What is this mode?

What is this mode?

Truck mode?

How much does he lift?

Is this suppose to offend republicans...?

welcome to the Nu Male Era

will be the final one on the history timeline before "Muslim invasion" and "fall of America"

horsey's a hill shill. is this edited?

it's supposed to be offensive
I think?
The GOP belt is tacky though.

the idea is that having high test levels and being a big guy is BAD because horsey is a LITERAL KEK

I don't get horsy. I can't even tell what he's trying to say in his comics. I think trump is terrible but I can't tell if this comic opposes or supports trump

>being a big guy
For you

It's opposing trump. The character is supposed to look mean and unwelcoming, and vaguely like a racist.

>The character is supposed to look mean and unwelcoming, and vaguely like a racist.
That's not fair, I thought that the left were always juxtaposed on being the ones who don't judge people by their appearances.

For all the reader knows, this guy lifts on his week days but on the weekend he sets aside time to make bracelets with his niece and helps his mother.

>being white and muscular is now looked down upon

He's a big goy

i dont get it, is this for or against republicans? Imo that guy looks like an absolute badass that i want on my side, if the artist meant to convey republicans in a bad light he did a bad job.

the people who do this are fat or auschwitz mode liberals, they see white men muscle mass as threatening and probably assume everyone else does too

Trumpers are low inhibition meatheads who resort to violence instead of intelligent debate

I would db8 that b8 but it's low quality

Just bunch of fucktards who get off on the idea of beating the shit out of Mexicans and Muslims in their spare time. Muh anti-PC!

When you literally look like a beta cartoon character

who the fuck is that? I'd like to falcon punch him right in his kike nose.

Can't scratch your back mode

It's like his head grew in fine, but his body is still stuck in middle school.

you got america and europe mixed up, its okay though they are pretty similar. the only difference, when america gets attacked by terrorists it invades nations and takes their oil, while the EU takes it up the ass like a champ...

>T...testosterone? you don't want any of that nasty concoction my goy! It'll turn you into a RAGING RUMBLING RUFFIAN lickety split!
>Here, have some succulent estrogen water to calm the nerves, it'll treat what ails you. Remember to vote HILLARY, don't be a RACIST now.

muh toxic masculinity

Only a totally insecure faggot would ever wear a shirt saying "testosterone". Other than that, yeah, it's a dumb picture.
