How to naturally increase your test level?

how to naturally increase your test level?

plastic contains xenostrogen, your body can't tell the differents to real ostrogen. this will decrease your test level.

your body needs it to built hormones. check if you get enough of it.

lots of saturated fat, good for your own nuts.

it will decrease your test production.

high bodyfat will decrease your test production.

fiber, zinc, arginin, aminoacids and low fat. perfect for your breakfast.

strenght training will increase your test. cardio will decrease it up to 40%.

isolating excercises aren't that good to push your test level.

your body is producing test while you sleep. less sleep means less test.

avoid alcohol and nicotin. 1 coffee directly before your workout is enough for the day.
if you want to drink alcohol don't drink beer. hop contains ostrogen.

do you have more tipps Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Be sexually aroused as much as possible.


Inject test

I ripped this neat book a while ago off the torrents before kickass got burned down.

Its pretty great, and free as well in this form. Lots of popular methods condensed into one book. Great beginner to intermediary "natural testosterone" building.

Though since its somewhat closed source, I feel like we need to go more public and in depth around this topic.

Because natural high test could be a panacea to many ills in our society. Especially since our society has low test because of habits and diet.

>caffeine decreases test levels

Only above 300mg, below that you are good to go.

11. Constantly sit & stand with strong posture, take up a lot of room, chin up etc.
You release more testosterone when you have alpha body language compared to a slouched beta fuck

12. eat shitloads of cruciferous vegetables for the indole-3-carbinol and the vitamin k to help absorb vit D & zinc

13. nofap

don't wear tight boxers. your balls need space, especially while doing your work out. your testicals don't like it that warm and they will hang lower when it's getting warm. give them the space they need. 35°C is perfect for your balls.

Did you know that test levels also are season based? More test in the winters...

Apparently red onions are good for test. No idea why though. Anecdotally I heard old strongmen used to eat them for that reason.

>go to
>find the sub category of testosterone
>find the foods that have most benefit to test, and lowering of cortisol
>consume them
>enjoy natural "cheating"


I don't remember the study but I know the nicotine thing is wrong, smoking tobacco actually allows more travel for free testosterone molecules in your blood plasma or some scientific mumbo jumbo like that, they did a study on it. Also,

>Cold showers increase test
>Eat lean, red meat, natural non chemical is better

Let me just save time actually, found pic related. Read the fuck out of it and follow it, I did when I started lifting and my life has felt pretty high energy, could be placebo but with significant changes like this, I'm sure I just got more TEST.

How do I stop worrying about everything? I just can't stop doing it and its the worst when I go to sleep since I just start thinking about something and it takes hours before I stop.

take a walk and think about those things, its like a mediocre and natural meditation technique without the cuck

>take a walk
The thing is that I have anxiety and just can't go out without reason and just the thought of meeting someone I know is killing me.

dude...what the fuck...I think you need more than any advice Veeky Forums can offer you...

then walk around in your apartment/house/basement

I know where you're coming from user, I used to have anxiety and panic attacks. Ever seem the Sapranos? I was like Tony, constantly feeling angry and on edge and occasionally I would just freak out with a high heart rate. Bad stuff.

I fixed it by following lots of life changing guides like in this thread to get healthy. I mean lifting, dieting, reading more, increasing test, hygiene, you name it. You have to give yourself a schedule and purpose. I never showered or brushed my teeth, just played vidya and felt miserable.

Now I lift in the morning, take a cold shower, practice a soothing breathing technique (exhale all air for 8 seconds, make a loud "whooshing" noise, inhale for 4, hold for 7, breath out for 8. Continue, you will feel a tingle and relaxation/focus). After shower I eat light, healthy stuff (oats, fruit, eggs) and pace around my backyard in nature while I read. I read about a book a week now.

Eventually my anxiety just stopped. I don't know how or when, I just never thought about it. No more hyper focusing on my body, no more feeling uncomfortable and sad, no more strange feelings of not being in reality and craziness, just calm and confidence. It can be beat, seriously. Ask if you have any questions, anxiety fucking sucked.

why do you give a fuck about your natural test level when it has zero correlation w/ gains

>i don't want to have a healthy hormone level

Also, addendum, practice staying calm and cool. I mean fake it till you make it. If something happens that throws your plans or shit out of wack, just keep a straight face. Turn your brain off and don't think about it. Go "huh, nice" and tell yourself it will resolve itself, because it will. Everything I have ever been stressed about eventually resolved itself, that's the biggest thing. So worrying is a pointless exercise, it consumes fuel so to speak that your body needs. We're all gonna die eventually and even the meanest gangbanger or drill seargent is just a man who was once a baby, and he still sits around and jerks off and watches tv like me. Don't overthink things.

I already use my diaphragm and nose for breathing and what not else but my biggest problem is talking with people because even if I feel somewhat confident I just don't know what to say/ say something retarded/cringe. I always mess up and then literally can't stop thinking about it.
>inb4 stop thinking about it
Even if I did I will still make fool out of my self.

Lots of this is good advice but lots is bullshit. Which is which? Impossible to tell. Therefore whole article is useless.

Bullshit example:
>Your liver filters up to 90% of bad things before it goes into your blood


That pic summed up

>if it's a big word that I never heard of it causes cancer and decreases TEST

not that guy from before but:
>I already use my diaphragm and nose for breathing and what not else


> but my biggest problem is talking with people because even if I feel somewhat confident I just don't know what to say/ say something retarded/cringe.

start reading books, newspapers, magazines and other stuff. you will get some interesting topics over time.

> I always mess up and then literally can't stop thinking about it.

sounds like you don't have much self confidence. train your body, train your mind. when you see the first results you will get more confidence and start not giving a fuck about other opinions.

>Even if I did I will still make fool out of my self.

do the things above and this will fix itself.

but always remember: things don't change over night. give yourself time and don't give up when it didn't work the first few times. take the experience and keep on better yourself.
good luck user

I'd rather inject it into my sweet booty

When I had acute anxiety and terrible panic attacks long walks were the way to go to calm myself and use all of the excess adrenaline my body was producing. Sometimes I'd have to walk for hours but it works. Your problem isn't the anxiety, it's being a huge faggot. Either go for a walk, or suck on your boyfriend's tit like the nu-male you are.

You obviously don't know what being embarrassed all the time is.




Eight nut

just inject it instead