>want to be stronger but too intelligent to lift
What should I do?
>want to be stronger but too intelligent to lift
What should I do?
End your smug life
>What should I do?
find a way to build masscles whithout lifting
>that guy who doesn't know how to greentext
If your so intelligent you should know how to make time
You should also know the benefits of getting fit
>you will never make a Pepe this rare
Feels bad man.
>It's me again
>But I just don't care about these silly rules on /fit
Came to this site everyday and you'll become dumb. Then go lift
>too intelligent
Wanna go, m8? I'll wreck you in a math contest. I swear on me mum.
>tfw hardgainer because brain is taking up too many calories
>gym has 5^2*26/(4+3*3)/5*3/10-1 squat racks
>all that muscle wont help you beat me in 4 dimensional chess
Fucking brainlets when will.they ever learn
If you're so intelligent then why don't you solve some triple Barnett integrals in euclidean space?
>in order to be intelligent, you must be knowledgeable about some specific area of science
triggered hard
>not maximizing yourself in every field
fuck off already
You have to be able to dumb yourself down to normal IQ levels for a few hours a week in order to lift. Many of us have done it, user. I use meditation in the morning and I almost feel hypnotized in a way by mid morning when I go lift so I'm not thinking too much and am much like all the other guys in the gym.
It's not easy bro
If you're " too intelligent to lift"
You're dumb as fuck.
Lift if you would like, it's a good hobby that keeps both the mind and body healthy.
Have you thought about trying some shotgun mouthwash? Its the easiest and fastest way I know to lose part of your brain. I highly recommend you try it OP.
I unironically used to believe this when i started lifting
It's pathetic how many of you tards are not capable of recognizing incredibly obvious bait.
What's your meditation routine lad?