>tfw my flaccid penis is only 8cm
Tfw my flaccid penis is only 8cm
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What's it at full mast?
you dont believe it?
this makes me realize how much a girl will be surprised by it
bro when I'm cold it shrinks down to 4cm
Surprised that it grows or that it is only 15cm?
15cm is a decent size.
Be grateful you cunt, im so small if im cold i cant pee standing up because my dick is too small direct with hand
lol mine flaccid is like 2 inches
7 erect
>tfw will never walk around gym locker room naked unless boner
You are a shower. Ergo you don't grow much. For example, i'm a grower, and when it's flaccid it's 5 cm. But it grows to 17 cm
I fucking know this feel man.
I can feel that feel with you man, you gotta master the half chub
What's the metric equivalent of like 6"? I don't mean real conversion, just the level where sloots say shit like "lol of he's not Xcm"
Anything above 17 cm, and you can say it's fucking 20. Bitchez don't even figure it. In my experience (with women) is that the ideal would be 17 cm length, 14 cm girth.
No one cares about flaccid penis size.
You pull it out when you have a semi.
That's the equivalent of 6'(feet) not 6"(inches)
>tfw 16,5 cm
I'm not going to use it anyways, 6 months since I even kissed a girl
Oh u silly dicklets
some of us have high standards
post more, no homo
I'm 17cm in length and 14.5cm in circumference, but my flaccid dick is no more than 10cm long. Feels small.
>Getting cucked by the rootless clique
>mfw 15cm flaccid
l m a o
jesus christ
the only thing you can do is get good at oral
>flaccid size mattering ever
m8 if you don't have a hard on by the time you take off your fucking pants you have bigger problems to worry about
>you fuck with a flaccid dick
that's not how you do it, man
This, although i dont really give a fuck about my flaccid size.
>1% of the worlds male population has an 8x6 or bigger benis
>most of them post on Veeky Forums
really fires those synapses
7 inches erect
2.5-ish inches flaccid :(
I'm like 6 and a half maybe a bit over with good girth hard but my Weiner is not lower than my balls flaccid. I'm hoping once I drop my last 35 pounds from my overhanging gut my flaccid size will increase. I-ill be fine right bros?
do you fuck girls with a flaccid penis? then you won't be fine
I am also a grower not a shower.
>Do you fuck girls
I'm a 26 year old virgin user. Getting Veeky Forums is helping with my confidence gains though.
well then I will let you in on a secret
It doesn't fucking matter what size your flaccid dick is.
When you get laid there will most likely be a lot of touching and shit going on beofre and while you get undressed, your dick will be hard already when it counts, and 6 1/2 erect is plenty enough.
And even if it would be different, a girl won't run away because she saw your fucking flaccid dick.
>gf always mocking me about my small flaccid dick
>she has trouble getting my enormous hard cock in her pussy/mouth
>tfw 6.5x5
>when I asked all my gf's they've all eventually admitted they've had bigger
>they all talk about their love of big dick during sex and foreplay
>Being with a gains goblin who doesn't respect you
Nut in her one more time then leave her you faggot.
Bitches can't estimate sizes for shit
Flaccid penis is usless. Look at those statues the ninja turtles sculpted, dudes have small flaccids.
All that matters is boner size.
>bigger than 90.29%
It's pretty normal to expect modern bitches to have encountered bigger dicks