I'm on a juice fast, ask me Veeky Forums. I'm on day 34 and I'm down 29 pounds. I've eaten no solids in over a month. I rule.
Also, juicing thread.
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What are your shits like? Do you have any?

That's a really fucking good question. I'm curious about that too.

Also why juice? Smoothies would be superior in every aspect. Juicing removes a lot of good shit (ESPECIALLY fiber).

Post pictures of your body

>What are your shits like? Do you have any?
Good question. I use a masticating juicer, which leaves a fair bit of fibre in the juice. I have a poop every day or two. It's small, but relatively normal. A fitizen recommended that I put a half lemon at least in my juice as that helps, and I believe he's right. I've been doing that lately and my shits are more solid/normal than usual.

juice routine?

Use much kale? Any flax seed? What are your go to suggestions?

>Also why juice? Smoothies would be superior in every aspect.
I love smoothies. I have a magic bullet, and when I'm eating I often have a quick and great breakfast of a banana, ice, a half cup of yoghurt, and chocolate protein powder. It's great, the kids will drink it too.

But the point of a juice fast is to concentrate the nutrition of a few pounds of fruit and veg by extracting the juice. Then you're nutrified if that's a word, and your body loses it's need for processed carbs and white sugar and white flour and salt. After 10-12 days of only juicing I lose all hunger at all, then the weight flies off with no agony.

>Post pictures of your body
I won't but I'll describe it.
I'm normally a lean fella. I don't have the genetics to become ahnold. I'm 6'1" and was 241 pounds when I started this fast. I was snoring like a banshee and always tired, and my 38" waist pants and 17" neck shirts were getting tight. I view buying "fat clothes" as a surrender.

I'm now 212 pounds, with a 16"-16.5" neck and 35" inch waist at the moment. It feels great to fit into clothes that I've had on shelf waiting for me to fit them.

I still have some "love handles" but they are shrinking. My nipples no longer point downwards. I'll have a muffin top, and would describe myself as a skinnyfat. Which is way better than just fat bordering on obese.

what kinda supps are you taking on this diet?

>juice routine?
I could be losing the weight faster if I were really hardcore. But I start my day with a big glass of cold distilled water. Then I have 2-5 cups of coffee with cream and sweetener.

In the afternoon I hit the juice. I drink about a liter of homemade juice, about 80/20 proportion of veg/fruit, just enough fruit to make the juice not disgusting.

In the evenings I'll have more juice, and usually some beer or wine or vodka and juice. This diet is great because it requires no exercise, I drink as much as I want, and the weight flies off. I don't recommend it for everyone however. I'm in my mid forties, and a male. Women should talk to their doctor or nutritionist first, as they have more complex hormonal systems which are more closely tied to their diet.

>Use much kale? Any flax seed? What are your go to suggestions?
I do use kale a lot. You don't get a lot of juice out of dark leafy greens, but the juice is totally packed with nutrition. You're getting all the good stuff out of it without having to eat it all. It's got a very strong taste, and when I juice a lot of kale I also juice some cucumber and carrot and a tomato too, and some strong fruit like grapes, to balance out the flavours.

I don't juice for flavour. Part of the point in doing this is to shut down you're appetite and taste buds. The juice shouldn't taste "good", rather just palatable enough to get down your throat. Kale stems are especially bitter, but again if you mix in some other fruit juice, you'll overcome that.

I regularly juice kale and spinach, stems and all. To it I put in some sweet veg like carrot and tomato, and some fruit like apples and a few grapes and melon. That brings the taste back to decent.

Lastly, I'm not going to go on about the magic of organics, but I get them whenever I can at a decent price. Juicing concentrates the produce, and I don't want to concentrate the pesticides, waxes, colourants, and preservatives that are often found in "fresh" produce.


>not half and half
>not milk

You can eat me. I'm down nearly thirty pounds in a month and I'm getting all my nutrition and not suffering.
Yes, if I didn't have the coffee and gave up beer too I'd lose a lot faster. But this works for me. I started at 241 pounds, and I intend to stop at 175 pounds regardless of how long it takes.

The last time I juiced a few years ago, I swore that I'd go for 60 days. I did and dropped 45 pounds. I kept off 25+ pounds for over two years, which makes the diet a "success" by any definition. Then six months ago I got depressed and finished every evening with ice cream and popcorn watching NetFlix, and the rest came all back on.

This time my goal is a specific weight, not a length of time by fasting. I'll do this for as long as it takes. When I'm at 175 pounds, I'll eat and start a fitness routine, and I'll keep that up.

>i kept the weight off for two years
mate you put the weight back on
you failed. thats a fail.
start working out today and juice for your next cut

post a pic or this is all bullshit

>letting your jaw muscles become non-existant
>getting rid of your fat boy muscles

>post a pic or this is all bullshit
Screw you. I don't need you to believe me. If you don't want to, then you won't anyway even with a pic.

>>letting your jaw muscles become non-existant
>>getting rid of your fat boy muscles
My jaw muscles? I chew sugarless gum here and there, I'm not worried about my jaw muscles atrophying.

Yes, I'm probably losing a bit of muscle mass but I didn't have a lot to start with. If you're worried about your gainz then this isn't for you. As I wrote, I want to get to 175 pounds which should take me to 5-8% body fat. Then I'll start eating and return to a routine of moderate lifting and some cardio.

What I'm doing isn't for everyone, but it can work for some people. That's why I keep starting these threads.

>then six months ago I got depressed and finished every evening with ice cream and popcorn watching NetFlix, and the rest came all back on.

That's not a success you fucking idiot. Fuck your depression. Your retard diet failed, end of story. Why don't you try eating actual food like a god damn adult instead of slurping it from a sippy cup like a baby.

I'll believe you when you post a pic, that's why I told you to post one.

>That's not a success you fucking idiot.
When I juiced last, I kept 25+ pounds off for over two years. In my book, that's not a fad diet. I put it all back on very recently because I have had a shit diet for the past six months. Now I'm doing something about it.

Why don't you try fucking off?

>I'll believe you when you post a pic, that's why I told you to post one.
I don't blame you for asking. I didn't take "before" pics, and I'm only halfway to my goal anyway.

Trust me when I say that I'm down nearly thirty pounds, I've lost over an inch on my neck and over three inches on my waist. I'm now skinnyfat.

I don't look great. I'm mid forties. My chest hair is now getting grey. My musculature is slight. But I'm shedding the pounds quickly and will soon have have no muffin top.

OP here. Sometimes instead of juicing I just like to stick the cucumbers and carrots up my asshole in one piece instead of bringing out the juicer.

Aaand, here come the trolls. I can always count on you.

Get a trip, dumbass.

no what the fuck. dont encourage this autist fucking retard. tripping should be a bannable offense desu. fuck trip fags.

Thanks for bumping my thread. I guess. Morons.

i'm on 500mg a week of the juice too ;)


Why don't you ever tell me why you don't drink your semen? It's pure gains and then there's no clean up. Why won't you respond to me Juice Faggot?

>Why don't you ever tell me why you don't drink your semen
Why do you keep asking me?

It's 100p gains in there. Why would you waste that?

I've juice fasted too and my max is 34 days and I lost around 30 lbs and gained back 15 eating shit house foods again. I did that in Mar of this year. Anyway, how does it feel to beat my all time record?

>how does it feel to beat my all time record
it feels like apetheticism. let me know when you do something tough that i can beat.

Apetheticism isn't a word you illiterate fuck. Beat me at not being ignorant.

I literally cannot stop sucking dicks

I won't even post a pic of my body since I'm that good looking, lel

I put a sweetener in my coffee but I'm not a bitch

So you lost 45. Managed to keep off 25. Meaning you almost immediately gained back 20lbs. To put that in context you gained back 44% of what you'd managed to lose.
You kept off the remaining 56% for a grand total of two years, which in the long term is absolutely pitiful.
And you still drink up to 5 cups of coffee with cream every fucking day.

What fruits/vegetables do you mainly juice? Do you combine?

I might start aswell, but i have no clue of the quantity of fruits/vegetables you need to fill a glass.

You seem to be missing the fact that life isn't a 200 meter sprint, but a marathon. You won't last a marathon running at 200 meter sprint pace. I'm saying you should build good eating habits and get into fitness instead of doing a meme diet. (Regardless if it works or not, it's a meme, and I really doubt that it's healthy for you)

Also this is Veeky Forumsness not /die/ting so fuck off with your meme diet juice shit

>What fruits/vegetables do you mainly juice? Do you combine?
I have some dark greens like kale or spinach, a cucumber, a carrot or two, a half lemon, and an apple. That's an easy start. But nearly any veg will do.
It's important to get lots of variety to get all the nutrition you need. I like juicing green cabbage, peppers, melons, whatever I see that looks fresh and doesn't cost too much. Right now there's lots of fresh produce available for cheap, which is why I started this in the summer.

>Also this is Veeky Forumsness not /die/ting so fuck off with your meme diet juice shit
Read the fucking sticky

why would you do this? what do you think the benefits are?

>Read the fucking sticky

why didn't you?

I know that this board is about discussing nutrition as well, but a diet where you only drink juices (and 5 coffees with cream a day)?
That's surely healthy and not retarded at all.

Your diet is a meme, you don't even lift, just harakiri yourself already