Why haven't you found a gymbro yet Veeky Forums?

Why haven't you found a gymbro yet Veeky Forums?
Why do you still lift alone when you could have a no homo bro help you make gains?

delete this :(

I really want a gymbro, need form czechs on my heavy lifts, would be nice for some motivation. But I am new to my city and know nobody.


My gymbro is literally my brother. We get along pretty well.

Jesus...just imagine those guys pozzing your oneitis...im no cuck but fuaaaa

>started going to the gym 8 months ago
>knew absolutely nothing about lifting
>end up almost killing myself on the bench press
>this dude runs over to save me
>see him all the time at the gym
>we end up talking and became friends
>i start working out with him because he is clearly more experienced than i am
>shows me how to lift properly
>he's a cool guy but he's very flamboyant
>you can tell he's gay from a mile away
>people look at us funny
>they probably think we're dating
>since he's bigger and can lift way more than i can they probably think i'm the girl

i'm 100% straight btw and he has never tried to hit on me.
but it feels really awkward sometimes, especially since he laughs really loud in that gay voice.

Sounds like a dream desu famalam

>that fucking god tier beard

But I have, my shipmate is helping me out. Gonna get swole after basic.

Where do I find a qt, tall Veeky Forums bf to take my virginity away?

If he's a cool bro, why does it matter if he's gay? Unless you wanna suck his dick.

>he has never tried to hit on me.

You're probably too ugly desu.

I had a gymbro when I went to the gym 3x a week. Now im going 6x times a week. He said he was far to busy to go to the gym 6x a week. Meanwhile when I look on the steam app when im at the gym he is playing dem videogames. He still joins me a few times a week but he cant keep up with my weights though.

Am I shit for leaving my gym bro behind?

You are just insecure. I wouldn't mind if a faggot saves me from fucking my shit up benching. He might be a faggot, but he's a bro.

I have one but I don't like waiting between sets for them to finish. Plus he's a fucktard who wants to lose we but refuses to count calories or even watch what he eats.

Theres your first problem, you joined the navy you giant fucking faggot

It was his choice. Maybe when he sees your results that will motivate him to take it serious.

>implying you wouldn't demolish steve

Me too I love my brother he's the one that got me into lifting in the first place without him I would probably be playing vidya and smoking weed until I died

Only old guys and middle aged women hit up the rec center. Breaking down and getting anytime fitness membership this next month.
>why haven't I done this sooner

no one is ever as motivated as i am, and we end up missing days. it's really annoying to explain everything from scratch over and over too.

Gymbro was cool for the first month, but then he started bringing more people, and ended up being 4 man bench sessions and shit. nty

tfw no cozy gymbro to go home with

I can never get anyone to actually show up and the few gym guys i ever befriend always end up getting a gf and stop coming.