White or brown rice for a cut?
White or brown rice for a cut?
Whichever one you pick make sure to freeze it first then microwave and eat it the next day before to minimize calories by a significant amount.
This is why no one takes /fit seriously
This is why nobody takes /fit seriously
Neither for me, I can easily eat thousands of calories of both without feeling ful
Cooling brown rice creates resistant starch. Minimal effect on calories, but it's supposed to be better for your gut bacteria and blood sugar
How do you guys even cook rice?
I'd lIke to know how to make broccoli and chicken like the rest of Veeky Forums
But only get meme answers via google
Resistant starch gut bacteria build up takes months and instead of destroying the rice via freezing how about you just buy some resistant starch powder and sprinkle it over your oats in the morning.
Diy egg fried rice. It's delicious and really not that bad on calories unless you're stupid with the oil or buy it from a Chinese. Boiled rice is doable if you've got balsamic or flavoured rice and you add a bit of soy sauce to give it some punch. Damn now I'm hungry
> water (1 cups for every 100 g of rice)
>Boil water
>Add salt (1 tlbsp in my case)
>Add rice
>wait for 20-30 minutes, keep an eye on it
That's pretty much it user. It's the easiest meal to prepare
Good thing we have them packed in plastic bags - no need to measure water and only takes around 10 min.
>put broccoli in a pan
>turn on eye
>place pan on eye
>put chicken in a pan
>turn on eye
>place pan on eye
alternatively, if you're really advanced, you could
>put water in pot
>place strainer on pot
>put broccoli in strainer
>place lid over strainer
>turn on eye
>put pot on eye
>Place pan on eye
>adding rice to the boiling water
are white people this retarded?
>which rice for a cut?
You're a retard.
brown tastes like shit so you'll fail your diet
White rice is refined(polished), and hence, has the husk removed.
This has two consequences:
a) about 80% of the micronutrients gets removed, making white rice an empty calorie
b) most of the fiber gets removed. This is an important nutrient for gut health, and also slows down the absorption of carbyhydrates, reducing the overall glycemic load
So, brown rice is always better, period. Black rice is even better if you can find it, similar to brown rice but the black colour comes from the high anthocyanin levels, which is one of the most potent anti-oxidants. Also has a nice nutty flavour to it.
Buy rice cooker for $20 at Target. Rice in rice cooker plus you can steam shit in it.
in a pan
I actually find brown rice to have a richer texture and flavour to it than white, which I find very bland.
But I know many people than disagree. I guess it is a matter of personal preference.
This is how you do it if you don't want sticky chinks rice.
I'm making rice not sushi.
Yeah but it's not white.
This, retarded gooks
Neither is the guy fucking your mom behind your dad's back.
Wew that was original
>taking a somalian pirate image board seriously
top kek
Brown is objectively better, but the difference isn't as big of a deal as people think.
rice cooker
>add 2x water as rice
>press the rice button
>come back whenever
>rice is ready
it's absolutely impossible to ever notice any kind of difference UNLESS your diet is extremely low in fiber, I mean extremely
Except if you knew anything about nutrition, you would realise the minimal amount of nutrients it has to begin with are negated by the same fiber (fiber reduces nutrient absorption of food) and is net neutral either way.
>He actually thinks he knows better than the majority of the world population that has at times had almost nothing except rice to eat for thousands and thousands of years
If you prefer the flavor and texture, cool. I prefer brown rice with certain dishes. But there is no tangible nutritional benefit to it. And if the extra fiber it gives will actually make an impact on your diet, then your diet is crap enough to the point where splitting hairs over brown and white rice is still way ahead of you.
I'm not even white you fucking chink.
>Except if you knew anything about nutrition
Except if you knew anything about nutrition you would know that including members of the alium(onions, garlic) family of plants in the meal greatly increases nutrient absorption, which counteracts the anti-nutrient quality commonly associated with phytic acid.
Even then, the nutrients lost from polishing rice(more than 50%) is much greater than the nutrients not absorbed from whole rice(only around 30% not absorbed if I'm not mistaken).
The "anti-nutrient" which inhibits nutrient absorption, phytic acid, is still a very healthy anti-carcinogen in it's own right, and the levels of it in rice is much lower than wheat and barley, which are responsible for most of the fear-mongering regarding this.
You can also soak/ferment the rice to reduce phytic acid levels if that really bothers you so much.
>anti-nutrient quality commonly associated with phytic acid
Not what I said. Fiber itself reduces nutrient intake. Literally nutrition 101. Reading meme articles about antioxidants online does not mean you know anything about nutrition user.
(cont to:)
Yes I know that fibre and phytic acid are different things, but remember, most of the nutrients you claim are hindered to be absorbed by fiber are actually present in the fibrous husk itself that gets removed.
So saying that fiber inhibits nutrients that are in the fiber itself so you should remove the fiber that contains the nutrients that it blocks from being absorbed it kinda stupid.
Well I just finished typing this anticipating thing response:
I agree. Saying that you should leave the layer of fiber that inhibits the nutrients in that layer of fiber IS stupid.
I am not saying that the nutrients are obtained when you eat white rice because the fiber is gone, i am saying you are never getting those nutrients in the first place so your choice of rice makes no difference on nutrition.
The only argument to be made is about whether or not the fiber itself is worth eating brown rice, and frankly if the small amount of extra fiber really impacts someone's diet then they have bigger issues to be worried about in their diet in the first place.
It's just rice you guys fuckkk
Just be glad the OP wasn't about bread
whichever one tastes better to you.
the difference between the two is incredibly negligible IMO.
per 100g, brown rice only has 1g of extra fiber compared to white rice...so it really doesn't matter
I disagree, I think the nutrients lost during refining(between 50 and 80%) is more than the nutrients not absorbed through "anti-nutrient" activity, which I can't think of where I got this number but was many moons ago but it is around 30%.
Fibre itself is one of the most neglected nutrients, however, so I would anything that increases it is a bonus. So yes, any instance of more fibre is good.
Well I suppose we will agree to disagree. At least you do actually seem to know what you are talking about.
Also kek.
I have mild nutritional science autismo, yes.
Nutrition science for laypeople(that is, those without doctoral degrees in this stuff) is a very difficult thing to have an interest in as there is a bajillion blogs with even more interpretations of even more scientific papers behind institutional paywalls than require more time to read than anyone with a freedom loving virile penis is willing to spend without getting paid to research on behalf or public interest(which is virtually no one).
So, yeah, we will disagree to disagree.
But, at least you seem capable of understanding that a difference in understanding or interpretation of the many sources of information regarding this doesn't imply we should shit on each other, which is way more than I can say for 99.9% of Veeky Forums, so at the very least I respect you for that.
Shut up fag, I was right
Stroke in progress?