How many of you eat bread? Every day, once in a while, white, wheat, whole grain, fresh, store bought...

How many of you eat bread? Every day, once in a while, white, wheat, whole grain, fresh, store bought? Does it help or hurt your gains?

Home made gluten free err day. I do lots of cardio so it's nice in my tummy.

Do you need gluten free, or are you a hipster?

Don't eat bread, I don't miss it either, waste of calories

Coeliac, gluten makes me shit though eye of needle.

I eat two slices of white bread every day, It's literally not that big of a deal. Why are so many anons scared of bread?




Coeliac is not real. It's the 2010's version of myrofibragliaiaiiaua.

Cause empty carbs and calories.



pretty much never

i'm type 1 diabetic and don't eat carbs unless i need to, and bread is usually a superfluous addition to meals that can be replaced or eliminated without losing much

I eat the 1/4 of a baguette everyday
Wouldn't eat american bread or pain de mie tho

This desu fampai

I don't lift. I do body weight exercises at home, and run. But, I eat bread. I was just offering a a thought on why a lot of people on Veeky Forums are afraid of it.

Very rarely eat it, I noticed I'd feel a bit ill and tired after eating it, so I replaced bread with porridge (breakfast) and sweet potato (lunch) and feel so much better. Not sure if it was some kind of minor allergy or sugar low or even a placebo but definitely don't miss it. My poops have been so much better too. I'd always have a horrible shit after eating bread.

Get the fuck off Veeky Forums you fucking DYEL cancer

I eat knäckebröd.

This is Veeky Forums. Don't have to lift to be fit.

When I lived with my parents I used to eat it every day and with every meal.
After I moved out I still ate it every day for breakfast (mostly rye (real rye mind you americans))
These days I barely ever eat any, even moved my toaster away from the kitchen counter taking up unnecessary space

why don't you lift?

It bloats the fuck out of me. If I eat just 1 PBH and pass out I get real gassy.

Can't afford a PT, and I don't want to go in to gym blind and fuck myself up. I don't trust tutorials on the internet since everybody says something different.

i feel like i'm getting trolled

Indeed. Sounds like a beta troll to me.

You're not. Gym equipment is fucking intimidating.

Every day but I make my own. I don't touch white bread


have you actually tried going to the gym or did you make this decision from the outside without ever even trying?

you don't have to start with free weights if you're scared of them for some inexplainable reason. gym machines don't allow you to fuck up even if it's your first time. just start light and up the weights as you get used to the movement
> I don't trust tutorials on the internet since everybody says something different.
dieting tutorials or programs maybe but the proper form of a single exercise and the way to use machines has a 100% consensus and you can just search youtube for a move or machine name and you'll find a dozen 2-5 minute videos telling you the same thing