanced and reach the intermediate stage.

I don't give a fuck about what faggots like you think

lol i kekĀ“d hard at the tattoo massive faggot and 0 progression

Looks nice m8
Mine is quite basic
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: Running 60-90 minutes
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Pull ups 5 x 10
Dips 5 x 10
Hanging Leg Raises 5 x 10
Pistol Squats 5 x 10 (each leg)
Parallel bar chin ups 5 x 10
Military push ups 5 x 10
Flutter crunches 5 x 30 secs
Calf Raises 5 x 10 (each leg)

Lmao @ this faggot
>Not even Posting your body
>keep masturbating to 2d girls and guys with tits

definitly bro i will and now you can feel really dirty

Why would I feel dirty?

keep thinking of this fag will be back later and see if you got it

you're such a basic dense chav
you don't fucking understand that in everything you will eat there will be fat, only 2.5kg of that 5g is most likely muscle you dense fuck

none the less good progress faggot