Alpha Beta

What's your most alpha and beta characteristics Veeky Forums?

> College Volleyball Wife 10 younger than me.
> Powerlift, squat a lot.
> Haven't cried in like 10 years.
> 6'4"
> Germanic

> Voting for Hillary. Wouldn't even consider voting for Trump.
> Drive an electric car.
> Beard a little thin.
> Do yoga sometimes.

Idk man. How strong are you?

>implying I have beta qualities

You know what makes an alpha an alpha? Over coming adversity instead of crying weakness

I'm 5"5, I did a specialized jumping routine and practiced judo for a year, I'm short, I know, but if some lanklet fag trys to high five me at work or in public I jump up and high five him Everytime, some tall mother fucker wants to fight? Center if gravity+judo=me throwing lanklet around like a mother fucker, nobodys born perfect, but by making an active attempt to overcome any and all difficultlys I become as close as most of us will get

none, if I had a beta quality i would improve upon untill it was a strength

Hillary would unironically be worse for the US than Trump.

People just hate Trump because he says mean things

Take steroids


>no traits I have has anything to do with the above

>all my traits are directly linked to the above

>have friends with dangerous people like drug dealers
>dedicated to my ideals
>somehow able to pull one night stands few times in a year
>value strenght and resilience
>managed to get my shit mostly together
>pain is nothing mentality
>high resistance to alcohol and drugs
>can lead a conversation nicely
>likes animu

>still mentally ill
>low self esteem
>low test
>shit facial hair
>shit confidence for most time
>quiet for most of time
>head always somewhere in clouds
>likes animu

wow, I actually managed to find a few extra alpha traits after a moment of thinking, made me feel better, thanks op

No true "alpha" define themselves as such

Listing your "alpha" traits is the most Beta thing you can do. fucking cringy faggots.

What do you guys think are the beta charecteristics of a woman? Can you divide woman into beta and alpha like you can with man?
Been thinking about this a lot lately but since i have nearly 0 interactions with the other gender I can't tell.


>My beard is quite nice.

>Nearly every other thing there is about me.

fake modesty

cmon lil bitches show some pride in yourself

Being proud of yourself is one thing but describing yourself as "alpha" is cringeworthy to its core. But whatever, keep doing you I guess


Even Mark Bell (powerlifter) once said that powerlifting is for the losers

Failed at every sport to find out he's only good for moving the loaded barbell tor 5 inches

How is driving an electric call beta?

Not alpha
>have friends with dangerous people like drug dealers
>somehow able to pull one night stands few times in a year
>managed to get my shit mostly together
>likes animu (calling it animu not watching it)

>have friends with dangerous people like drug dealers
knowing the scum of the earth does not making you alpha is probably makes you more beta

>get shit done when I want to, how I want to
>no sense of danger
>dulled sense of pain
>do supersets every day for two hours
>do deadlifts every day

>social autist
>animu and waifu lover

Makes you a fucking idiot, that's what it is.

Other than the beard thing, none of these is beta


Can you dunk?

>Voting for Hillary. Wouldn't even consider voting for Trump.

I bet that wife of yours has had a mile of dick cuckboii.

>alpha and beta
tip top kek, society is designed so there's no alpha and beta, we are humans, not wolves

No. I was your height in middle school, kid.

Really deep voice to where it sounds fake
Longe Schlonge
Work on guns for money
Bad bench
Half faggot
Cry when I'm alone in bed at night
Anger issues, legitimately diagnosed

>I'm 5'5
Stopped reading right there manlet

>thick wrist

>poor girlfriend

>none, if I had a beta quality i would improve upon untill it was a strength
What strength comes from being a jawlet/chinlet?

there's being self aware of what your strengths and real weaknesses are, and then there's shit like this thread. like wtf

no "alpha" walks around saying they're alpha. "not crying in over 10 years" doesn't make you an alpha either. fucking hell Veeky Forums stop being so cringe

yoga aint beta bro, got to work on mobility and yoga is great for that. dont be insecure

> alpha
7/10 qtgf
speak four languages fluently
strong af for my size
have excellent job prospects once I finish my master's degree

> beta
get nervous around new people
20% bf (n-not fat just bulking)

not letting it get to you? I'm a 5'8 manlet and found that I started being a bit more alpha once I stopped worrying about people judging me for my height

this 100%

i cringe so hard every time i hear/read someone chatting shit about being alpha and beta

>I haven't cried since ~7 years old
>180cm tall

>Gets stellar grades

>My back hurts immensely whenever i try to deadlift over 140lbs (im a skeletal)
>I'm a skeletal
>Likes thicc bitches
>Social anxiety
>Shitty hair

Feels bad man

>alpha 180cm

>friends with dangerous people like drug dealers
hahahahahahahah faggot

Not sure if women can be alpha/beta, but here goes:

>well educated
>corp career
>have never done anything I don't want to do
>married and maintaining traditional male/female roles, i.e I do most of the housework (+hired help)
>Veeky Forums and eating healthy, which causes a lot of butthurt to female colleagues

>a little arrogant because all the above
>sometimes ego gets in the way
>little patience for slow and shy people
>don't have driving license
>husband is unambitious and doesn't lift


I'm big and stronk, right wing and as of recent years even have become socially alpha. The one issue is I still have a femdom fetish. I don't fap or watch porn, but whenever I'm fucking I have to imagine them kicking me in the balls or some shit to get me off. Am I doomed forever or what?

>voting for Hillary

Nu-male detected.

OP is fucking retarded, just like any other Hillary supporter