Why aren't you putting butter in your coffee? It's like you want to slow down your progress

Why aren't you putting butter in your coffee? It's like you want to slow down your progress.

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bulletproof coffee is a meme

doing this in a couple minutes though

I didn't think about it but this is a good way to bulk.

I don't need caffeine cause I aint no bitch

Butter in coffee is a Tibetian meme because those fuckers spend their time doing hard labor at an elevation that requires more calories to even breathe
Butter in coffee is drinking your calories

This. I only drink water.

A little bit of coconut oil in your espresso is tasty. Even better with a drop of vanilla and some cinnamon. Try it if you're ever bored of black coffee


>not sprinkling caffeine powder on a stick of butter and eating it like a candy bar
Not gonna make it. I'm bulletproof as fuck. I mean, you'd have to fire some big fucking missile at me to pierce through my layer of body fat

you've been BEDAZZLED by internet marketing, sorry friend.

next you'll be telling me SL 5x5 is the best program

I thought this was only beneficial for people in ketosis because their body is using fat for energy..

>Yea it's basically like a ketosis steroid

>implying people on "keto" don't already slather everything in butter

your usage of greentext is confusing me

why the fuck would I willingly put fat into my coffee?

that's what it takes to truly live the meme lifestyle

man keto is so retarded

I actually like keto. I get to eat all the bacon and eggs and meats I want and its satisfying. I also have shit self control at times but when I'm doing keto its easy for me to stick to it becuase its easy to make a habit of. Having a rule of not eating carbs and eating meats/high fat is easy to remember.

so you admit you do keto because you are retarded, good

yeah so, at least I know I'm retarded

OP only drinks cock juice

>I can't fix my diet and still eat unhealthy af, but at least I'm losing weight lol
You're the reason keto and low-carb diets have a bad reputation.

Healthy nutella nice meme

None of that is unhealthy.

>palm oil
Sure thing boss

I guess you enjoy tanking your insulin sensitivity.

true, i wouldn't drink coffee but what can you do when you're a bitch

If you're eating a whole tub a day, maybe

Sugar is anti-stressing and increases the metabolic rate.

>Palm oil
Contains saturated fat, necessary for testosterone production, and tocotrienols, which protect against cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and dementia.

lol I know nutella isn't healthy It's not like I do this everyday ffs, I just wanted to try something other than black coffee, and y'know it was pretty good!

here are the macros

I used this as a preworkout with espresso beans in one of those press coffee things, let it cool overnight and used it this morning.

Once again I never said this was healthy, everything in moderation

Cigarettes are anti-stressing too. So is heroin. You should take some, now.

As long as you're not promoting the trademark "Bulletproof coffee" scam do whatever you want breh but be aware that doing this is pretty fucking stupid and unhealthy. Enjoy your cholesterol brah

except that sugar is a literal nutrient

this bulk will be a piece of piss then

i'm not a butterproof coffee memer but
>dietary cholesterol
>blood cholesterol
two very different things m8