How often do you allow yourself to drink soda?

How often do you allow yourself to drink soda?

never, been probably 5 years by now.

coca cola life is h-healthy right guys?...

Fucking never

I took a couple of sips of soda for the first time in two or three years the other day and I wanted to fucking make myself throw up.

Soda is literally the most bullshit drink ever, it's the cigarette of liquid. It doesn't give you any nutrition, it doesn't get you drunk, it's not even a good caffeine source and even if it was all the sugar and acid cancels that out. If I was the Stalinist dictator of the world I'd seriously just ban that nasty shit

Stopped drinking for two years and was offered a large coke which I entirely drank in a minute because after abstaining for a while it tastes like crack

I have a glass of diet soda a day. I prefer the taste over regular soda.

I had a coke for the first time in a month yesterday. Wasn't worth it.

>it's the cigarette of liquid
That's an interesting observation

500 ml every two weeks now.
splenda or stevia flavored.

Never. I dont want to be a cancer ridden whore

I only drink it to mix with spirits. usually diet soda.

>not drinking your liquor straight

Veeky Forums is that way

Why should i? It doesn't benefit u at all. It only has sugar in it. It's all bout that water, milk and caffeine.

Stopped cold turkey when I decided to get Veeky Forums a year ago. Haven't touched it since unless you count the splash they put in a long island iced tea.

I don't even miss it anymore, to be honest. Just the thought of it sounds gross to me now.

>good for you

i never liked it.. never drank it even as a child.

The last time I had it was in a Cuba libre a couple months ago
If that dosent count then it's been at least a year

not drinking the organic milk jew

Ok mr skeleton

You can get plenty of calcium/protein/fat by eating cheese (real cheese) a couple of times a day drinking milk is excessive and is mostly a big scam

Your body doesn't need a fuckload of dairy

How is milk bad for you in any way.

I mean it won't kill you but getting too much dairy can make u low energy af, bloated, and even depressed (or exacerbate depression)

Do whatever the fuck you want, it's your body but it's an empirical fact that milk, while not being as damaging as soda or whatever, isn't "good" for you

I had a carbonated strawberry lemonade thing today. Before that... it had been 1.5 months at least.

Haven't had soda in 4 years. It odd that I never got tempted to get back. Still remember how good Mountain Dew was doe.

Only agree on the bloathing part. And what is "too much" milk anyway? Id consider 1 - 1.25l much.

Never. Stopped drinking it in middle school. Maybe with a mixed drink every once in a while, but I started doing bourbon straight to avoid soda and beer.

Like I might drink a coke zero every few months while out with mates but other than that I never touch it.

work 1-2 a day
home never
in public never, but i'll drink a lot at old school joints with the biker club

Consider the fact that 75% of adults are lactose intolerant and ask yourself what other fucking animal drinks milk as an adult let alone milk of another mammal.

Yeah, but it depends every day. I can drink milk without taking a shit immediatly or i just run to the toilet after 5 mins. I honestly don't really care. I love cereal and i love oats with milk. So yeah

>Drinking your calories

Confirmed for never making it. If you actually listened to the scoop man himself "You gotta eat big to get big"

>that shit tier screenshot

why does it look so much like burger king?

Wouldn't you like to know.

I'm really grateful I never developed a soda habit. When I was a kid the carbonation almost hurt my mouth so I just didn't like it. When I tried it again as a teen it was just too sweet.

I like a soda water now and again though if it's hot. I have buddies who will have a ginger beer as a treat too but just could never get into it.

Never the only carbonated jew I drink is beer once a week.

Coke Zero, when I have the extra $$ to pick up a 12 pack, and I'll usually go through that pack in a few weeks. Only coke zero though because I want to have kidney stones.

what other animal farms
what other animal goes to space
what other animal harnesses nuclear power

Appeal to nature is bullshit, you can give better reasons than that.

I don't

I don't get the appeal, carbonation is so uncomfortable to ingest

only with alcohol so maybe two times a month. no idea why anyone would drink it daily.

>>it's the cigarette of liquid
>That's an interesting observation
Seconding this, gonna have to use that

Sprite with vodka.
Maybe a 16floz bottle every two weeks?

Sometimes after a really hard bike ride Ill have a can of san pellegrino

By "allow" you assume that I actually want it. Ever since I quit it in high school, I haven't missed it. It doesn't taste good and it makes mefeel like shit after. I only ever bother to have any if I decide to get fast food and getting the combo would be cheaper and I'm usually splitting it with someone.