In just a few hours, Hillary Clinton will make a speech where she will mention Veeky Forums...

In just a few hours, Hillary Clinton will make a speech where she will mention Veeky Forums. How should Veeky Forums prepare for this influx of potentially tens of thousands of new users?

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>leftists coming to a fitness board
Yeah, right. They're all weak, scrawny little cunts.

They only care about /pol/

We're safe

Show them SS


we should ask m00t to close registration!

>Spam with gyno
> ???

But a call to shutdown Veeky Forums because of /pol/ takes away Veeky Forums as well

i bet we'd hardly notice it tbqh

most new people gravitate to /b/, /v/, /tv/, Veeky Forums etc. and they're already so bad it can't possibly get any worse

She's not.

doesn't that go against free speech etc?

pretty sure mootwo's lawyers would have a field day with that



this god

Not if they construe it as hate speech have you not been paying attention??

Who is calling for a shutdown of /pol/?

How do you know that she will mention Veeky Forums?

Hate speech is protected in the US, ya dingus

Go to Twitter and rant and rave about the holocaust not happening and watch how fast you're banned

What do the policies of a private company have to do with free speech?

Do you know what free speech means?

you have no fucking idea what free speech is. they're allowed to ban you for whatever reasong they want.

He doesn't

Just act like we always do and I'm sure everyone will like us just fine.

Well if they're all a bunch of weak leftist pussies that think a woman is going to be a better decision maker than a bloke then Were going to get 50 threads an hour where the OP gives us his life story, and the first 20 posts will simply say 'READ THE FUCKING STICKY', the only other thing to be affected will be fat hate threads.

>10 years ago Veeky Forums made the news for being radical left-wing
>now we're in the news for being radical right-wing

you're allowed to say what you want without getting locked up, that's how the Westboro Baptist Chuch can exist

that doesn't mean private companies can't ban you from their services if you violate their terms of use etc.

Please KYS. "Free speech means I can say whatever I want whenever I want without any consequences, right? lel xD"

>go into someone's private home
>yell at them and insult their family
>"WTF man I thought this was america, free speech is dead I guess"
People ACTUALLY think like this.

Is Veeky Forums a private site? What if it gets pressured to crack down ya dingus

we're gonna build a wall

I can barely handle the summerfag r9k frogposters.This will give me a legit to finally quit Veeky Forums forever

>Veeky Forums lasted through pedophilia and murders but it's going to be shut down for mean political opinions.

That would suck but it would have literally nothing to do with freedom of speech.

what the fuck could they possibly do to perssure Veeky Forums to crack down?

We wait for them. They dont know what they are doing.

The last time anyone tried to "crack down" on Veeky Forums, Moot and his mods got rekt so hard he quit as owner of Veeky Forums, a new website got spawned and shit flew around so fast it made regular news and dozens of people lost their jobs.

I doubt our new Japanese overlord will do much, and it won't affect this board as normies hate the idea of hard work and fitness.

Get this thread off Veeky Forums too it's not fitness.

>Google Facebook and Twitter control majority of communication
>If they crack down on 'hate speech' in conjunction with government then it's A-OK
>They control the majority of the news people see
>If they manipulate what the 'trending news' is then it's A-OK

how's highschool going?

Well nigga that's our fault for allowing monopolies to exist.
It's A-OK even if I don't like it.

>implying global elite gives a shit about those things

But they DO care about political dissent

Not him but. The fuck are you talking about?
That's a fact. A scary one.

And posts like yours aren't welcome around here.

I live in the UK so I'm painfully aware of how fragile free speech actually is.

>tfw I could go to prison for quoting Churchill

>And posts like yours aren't welcome around here

this will be the nail in the coffin for any legitimacy "the left" has in terms of freedom of speech and opinion based conversation.

What happens when they realize its a bunch of people pretending?

Just flood the boards with flashy gifs that will induce her seizures

what is this /b/-tier thread?

it may not be fitness, but this is still Veeky Forums and rightful discussion. It will still effect us.

This is pretty funny but you're still a dumbass

>Even if 4sham got shutdown I dont have access to proxies, vpns, and a search engine for any sort of discussion I want.

>start blocking the internet or shutting down websites

america pls

Remember how gamergate had fuck all to do with Veeky Forums but just by pure '''''''coincidence''''''' mods started to crack down on fat shaming?

Sticky the sticky 20 odd times so it is all the front page shows.


Democrats don't give a fuck about free speech, literally the ONLY reason they haven't already overturned the First Amendment "for the greater good" is the Second Amendment. That's why you see them pushing so hard for gun laws that wouldn't actually have any effect on gun crime.

>implying the political class care about anything but threats to their continued power

I'm #ReichBehindHer now

Yeah we're terrified that you cowards might finally put your money where your mouth is for once and actually "resist" against the "tyrannical" government

Fucking A, the last guy to do it was that nigga in Dallas and the right wingers fell over themselves trying to pretend to give a fuck about police

>"resist" against the "tyrannical" government

Bundy Ranch

Can we save them all, bros?

Wtf is a m00t?

It's actually not


top kek you cannot "overturn" the constitution you retard. Literally shut the fuck up you ignorant cunt

new faggots detected.

Heil Hillary!

it always astounds me that liberals side with the corporations on this point.

>they're private corporations, free speech isn't protected there
>no, it doesn't matter that our government uses these private corporations as long arms

It's not 'siding' with anyone, dumbass. It's the natural conclusion of an unbiased reading of the constitution.

Most of the people that complain about this think free speech means calling someone a nigger on the internet. Those idiots weren't doing anything good with their 'rights' in the first place.

We need a backup plan.

like crashing this thread?

>Hillary is a lefty
>I am not a lefty and bigger than you



with no survivors?

Don't hate, elevate


This place has been full of normies for years now. I go somewhere else for serious discussion, Veeky Forums is only for shitposting now.

absolute madman


Hi new friends,
I heard about this place on the TV
I don't do sports but I plan to
What should I eat? Should I cross train? What is a sticky? What is test? What is breh? What is memes?
pls respond

I just got here 30 minutes ago and I can safely say that this site sucks and is full of homos, you should go to for better discussion and better memes.

not happening, I could see hiroshima getting suicided by a barbell tho

She-She-She s-s-s-tutters s-so much

w-welcome newanon. you can eat oats to start with lol (sorry that's a meme here but you'll get used to it. a sticky is when a thread is at the top of the page. ppl will tell you to read it but you dont need to bother so go ahead and make threads^^ a meme is like a joke but funnier.

h-hope you have a nice time here, look forward to reading more o-of your posts =)

Hold fast to board culture. What're they gonna do? Persecute us for worshipping a minority bodybuilder who died in a sauna? Yell at us for taking the advice of an openly gay engineer?

If we push the summerfags to the rear, we should be pretty safe.

we must remove /pol/ and/or /r9k/

0.05$ have been deposited to your account.


Holy shit is moot actually that ripped or am I being rused

Holy shit are you actually this much of a newfag or am I being rused?

Are you really rused by that or am I being rused

this is the beginning of the end for PC culture. this is absolutely fantastic news.

>being this new

I'm a liberal lefty who hates Clinton and I come here pretty often brah.

A backlash is building and she knows it. It's the only reason she'd mention it. But why? She's only going to add fuel to the fire.

For all of the shit that is associated with the "alt right" it's still fundamentally about empowerment