You have the opportunity to travel back in time and visit your pre/fit/ self. What advice would you give?

You have the opportunity to travel back in time and visit your pre/fit/ self. What advice would you give?


I would tell him that the hot blond with the nice ass wants the D and he should try and hit that.
Past me was a lot Veeky Forumser than me but also much more autistic.

If it was to the start of lifting - "Don't artificially limit your progress because of autistic worries of perfect form and overtraining."

If it was to a few years or more before lifting - "stop making excuses you silly fat fuck, weight loss is a numbers game and you cannot fail if you put the right numbers in, start going to the gym now because time passes regardless of what you do, so would you rather look halfway decent in 2 years or still be saying "one day ill start working out".

>definitely bang beatriz, she's waaaay into you but yout autism won't let you see it, she puts out and stares
>bang christina, but dont date her shes crazy as fuck
>give ashley a chance

stop giving a fuck about everything, ignore your bitch mother and shitty friends and follow through with your ideas and hobbies
and lift faggot

If I could go back to like age 14, I'd tell him to sleep more. Proper sleep to grow is more important than games.
Stop living off sweets and oven pizzas. You have good friends who like you want want you to hang out with them more, so do that more. Join tennis freshman year and STICK to it this time. You've got natural talent and it'll pay off.
Kristina liked you since freshman year. Don't wait two years then ruin it by being beta. Man up and take control of your life, you whiny dependent self-loathing piece of shit.

I don't even care that I didn't lift. Just don't let me get fat. Took years to drop.

>no carbs, ever. just eat some fiber from time to time.
>forget about the home gym thing, you'll meet nice people in the real gym.
>don't fall for the supplement meme
>learn how to marinade foods
>learn about insulin resistance, is more important than calories.
>don't fear the squat
>you don't need as much cardio as you think
>you are allergic to corn, that's why your stomach hurts

I have no interest in teaching my past self because he wouldn't have listened.

I'd just beat the Fuck out of him



>tfw you wish you could beat up your past self but he was still a better fighter than you even if he was a spastic

Nah I'm good. Gotta meet Trish later slay some more demons bruh

Shut the fuck up, steal you parents money and invest in facebook and twitter

dont forget to buy bitcoins

Mfw one of your baby mama works for Facebook
Daniel burgerboys are so stupid they didn't find her yet lel

Working is for plebs. How about make your own and stop being a bitchboy


are you me? although i was a beta dyel back then and looked like shit i rejected this 10/10 and just think wtf to myself if i think back.
and for the fitness relation: stop doing machine bullshit and dont be afraid of increasing weights, you just waste ur time otherwise

how did you find out about the corn?


Practice the violin 1hr every day
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
Study all your coursework 1-2hrs every day, before doing anything fun like playing video games or practicing violin
Either cycle or run a few miles every day

I started a keto diet and noticed an incredible inmprovement in my digestions. Since I didn't touch carbs except on special ocassions eventually I identified corn as the sole problem, I made a test and confirmed that was it. Before that I just thought I had "slow digestions" when I stuffed my face with mexican food and other processed shit with corn in it.

Lifting won't make you dumb. People who go to the gym aren't stupid and shallow, you are a retard for neglecting your health and not caring about your appearance. You can work out and still get to uni you little shit.

Oh well, better late than never. Also don't eat so much fastfood under disguise of bulking

I would give myself lottery numbers

>implying im fit already

this is the only answer

to lose it all to some vapid whore because you were stupid, naive and bluepilled af

There's nothing to say. That idiot probably wouldn't understand/care about anything I say. I'm too different from him at this point.
I would beat the shit out of him though so maybe he would toughen up.

Drop everyone besides your family and everything besides college and lifting. Saves me 2 years of my life.