I apparently need to eat 3500 calories to CLEAN BULK.... HOW DO I FIT THAT INTO MY BODY?????

I apparently need to eat 3500 calories to CLEAN BULK.... HOW DO I FIT THAT INTO MY BODY?????



>he fell for the clean bulking meme


calorically dense food

I know I know, foods are better than shakes. But honestly, if you really cannot get that many calories in consistently, go to a mass gainer. You can easily get any extra protein and calories you might not be able to eat. Helped me a ton in college when I didn't have a full kitchen or a lot of money for constant meals

i never knew these existed, ill check it out

Oh yah, so i should full bulk and eat 4,000 FUKING CALORIES a day??!!


and milk

It's basically just a normal protein shake, just with more calories. I used to make post workout shakes with milk and a couple scoops of powder that came out to about 600 calories and a ton of protein


I'm 5'10 130 pounds and I eat 3500 calories a day, it's really not that hard


We'll never learn bros

I just started a bulk eating 3300 calories a day. Shit was hard at first, but once you learn to pace your calories throughout the day it's easier.

>tfw can't cook
>tfw too lazy to cook
>tfw your body just gets use to the 2500+ liquid calories

I don't even eat real food anymore.

>3500 calories
thats nothing
learn how to cook decent food and be a man

Dude 3500 clean calories is only like 1 kilogram of meat. 1kilogram of mixed vegetables and like 500 grams of lentils

Dont be such a bitch

Why are they bagging the shit I took last night?



How fucking big are you?

>fried eggs
>olive oil
>whole milk
>fried potatoes
>fast food in general

it's fucking easy

3500 isn't THAT much.

I'm 5'8 and I can accidentally eat 3500 if I dont try to limit myself

get good

>fried eggs

m8 I eat 9 eggs a day cutting and it's only 600 calories.

8 scoops twice a day

If you ate 3500 calories a day you wouldnt be 130lbs you lying sack of bones.

I swear to god some of this calorie shit is blown out of proportion, or motherfuckers are just lying. They say they CUT on 2800 - 3000 calories and bulk on 4k. I tried that shit and got fucking fat as hell and I was still doing cardio. I think people have this weird 'macho' mindset about eating all the time because it makes them appear manly/alpha when In reality it's fucking dumb. If you're on gear, sure, eat fucking 4k calories.

Too lazy to even get a toaster oven? Shit's near fool proof

manlet detected

It really depends on your height/metabolism/daily life routine. I am an ectomorph and the days when i work and workout i have to eat something like 4300 calories. A friend of mine played basket at a good level and had to stuff 9000 cals per day. 9000.


ok, bud

6.6 ft guy


Fucking manlet, i lose weight eating anything less than 3300 kcal / day. I slow bulk on 3800. Not everyone has a tiny teenagers body like you. And i'm only fucking 6'1

Spoiler alert some people are more active than others in their daily life so they need more calories than others just to maintain.

>tfw 6ft 180lbs with active job.

I'm probably maintaining at 3500 at this point and I still almost puke at eating that much.

Bulking is hard.

lol post pics, I bet you're just a bloated shit that thinks he's "swole"

If he played in college or something he probably was tall, big, and worked out at least 3 times a day. Totally conceivable. Though 9000 might be an exaggeration.

>Totally conceivable.
>Though 9000 might be an exaggeration.
well it's one or the other you fucking retard.

lol literally my thought going into this thread

Do some research over in FPH. Anything those degenerates can do carelessly you are also capable of accomplishing.


>Fried with oil

I thought one egg was like 150 cals

> most of which stays in the pan

Two large eggs are like 150 cals.

> 2016
> not eating ostrich eggs

>not eating triceratops eggs

Oh shit!!! What a dream.

I think I hit close to that today. All measurements are done after cooking except where specified

>1/2 c. Oats (measured dry)
>3 hardboiled eggs
>12 Oz milk

Meals 2-5:
>1.5 c. Brown rice
>0.5 c. White rice
>1 c. Black beans
>16 Oz chicken breast
>1/2 bellpepper
>1/2 avocado
>3 whole carrots
>1 broccoli crown

Throughout the day:
>20 Oz mango nectar (it's a weakness of mine)

>2 c. Milk
>1 scoop whey
>1 package shake mix

The shake mix comes from a nutritionist I see for a medical condition, but it adds 430 calories to the count. You can easily make this up with peanut butter and an extra scoop of whey or something.

>current year
>still thinking eggs are healthy

I shiggy diggy

>Counting calories


Just eat more lean meats and cut out the sugar/junk food and you will gain. You think you arent big enough eat more lean meats. All it takes.

I mean do you really think the crusaders where counting calories? No they were to busy cracking muslim skulls.

That is not hard you fucking idiot. Eat twice as much as a petite American woman.

> He fell for the dietary cholesterol meme

Bulking is easy as shit
Half a gallon of milk is 1200 calories
If you're a normal human being you should be getting 2500 calories a day from food alone, add in milk and that easily goes up to 3700

Its like you faggots don't have any willpower

They were also like 5'7
We can't all be manlets

>That is not hard you fucking idiot. Eat a petite American woman.

Just make sure you cum inside her before eating to ensure protein economy

that's only 10 mcdoubles

4 mcdoubles for breakfast, 3 for lunch, and 3 for dinner

1200 calories per serving.
Woah that sounds great

A serving is 360 grams............

shit it's actually only 9

OP you faggot I could eat 9 mcdoubles in one sitting

You're a manlet. I need to eat 3900.

I am managing to stuff myself with 4100 thanks to a breakfast made of a croissant with butter and parmesan cheese, with 3 cups of milk/cottage cheese/blueberries/peanut butter smothie.

After that, just eat as normal.

Mfw 6' 2" 155 pounds
Idk what the fuck I'm going to do after this cut. I can barely eat half a burger and half a baked potato in one sitting.

Being a skeleton is suffering.

why are you cutting when you are 6'2 and 155 lbs?

you don't have any muscle to show off.

Why are you cutting at 155lbs?

chew it first

Down from 185 a little less than a year ago. I wanted to challenge myself. Be sure I could handle a cut after a bulk instead of just getting big then never cutting. I've learned very well how to eat and how to cook what I want for a cut. I'm ready now.

fat people enjoy eating and enjoy stuffing themselves

that's their secret. skeletons don't seem to really enjoy eating all that much.

You've been cutting for a year?

More like just not eating as if I'm a land whale American.

It honestly just sounds like you don't know what you're doing

are are really low cal you idiot. their the cut saviors. peanut butter and milk are bulk buddies

arw you eating ostrich eggs wtf

Top kek 9000 calories a day? NOPE

Im an inch taller, work on my feet, lift, do kickboxing and bjj and get my cardio in and i do just fine on 5000. Your friend would be fat as shit or hes lying.

Most average men will maintain their size on approximately 2300 calories +/- and 2300 calories is not a lot of food in a 24 hour period. A hamburger takes less than 5 minutes to eat, contains around 500 calories and can power your body for over 6 hours.

or he just trained harder. bball players do a fuck ton of cardio bruh

This + raw oats mixed with raisins.

Just eat that shit like a horse.

Make protein shakes that are tasty as fuarck and caloric,
Add a banana or two, whole milk, cocoa powder, honey, peanut butter out the ass, and all the scoops

Ice makes shakes taste magic (just think of how gross a milkshake is when it melts. Might be worth pouring milke in an ice cube tray and freezing it for more calories)