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Health #384
Home gym vs gym membership
When you do a big poo and the toilet water splashes up and goes in your anus
Trying to get a high protein and low carb breakfast
How do I get a bigger neck?
Tinder sloots thread. Special edition fit/aesthetic american in Germany...
Low test thread?
How was your day
Where do you fit in on this hierarchy? Delta+ here
Reminder that this is what is considered perfection on SS
Pick Up Artists
/run/ - Running General
Cocoon mode
Are you the fat, ugly one of your group?
Cbt current body thread
Can full stack lat pulldown
Transformation thread????
When did you guys realize front squats are far superior to back squats?
Rogain gave me erectyle disfunction?
Who /planning on binging the fuck out of the delicious fattening foods when they are too old and going to die in a...
Counting the bar
6ft, 200lbs 12%bf
Just lift and b urself bro
I'm fucking doing it guys. My metabolism is too fucking high and I can hardly gain weight, sick of this shit...
Whats the body to go for if your a manlet? (In my case 5'6)
Anyone got some good metal I can listen to in the gym? I need something intense
Losing the genetic lottery thread
/BWG/ - Bodyweight General
More like this shit
Tfw you're starting to get too good looking for your girlfriend but you love her so much
How many of you use preworkout? Does the shakiness make anyone else feel too anxious...
That beaner in the gym wearing an alphalete shirt
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Squat rack's credit card machine not working
Craving peanut butter like a madman
Holy shit Veeky Forums, I messed-up real bad...
R8 my dinner Veeky Forums
Good feels thread
My boyfriend is into fitness too, user
How many cals a day do you guys eat? 4300 here
Sexual Health Thread
/fraud/ general
There it is
Tfw despite gains people think you look 16-17 years old
WARNING to ALL that come on here
Hey fags
This is why I lift
How Chad are you Veeky Forums?
She doesn't reply to your snapchats
Ideals Thread
I hope you didn't get memed by the 'strength base' meme
Tfw theyve already silently invaded our country
What mode am i ?
Being a manlet has me feeling suicidal lately. I feel as if I'll be laughed at in the gym if I go...
Is there any better feel than jogging in the fall weather? I love the fall season
ITT: injuries
/cut/ - cutting general
Make your own preworkout crew unite
What does fit think of Jason Blaha's ICF 5x5?
So about 2 years ago...
Martial Arts General - /mag/
Feels bad man
Would you give a fat girl a chance? What if you both had so much in common, except she was pretty big?
Is my girlfriend really fat?
Gf wants to go gym
Questions 4 fit
/scar/ aesthetics
What'd you eat today Veeky Forums?
/Plg/ powerlifting general
Is Rich Piano the perfect human being?
Anyone of you guys have a home gym? if so is it worth it in your opinion?
Guy at the gym
What do you guys think of Tilapia?
Fuck you T you fucking bitch, you just said what i wanted to hear...
Why is it so hard to progress on delts?
Over here from /k/
Carbs Dont Make You Fat
What are your favorite protein sources?
OK boys so I'm now on my 3rd week of antibiotics to clear my folicolitus (acne) (doxycycline) and im starting to sweat...
What type of brand do you wear when working out...
Anybody here have IBS?
Would you date someone with bigger arms than you?
I lift 1/2/3/4
Tfw been hyper extending lower back for years when squatting
How do you even have time to look for a date?
What's the Veeky Forums version of this image?
Lifting Inspiration
Who can't eat eggs anymore after seeing this ugly bastard? when i try to eat them...
My biggest insecurity
CBT post thy gains brethren
How to cope with being alone forever Veeky Forums?
What is the purpose of a one pound dumbbell? Is it a meme?
Squat logic
Why even lift when you are a nice guy?
Does lifting make up for not being indian?
Fat hate? fat hate
I call upon the sacred deer of Veeky Forums
Guess height of this guy
You're on your way to the gym & she blocks your path, what do?
Hey Veeky Forums
Progress thread
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Perfect diet plan
Forge at the gym is broken
Done with SS. i'm starting texas method tomorrow with volume day. what should i expect?
What are some foods that start out delicious but you end up dreading?
Can Veeky Forums ever recover?
How to boost your libido
Opinions on Diet Coke
Redpill me on glycemic index. Does it matter or not in diet? Should one eat exclusively low GI products?
Anybody else here yo-yoing with their diet like a mothefucker?
What's the best or your favorite cardio?
Just your daily motivational reminder bros: We're all going to fucking make it...
If I have shit genetics for lifting, but I want my child to be really strong and aesthetic...
ITT: post upcoming stars/next world champion
Is there any way to fix this "physique"?
How do you befriend girls Veeky Forums?
Which dragon ball z character is most Veeky Forums
Are potatoes a Veeky Forums approved food?
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate this body?
Strong jawline on a girl
Most people grossly overestimate the amount of protein they need
Fitness cringe
What's the bottom cut off height for a male so you're not handicapped in life?
Guys which macro split i should use
What does Veeky Forums think about micro dosing LSD
What do you think of Dan Bilzerian his Instagram page looks like a joke you would find in Grand Theft Auto
Can you get big legs without squatting (without any squats)?
Want to be fit
Nightime fraud where you at
Pick Up Artists
Can Veeky Forums sit comfortably in a flat-footed resting squat? Where your flexibility gains at?
That guy is insane, and his "gf" is a man baby
One chance at life
I wan't to join a gym so when I get to my goal weight I'm not skinny fat...
Who here bulking?
Rarely see anyone at my gym bench >100kg
ITT: Pictures worthy of being hung up in a gym
Yfw gym tomorrow
High test thread
Zinc ruined my life
Walk into gym
Is there anything wrong with using a triple cheeseburger to bulk?
Jesus christ, Veeky Forums
First serious relationship
Continuing bulk until at least the start of 2017, going to cut for next summer. What are my weak points?
My gym has a soft and a little bouncy surface all of the free weight area sort of like pic related
Anons who have come from social retardation - how did you learn to properly talk to women with confidence?
What do you Veeky Forumsizens think if him?
"The upright row is perhaps the most unfortunate exercise ever invented, for several reasons." - Mark Rippetoe
How do I get a big muscular butt? Squats and deads haven't helped much
How important is race in fitness?
Best of Veeky Forums
How to maximize face aeathetic?[pics]
Who here Leg Press Master Race?
Reminder that Gary Johnson is the Veeky Forums presidential candidate
Good place to discuss and find Sources for SARM's and Pepetides
Do you have a mommy fetish, Veeky Forums? If you don't have a mommy fetish would you go for this?
Will this manga teach me how to lift properly?
How's it goin Veeky Forums
Have you ever encountered a white knight in real life?
Are there advantages to lifting over bodyweight work for bulking up?
Post images that trigger Veeky Forums
Banana Shake Oatz Recipe
Processed sugar
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Front Squats > Back squats
Mfw I lift for girls
Someone estimate bf/ pls?
/run/ - Running General
Lb of fat a day
Morning motivation thread
Talking to gf
Could you please explain to a vistor from /pol/ what is the poiint of this board...
How did they get so jacked without squats and deadlifts?
How would you react if your future son was into lifting but turned out gay...
Is it a good idea to mix up your workout routine every now and then to "shock" your muscles or is that just a meme?
Rate my food
Ask the sacred deer of Veeky Forums
Hey Veeky Forums. I was scrolling through my news feed on Facebook and I saw this
Less than 3 months til Halloween
Women are as strong as men. It's just societal factors that keep them from being competitive in the Olympics...
What do you guys have for breakfast? I buy 30 of these a month but recently find it difficult it eat, stomach cramps etc
Bodyfat estimate guys?
His gf doesn't cook for him
Uni/College Thread
Why are cucumbers so 10/10 god tier? Is this the secret veggie that god hid in front of our eyes?
Low test
If you smoked the marijuana drug on a friday night would it effect your performance in the gym on saturday morning
I eat a lot. Work out 3 times a week. Consume protein sakes
hey bro, can we take turns at the bench?
Alright Veeky Forums help me bros. Meet up with girl I've was friends with a year ago. Go to the gym and mess about...
Was told to post on here
I have 15 days to lose 35 pounds
Good feels thread
Ain't no such thing as too much broccoli. How is that cut going user?
What are some Veeky Forums approved tattoos? :^)
Post your goal body
How do you make friends when you work 9 to 5?
Routine General
Veeky Forums is the board with probably the most insecure autistic faggots on this entire site
Why aren't you eating rabbit meat yet Veeky Forums?
I'm at rock fucking bottom, Veeky Forums...
What do you think is the biggest impediment to normies making gains?
Daily reminder if you don't cook you're cucking yourself out of easy and cheap healthy food
How does it feel to know that this chubby 'DYEL' could literally kill each and every single one of you twinks in...
Try again Chad! Lifting makes me EMPOWERED
What's the deal with "cero calorie" soft drinks?
A Japanese girl can bulk better than you. There is no excuse for lanklets
What's a good pair of durable earbuds that will survive regular gym visits and have decent bass...
What are actual clear cut ways to tell if you're low T?
Post your last workout
Not lifting to the most epic music in the world
Fictional Goal Body Thread (Realistic Edition)
One vegan meal a day
I hate to ask this, but how physically fit and confident do you need to be to get girls who look like this ?
Test levels
Be on my 3rd month of hiking the Pacific crest trail
Tfw she's gone and i had the opportunity to choose her but chose the coward way
Genetics are everything
Soy and estrogen
Ello Veeky Forums
Do women really comment on other women's asses at the gym?
Why is fat glorified in america?
How to naturally increase your test level?
Memes aside, is this human perfection? I think so
At what age did you first start lifting? When did you start doing it seriously?
Have absolutely zero motivation to workout
Is it true that brits can't make gains since all they do is scarf down barf?
What do you mean you dont drink alcohol user??
Does Veeky Forums drink beer?
Post the best compliments you've received
What's the Veeky Forums consensus on mushrooms?
60mgs of zinc a day gave me peyronies disease
Joe Rogan
How do white women treat you non-white anons since you got Veeky Forums?
Why is he so perfect, Veeky Forums ?
What does Veeky Forums think of Dom Mazzeti,aka Broscience guy?
Any fitizens had laser eye surgery?
Explain Cheat Days
When did you start to look like you even lift? I'm aiming at 1/2/3/4 before my size will start coming through
I'm in a relationship with a stripper
No Homo.... right babe, .... babe?
Is coconut oil better than butter? Also cooking tips n shit thread
Anyone fighting addiction of any kind with lifting?
Why wont you have a drink with me user?
Ideals Thread
Goal body thread
Balding bros
Hey Veeky Forums I got fit recently before I went to college. I hooked up with a girl. It was grand...
Tfw my flaccid penis is only 8cm
Be Veeky Forums
What's fit's opinion on ballet??
Anyone else hit the gym 5 days a week, but drink almost every night?
All this protein for under 1.45 what is wrong?
Have any of you experienced anal leakage when bulking? Suggestions?
Thoughts on eating fruit as a snack when cutting down weight?
Question to minority bros
Fantasy GF thread
Feels thread
Thank you
Weightlifting shoes
Veeky Forums
Is plain pasta (without oil/butter) Veeky Forums ?
Tfw 22 and still attracted to teenage girls
Does smoking make you a bad person?
FPH thread/fat people hate threat
What is the scientific definition of a manlet? please provide sources
Is my friend skinny?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Tfw gf is PMSing
How can I stop doing this?
Penis routine thread, last one 404'd
There's Always Tomorrow
Pushups baby
Who else annoyed by people who cannot tolerate even the mildest of spice?
Progress thread
Should I be ashamed for liking Asians?
Trap vs Fat poll
/CBT/ current back thread
I've never understood the motivation for working out
PSA to Manlets
Is my girlfriend fat?
I'm 182 cm/6 ft tall and weight 76 kg/177 lbs
I know there's no such thing as spot reduction, but why do some people store a lot of far in one area but not in others?
What mode do I need to get a gf like this?
/cut/ - cutting general
High Test Men
Is this a shoop?! WTF is up with this pic?
Anyone have good tips for leaving membership contract early?
Trying to meet a man sometimes makes me feel like David Attenborough...
Vertical leap increasing program?
I know the meme "these exercises are erection killers!", but does anyone else honestly masturbate less after lifting?
This is what girls want
Do you smoke, fit? If so, what cigarette brand/tobacco and why haven't you stopped yet?
Facial aesthetics
User get off your computer and come out and run with me!
Reminder that genetics are everything
ITT we give Bats ideas for new videos. My idea: I've said it more than once: Your take on manlets...
Tfw when home gym masterrace
Tips on staying motivated
How to get to mcgregor mode? He's thick solid and tight
Is there any healthy way that I can just have the same 3 meals every day?
So, how many exercises do you guys do in total?
Hey, Veeky Forums! Want some high test?
How does it feel to know that this chubby 'DYEL' could literally kill each and every single one of you twinks in...
What the fuck, is this achievable natty?
He eats chicken and fish
Is it ok to do cardio on a rest day?
Why don't you just brew your own steriods and then you wont have to worry about getting caught or your dealer getting...
Deadlift Thread
WELCOME to the Salty Spitoon, How tough are ya?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Liftin aint coping
/fps/ /fhg/
Ive got pretty bad pain when I sit and bend over forward. What is it
What is the best way to make a girl gain weight? Preferably without her knowing
You need a strength base before doing a bodybuilding/aesthetics routines
Does lifting make up for being an indian?
Is it true that drinking urine from a pregnant woman is good for gains?
Veeky Forums humor
Veeky Forums, I constantly burn more calories than I consume in a typical day. I'm already Mr...
Literally just started lifting and I can lift 40kg (88lbs) is this good/decent/bad? I'm 5'11", 19...
God... is that what normies thinking of us?
How long approx would it take me to reach this... (cont in next post)
Science finds the 'attractive' level of body fat
Modfinil causing weightloss confirmed
What are the most effective forearms exercises to gain mass in the encercled areas (see pic)?
Is it healthy to jerk off daily?
Gym fights
Tfw you realize girls only care about facial aesthetics
Why is Veeky Forums so serious nowadays? People used to play along with jokes or humor trolls because it was funny...
What was his last workout before the sauna?
Has your CNS ever been fatigued?
How you holding up Veeky Forums?
All I want is a kind hearted girl who will accept me for the autist that I that too much to ask for...
Why are carbs such a bad thing?
Hey bros...
Natural lifting
H-has scooby lost it?
130 lbs, 17% BF, why the fuck do I still have this belly after I eat or drink anything that isn't water?
Good news today for everyone! The manlets have FINALLY learned!
DYEL modes report in
This is what happens when you hit 10.9% body fat after being a fat kid
Is 1600 calories of chicken in one meal healthy?
Post you're 1rm faces
This has been troubling me for a long time, ever since I saw a thread about it
TFW met a girl and pretty much confessed to her I was a NEET and much more pathetic than her in every way except gains
Tfw rest day
Weakest Lift: Bench Press
"Why do you keep staring at me?"
Fit girl
I've started lifting and 3 days after my first deadlifts and squats my thighs are swollen and I can barely get up or...
How much longer does he have left
Yoga for fitness and weight loss
Can you be this dry and muscular natty?
Do you think you could out-lift batman?
Would I be able to get this body doing SS+GOMAD?
Face wash
TFW just want to be a simple man, with a simple gf
On a journey to become a normie...
Reasons why you lift
Is it possible to get bigger/stronger while staying the same weight?
Going starvation mode (~600 cals >25g protein) has receded my hairline in 2 weeks...
Old jack3d
We can all agree with this, right?
What would happen if I took steroids right now? Pic related
Thinking about trying it. Who knows how much literal shit has been in my colon for god knows how long, possibly years
What's this body type called?
How do you deal with loneliness, Veeky Forums?
Why are you still paying shekels to some gym owner Juden for the god-given right to be strong, fit?
What does your average mcdonalds trip look like?
Be honest. If you're going on a date with a girl you've never met...
Bench press alternatives
Hey Veeky Forums
Does anyone know why, after a period of working out...
What happened to the whole PUA "community" on Veeky Forums?
Does anyone know of a better treadmill for less than this one from Precor (trm223)...
The Girls in Your Gym
Nut Butters
Post YFW you just finish arm day
I'm 5'8. There is literally no point in me bettering myself if I can't get any taller
How long does it take to get the third body?
Cumloads General
What do you mean you're "cutting"?
Get Veeky Forums
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
What water do you drink?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Does anyone here have a sunken chest? How does getting fit affect how it looks? Does it "fill in"...
Hey Veeky Forums that's me on the left. I want to make the girl on the right my gf
What does Veeky Forums think about hair transplants? Should I go for it...
/fps/ /fhg/
Ive drank 300ml of pure vodka this afternoon to forget her and now im sobering up again
Be me, 19, gril
Why do you work out so much? If you lightly lifted weights and went for short run twice a week...
Why aren't you as intellectual and aesthetic as Frank Yang?
Is Veeky Forums actually full of homosexuals?
Not decorating your muscles with aesthetic tattoos
Advice for an amateur personal trainer
Is snus Veeky Forums...
Girl tags me on fb in a comment thread with her girl friends
Seriously? Does doing SS or Madcow or SL do ANYTHING for aesthetics? For fuck sakes...
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Bad feels thread
Fit's politic
Daily reminder that POWERLIFTING makes you FAT unless you're on MASSIVE amounts of gear
What's your split right now Veeky Forums...
Never lifted once in my life
I want to get buff and fuck nerdy girls at cons. I may also have some success and fame in the industry soon
Be me, 23
How do I get a gf like this Veeky Forums?
Butt spots
/plg/ - psychiatric health general
How true is pic related?
Tfw you only attract fat girls
Just a reminder if you weren't athletic at young age you prolly won't make it
Tfw keto-cardio master race
How important is water to making it?
Are you happy with your life right now, Veeky Forums?
Are there any legit stories of people going from nameless loser to alpha?
There is a zyzz in all of us
What's a good routine for a girl who's new to lifting/working out?
Stories Thread: Girls Crushing Your Feelings Edition
Yeah bro I curl 50kg one handed no problem
Bald/buzzed fit apreciation thread
Pick up Artists
Is rich piana a legit retard?
What's the most Veeky Forums conspiracy theory? I'm partial to the flat earth theory. More real estate to lift on
Motivational Thread
Tfw manlet
Daily reminder you are all in hell...
Whats your routine bro?
Do you keep your brain Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums?
That tfw too smart to lift
In just a few hours, Hillary Clinton will make a speech where she will mention Veeky Forums...
Getting fit wont get you a gf
The case for Heavy lifting
How to be fit while poor?
Lifting for years like fit recommended
I only just discovered this dude and a lot of what he says makes sense
Sup Veeky Forums, I'm fat and currently losing weight...
Veeky Forums tell me the truth
How do you know if you're pushing yourself enough?
In less than 5 hours Hillary Clinton will name Veeky Forums in her speech as part of the alt-right coalition...
Average of 5 hours of sleep per night
What's a good workout plan to gain muscle mass while on a 500 kcal deficit?
New /CBT/
Keep seeing this guy all over fit. What's his name?
Will he be forgotten in 2017?
Why do female divers have such nice high test asses?
What is up with all these men with childbearing hips?
So where on the scale of "machines bad - free weights good" do cable machines fall? you still have to balance the bar
Tfw when a lanklet rests his arm on your head and establishes dominance over you
What does Veeky Forums do for a living?
Normies think these are muscles
Routine r8 thread
Obsessed with squats
I just ate 2 Wildberry Pop Tarts. How fucked or salvageable is this situation?
What's his name again?
Are these full grain "oats" that contain rye, wheat, oats and barley better or as good for you as regular oats...
Can squats actually make my ass like pic?
Is eating the majority of your calories (80%) during lunch and breakfast - then having a light dinner a meme?
Hi how are you?
Which olympic barbell do you use in your home gym?
Walk into gym
What mode is this?
Why do people have such an adverse reaction to eating organ meats...
Ask The Sacred Deer
How am I doing
Why is American weightlifting so terrible?
How do I become taller?
Any of you guys get back into working out after being addicted to booze or drugs?
Post songs you listen to while lifting
How are you holding up Veeky Forums?
Answer me Veeky Forums
/cut/ - cutting general
Are incline/decline presses necessary if i want this chest? will flat bench suffice
You get named.. You gotta gimme Fifty
How can I balance a fit lifestyle with a love of fat girls? Is it possible to do both?
Bench or No?
Hey bro, what did you say about people who are 5'5"?
Juice fag here, AMA
Gf starts getting fit starts posting photos like this on her ig what would you do?
Let us get an ideals thread going
College/Uni Thread
Anyone here have a tight foreskin/ frenulum?
Can I use a beard trimmer like pic related to shave body hair?
Is this true?
Just deleted all 12GB of my porn. i thought it would make me feel better but i just feel the same, and kind of numb...
Can I prepare a protein shake and take it to the gym in a bottle?
Walking vs Biking to lose weight
Guys, how do I look? :)
Redpill me on bullet-proof coffee, Veeky Forums
Cheat /fraud/ and be huge like siberian bear
Can I get Veeky Forums as fuck and make it as someone with moderately bad pubertal gyno? It's 100% gyno...
Why lift when it's all about the face?
Has anyone ran a cycle of Ostarine ? Heard you dont need a pct for it either. Any results? Opinions? Worth it?
Ive been on 500 mg of DNP for almost 2 weeks and my cum is neon yellow. Am I dying?
Embarassing Gym Stories General
/BWG/ - Bodyweight General
The first time you had sex after began lifting, did you overcompensate?
Stupid Questions Thread
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Honestly after getting my gaming pc i don't see the point of lifting anymore...
/fit rage
What's the point of being shredded and natty?
Acne solutions
Months ago you guys linked a site for checking daily nutrients and stuff. Like...
ITT Minor shit in the gym that annoys you
OHP going to shit, halp
Why haven't you found a gymbro yet Veeky Forums?
What mode is this?
You: "kinobody isn't natty"
Has Veeky Forums ever fucked a big girl before?
What is the point of doing leg exercises?
Why do so many females love this guy so much?
What does Veeky Forums think of him? is this achievable natty ?
/cut/ - cutting general
Body progress thread
Why do you lift ?
Why lift when it's all about the swag ?
A girl who I matched with on tinder wants to meet, I found out we go to the same school and now she's insisting we meet...
Which Scooby1961 videos are the best or your favourite?
/outside/ v2
WhatsApp Fitness Chat
Okay I got a shitty wagecuck job finally. There are a lot of qt coworkers there, how can I make one of them my gf?
Why are nymphlets superior to tall girls?
/Fraud/ General
When your rented bench press rack time is up and the bar stops just as it touches your chest
How do I get the smell out of my bottle? It smells like dick
How to kill self when its obviously the only way?
Tfw gf
This guy slaps your ass while you're bench pressing
Fit approved books thread!
Who /intermittent fasting/ here?
What body fat % do girls mire the most?
Why do you still drink milk?
How am I supposed to get this much carb?
Oats thread
Halloween Thread
Who are the most delusional """"bodybuilders"""" around?
Day three of my cut and I'm fucking hungry as shit
So, is Jess officially the new Veeky Forums queen now?
You can lift twice your own body weight but jogging is too hard for you?
Tfw no gf
Its over, guys
Becoming an alpha
Not getting constant positive reinforcement
Hello /fit. I want to become the most god-like human being
Power lifting general plg
I scored 160 on the WAIS-IV many years back, which was the maximum score achievable on the test...
Nofapping for 5 days, is pic related hightest or no? Should I do it?
I thought the smith machine is bad Veeky Forums
What would you do if your daughter looked like this?
University Thread
Why is everyone on here saying SS or SL 5X5 and keto are memes? They've both been very effective for me...
What is the lowest body fat percentage that you would still consider to be fat?
Building that muscle. Seeing progress
Coconut Oil
Tfw a girl likes you
What do I write to her brahs?
Why does this man have such a cult following?
Im a fat fuck that wants to change
Have I been memed this whole time? Do you faggots actually post lift stats as 1 rep maxes? What the fuck?
be 6'2 tower of muscle
The more I lift the more I become redpilled
Why aren't you putting butter in your coffee? It's like you want to slow down your progress
Hi, I'm your new gardener
/plg/ - Trappy Posting General
Threadly reminder that if you're not separating your food groups when you eat, you're literally losing gains
Tfw too lazy to be Veeky Forums
How do I talk to girls at the gym? Would it be weird to say something like 'hey...
Why do I get so fucking tired after even a normal-sized meal? I just had to take a 1½-hr nap after having breakfast...
At what point did you realise that you wouldn't make it?
Deadlifts are not necessary for aesthetics and have a high chance of serious injury compared to other lifts due to the...
I am legit mad
Man boobs
Get whey protein
This is considered """""muscular""""" by normies
Are chia seeds just a meme or have anyone here actually seen any benefits from it?
How do I get good skin?
Tfw manlet 5'7
I finally thought I met someone
How long are y'all usually in the gym for?
Why are asians so skinny when they often don't lift or workout? Is it genetics or diet? If genetics...
What do you think is the best sign that somebody is gonna make it?
How much natty gains can you make if you focus on push ups and pull ups?
Why does smoking weed turn me autistic?
Have you ever been caught checking out a girl working out?
Why do you make fun of manlets?
How do I achieve Arthur's final form?
What is this mode?
Start cut
User, I can tell all that time at the gym has paid off
So kissless virgin here, and I want to gain experience with girls...
Want to be stronger but too intelligent to lift
Why do you young men dedicate so many hours to lifting for the sole purpose of improving their chances to get laid ?
A-a GALLON of milk a day?
Be honest, did overcompensate the first time you had sex after you began lifting?
How many of you are joining army in your country?
What has lifting taught you?
Alright, fine. I'm willing to admit that liking fatties is degenerate, and harmful to society...
Sup left was feb 2015
I see alot of bravado and condescension on Veeky Forums when rating and describing females. So ,objectively...
Why are you depressed?
Embarrassing gym stories thread
God tier fitness channels
Enter gym
Daily reminder that while you cucks are out there chasing white bitches that will never love you...
What's Veeky Forums having for din din?
I'm going to have a son soon. Will breast milk enhance my gains?
/run/ - Running General
How often do you allow yourself to drink soda?
Be me
/fraud/ general
/plg/ Powerlifting General
How to become chad
Why does Veeky Forums hate on guys who wear gloves at the gym?
This guy slaps justin lascek's ass in the gym lockeroom Veeky Forums
So I'm going to a pool party tomorrow morning and this will be the first time I've taken my shirt off in public in a...
How much easier it is for a...
"Hey, user, y-you're not busy this week are you?"
Getting gf to go to the gym?
Tfw can't bench the bar
Halloween weight loss dude here
The cereal is already poured and ready to eat...
Most effective exercises for improving calves?
Why is every mass shooter a fucking dyel? What is it about getting huge that prevents a man from committing an atrocity...
Implying Keto isn't the best diet ever
Finally squatted 2pl8 today
Walk into the gym
My life is hell but cant kill self
/owg/ - dead sport edition
What drugs have Veeky Forums used?
What to do to get this body?
Foul Body Odor
How do I get friends and a gf?
Mfw YouTube is blocked on the new squat rack screens
Alpha stories general
/cutting/ general
Veeky Forums is even afraid to comment on this
Post pics that motivate you
Tfw working 18-20 hours a day except sundays
Redpill me on roids. I don't trust the info given out on mainstream sources. I'm not really considering them...
Physical peak age for men
Another breakfast with eggs
Post Veeky Forums Animals
Alright Veeky Forums. I've been shitposting on this board for a long time and I stopped around 2012...
Supplement stack 2016
Tfw pl8 dispenser at the gym won't take my quarter and I line is forming behind me
/plg/ powerlifting general
S'up everyone, new here...
FPH thread, for all your fat hate needs
When an ugly girl texts you
New CBT. Old one is old
How degenerate am I if I'm lifting for a 2D girl?
Can we get a high test/fit girl thread?
Tfw shoulder impingement
/RG/ routine general
Fictional Goals
I'm getting a Bowflex Revolution in near unused condition from a relative delivered to my house as I plan on using it...
Hi, im looking into SARMS and i see mixed reviews. im thinking of trying mk and lg as i read that they are the best...
Should men shave their armpits Veeky Forums ?
How do I do dips without fucking up my shit ?
Why do dads have so thick forearms and calves?
Why do people struggle so much with cutting Veeky Forums...
So, Veeky Forums
Weird insect energy bars on Kickstarter
Daily reminder to drink your daily soy milk and take your daily probiotic Veeky Forums
"You think looking at pictures of WHAT will raise your testosterone?"
What are you eating /fit?
Can a concerted push to encourage fitness stop the feminization of the western male?
That lunk who grunts and slams weights
Post your HEIGHT and your major itt. I want to see what happens
Hi, ive never taken steroids before but im thinking about doing my first cycle...
Veeky Forums BTFO
Post your facial gains. Former /fat/ties general
Get my eyes lasered
Is he die? It's been 5 months since the last video
College/Uni - Australian Edition
How about a kryptonite thread?
When will they learn?
Why is getting a girl impossible for some guys ?
Happy thread
He counts the barbell weight into his lifts
Guys, you told me the memes were real, and, honestly, I didn't believe you
How the fuck do I kill my addiction and perpetual cravings for peanut butter?
Fat hate thread
Im still a newbie to lifting but I really like benching...
How the fuck do I get rid of this lower belly fat?
Gym bag thread
Does crying make you any less of a man?
Why is it that the healthier you eat the worse your farts smell?
What's the greatest bit of advice that got you through hard times?
Anyone here know some subtle ways to fuck with/enact venagance on someone...
/BWG/ - Bodyweight General
Would women find this type of body to be abhorrent?
Should one get tanned Veeky Forums?
What does fit think of this guy
2016 Olympia predictions and general talk
It's almost school time, how do I get to CHAD GOD MODE?
/plg/ powerlifting general
"I Hate my..." thread
Mfw an actual homosexual enters the gym
Hygiene thread
How did you beat shin splints?
Mfw 3 three different people have asked me if i have a girlfriend in 2 days
Man, you've really gotten swoll since high school user. Here have a beer
A lot of you seem depressed or anxious. Don't do anything crazy, now. Exercise is proven to help treat depression...
Is there such a thing to actually increase the sensitivity in my penis...
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
If he was still alive, do you think Harambe would be in the 1000 LBS club?
Anyone else in here feel confident that they could take down Conor McGregor?
Veeky Forums, how do you motivate yourself to workout? what mindset do you use to approach overcoming being uninspired...
Can white women even compete?
How can I go Sam Hyde mode? Is he natty?
How do you know if you're ugly or hot?
So I had the intuition to make up some new lingo for us. Exclusively for Veeky Forumsizens
Is this good form, Veeky Forums?
Did you watch Sailor Moon as a child?
Post them clean-ass fockin din din's for them big man gainz, bros
Supplements Thread
To all you fags who can't get a girlfriend
Would you rather have a thicc bae or a swole bae?
HEEEY, WHATS UP Veeky Forums
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games