Obsessed with squats

>Obsessed with squats
>Squatting 130kg 3x5
>But my warm up consist of, 20 reps of 20kg, 10 reps of 50kg, 10 reps of 80kg
>And after i finish my real set of 130 kg, i then do 10 reps of 80kg > 10 reps > 60 kg and 10 of 20kg

Who here, /squat/ fanatic?

Are those cool down sets?

I guess so, i've always pyramided down on my squats.

>wife's friend asked me if id been squatting more recently
>wife present during situation
>recently had an argument with wife because of how jealous she gets

Quel est l'intérêt de soulever autant ? Tout ce qui compte de toute façon c'est ton VISAGE, ta TAILLE, ton CHÂSSIS. AMAURY nique CLÉMENCE toute la journée en mangeant de la PIZZA et buvant des BIÈRES pendant que tu perds ton temps en salle de GYM entouré de TYPES

Omelette du fromage

Sounds like she could become a gains goblin friendo

Nah shes a club manager and she did mma for quite a while now she teaches those group ex classes and cooks me gains food depending on cut or bulk. Dream wife tbqh, she's just angry when I get attention and I love that spicy Portuguese in here. Amazing woman.

>spot the cuck

Kek she needs me i dont need her already established that. Just because I complimented her doesnt mean I serve her. Told her I dont believe in love but were married because of mutual respect. Not having kids and a hint of fuckery im gone. I got it on lockdown.

>Kek i dont need her

doesent sound like it

Love you too brother

>married because of mutual respect
You absolute dumbass

>lifting for girls
yeah, you're not gonna make it laddiie

>But my warm up consist of, 20 reps of 20kg, 10 reps of 50kg, 10 reps of 80kg

christ, i do like one set of just bar, then one set of 1pl8 for my warmup, am i doing too little?


It's up to you, but i enjoy having a small workout before hitting my real sets. After i finish my (20kg, 50kg,80kg) warm-up i feel completely pumped, warm, and all my joints and both my legs/lower back feel as they are ready for anything. If i only squat the bar (20kg) and head straight for my 130kg set, i feel as it's too intense and my body hasn't been warmed up adequate and feel like my knees or lower back is feeling too much pressure.

Been squatting like this for many months, never had one single injury. Legs are continuing to grow, and i continue to get stronger.

I love my fucking squats.

Fucking sloots as you wish is making it so...

To me on the contrary, by the time I would have finished your warm up, my perfs wouls be worse on my real set, starting fresh is always lifting more because no fatigue

It's because your only at 130kg. Over 150-160 it becomes really consuming.