Post pics that motivate you

OP here, dumping pics that motivate me (warning: may include breh)



I wanna make her my waifu


get in line



what's this mean lad



a little bit every day accumulated quite a bit over a year while the inverse is detrimental

why isn't 'wanting to squat 3x bodyweight' there? that's why i lift



That comes under "inflate narcissism" surely?



no that would come under 'wanting to be strong'

B r e h


>I am the 15%



Fuck off
The fucking irony of the article



Well why do you want to be strong?


delete this....

rule britannia.....

we left the eu but elected a muslim mayor? you're just a bigot....

Meant for





Holy God source?

because i can


So narcissism.

Nice pool OP, i will stay to see the results !

>only 3 votes for shitty parents
fucking normies








Post the other one where user asked to shower with the girl


how is that narcissism though? i'm not doing it for recognition or admiration. i want to push my body to see if i can actually do it


So for your own gain...?
For your own satisfaction?
So narcissism?

When you think about it, this pic is spot on, now when I hear somebody telling me that I'm noticeably leaner, and they follow it up with some list of bullshit as to why they're still a fat fuck, I think of this pic, I think of what separates my mindset to theirs, and it makes me feel good.

WTF?! I hate Zyzz now.

These women added Zyzz on Facebook out of the blue and drooled over him because of his body. Zyzz could get any woman he wanted so it's not like he blew an opportunity, with some shallow girls I might add. If the roles were reversed and Zyzz was some skinny dyel nobody he would be in a cringe thread. Zyzz probably didn't have it so good with the ladies when he was in school so he let those bitches have it.


Is this a hot new meem, or is it bots or something?

this motivated the fuck out of me

Id post a picture of my dick but blue board

That's what motivates me

>put this thing into women

that's fuckin gross

>never gonna make it

wtf did u just say brah?

I look at this and all I can think is how there's a group of pathetic fat fucks (mostly women) who would look at that comic and instead of feeling inspired, would be offended and instantly begin rationalizing and justifying their shitty habits

sauce on manga?

idk man i just found this on this board. i don't think it's porn tho.

>this Ayn Rand reference



>open poll, expecting the general overdone choices
>mfw see "hatred for condescending parents"

Can't wait to get out of that negative shithole

and only one shall stand

Leads to the best and ONLY pic you need


I love Twix


Not him but it is pretty gross lol. It's cool that he pushed it to the limit and that his will overcame his bodies limit but still, it's gross.

>ancient rome

Really, that didn't sound weird to you the first time?

hungry hungry

11. A grave plot

what a sick cunt

nigga ill kill you

>This girl had almost no online presence, uploaded very few pictures of her fb profile, no snapchat bullshit, no nudes going around, pretty much impossible to find unless you're putting yourself out there.

Hey that describes me pretty well (the quoted part, at least). And quite correctly, my bf met me via a mutual friend. My best girlfriend and her husband are the same way, and she's a fucking catch. If you want a quality gf you need to have the largest social circle you can. Not measured in FB friends, but people you actually know, hang out with, go to small parties with, etc.

You might kill me, but you can't bring him back in my place.

you're triggering me. please leave this is safe space

>Be Zyzz
>cardio is a meme
>dies of heart failure

You're so fucking stupid.

Danberu nan kiro moteru?

well shit i may be busy as fuck (college) but i have a lot of friends. during the weekends i should def do more stuff. i need to get off this site.

we are gonna make it guys..

where my depressed anons at

Here 2bh familia

Show boipucci pls


This motivates me more than anything else.

11 months to go. All gonna make it.

Atlas holds up the heavens. Not the earth.
What retard made this image?

They're call Asian in England

just be yourself, man


