Physical peak age for men

So I'm 28 and have never been more fit in my life. Workout + 5km packed march with 40 kg extra weight erredamnday.

I fucking hope it isn't uphill from here bros, please re-assure me something like 35 is the physical peak age.

My dad is 63 and probably fitter/stronger than I am. And he doesnt even go to gym, just is active with his job.

Peak fitness is only really relevant in professional sports. Obviously my dad is never gonna win Wimbledon but as long as you keep active you're good until you are hospitalised with some horrible terminal illness.

It's downhill from here.
>joints ache
>muscles sore
>pain never seems to subside
>erections like jelly
>vision blurry after a few hours of strain
>migranes whenever you lack sleep
>pulling all nighters is impossible now
>pass out by 10 pm every night
etc etc

Does your dad look fit to the untrained eye?

I can relate to the untapped and unlimited strength of dad bods. My dad has a beergut and a deskjob. But since he was born a farmer and was in the service a couple of years he will always have the strength of a damn gorilla and the unexplained endurance of a camel

Fuuug already been through not one but two damn inflammations in my left shoulder and it starting to hurt again

Does my dad look in good shape? He worked manual labor for 30 years. Now he has a desk job. Three weeks ago he fell off of our roof and broke his leg. I guess he isn't as spry as he use to be

Death. Don't get it in your head that you will peak.

He looks like an average guy.

Pretty sure median age of Olympians is some between 24-26.

So I'd guess that is the peak.

Depending on the sport athletes peak sooner or later

Great dadbod! Also a handyman and a natural born alpha. Cred to yo daddey

I need peak bru

Your peak age is the age that physical recovery is at its most efficient without the help of puberty forcing hgh down your throat 24/7.

If you can't pull all nighters or get shit faced drunk and go to work the next morning anymore.
Sorry you've peaked.
There is a reason why as you get older you have to workout more, watch your macros more, and get just the right amount of rest.

Your body is getting diminishing returns.
27-30 is the peak in men. It's the time frame where breaking a bone suddenly has the chance of being a 2-4 month recovery session instead of a few weeks and than starting to use it low impact.

Lol I'm 27 and have none of this shit

Brother a man's physical peak depends on the person. Looking at people around me their physical peak were in their high school years. For 70% of men, after college is where they go downhill (it starts in college)
If you eat right, exercise , take care of yourself, and sleep well your peak can be up to 40

Ah man scary reading! I have no problem staying up a night or two (except that I fucking hate it ofcourse but hating something doesn't override my actions) put it was a looong time ago since I could handle a hangover holy fuck they got real bad past 22+

Me neither besides my damn left shoulder

I've had two things pop up.
I can't party like I use to, I can smoke or drink and get fucked up doing either. I can't do multiple drugs at once anymore though. I have to choose my drug of choice and prepare for it.

I also had to start watching my macros more.
My recovery isn't horrible I had a back and knee injury, but it wasn't due to lack of recovery as much as just plain overuse.
I just seem to gain weight more easily.
Even that's just because i'm nowhere near as active as I use to be.

27 years old, I'm going to assume I have another 3 years before my shit just drops.

I think worse hangovers as you get older is a myth. I think it's all about tolerance. When I was in my early 20s I had barely a social life and would maybe drink once every couple of months max. The hangovers would be unbearable and last all day. We're talking headaches and vomiting until late in the evening.

I sorted my life out and by the time I was 26 I had a large group of good friends and we'd drink every other day basically. I lived a year in Germany and I drank heavily with my flatmate every night - never got a hangover, not even once (although obvs felt a bit groggy the next day).

I assume most people who say hangovers get worse as you get older simply drink less than they used to (due to jobs, wife, kids etc). My father knocks back 4 pints of Stella a night and finishes off with a shot of whiskey and is up at 6am for work!

did you notice any effects on your gains from drinking so much alcohol?

Well yeah I drink less than I use to, because i'd fucking die if I kept drinking 30+ beers a night.
That was a dark dark time in my life switching to 40s because they were so much cheaper.
Just the thought makes me want to puke.

Another hardcore papa! You know you are probably right.
I used to partey with me mates 2-3 nights a week then my entire group of friends went to thailand for 2 fucking months and I stayed behind trying to get into a particular school (which I also did) but during these two months I didn't touch a single drop of alcohol and ate right, rested right and trained right. So after two months doing that I just couldn't party hard anymore.

This was 5 years ago

Haha, obviously I put on a few pounds (from 135lbs to 148), which isn't as much as I expected actually. Wasn't working out but was still pretty active. I had fun and glad I experienced that lifestyle, but I've cut right down now with the drinking (lost 8lbs so far) and fully expect the dreadful hangovers to return very soon.

I'm 28. Recently quit smoking and have done some good work at cutting back drinking.

Anyways, I can easily run a mile under 7 min, hike 14ers with ease. I'm getting pretty into rock climbing.

It's harder, but it is what it is I guess. Living at 8,000 ft elevation probably helps though.

Biologically speaking your body starts going downhill at 30

27 and naw man. sounds like you made the mistake of getting your shit together.

>turned 30 this year
>injuries take longer to heal
>recovery takes longer
>harder to cut fat
>progress has stalled

I'm sorry OP

>implying there isn't something else to blame for your troubles and gainless time.

(Please be something to blame besides age and nature)

I'm eating better and training harder than at any time in my life, plus I've been lifting with an actual coach this last year.

30 year olds have between 60-75% of the testosterone that 20 year olds have.

I'm 33. For the last year or so, my energy level during workouts has dropped drastically. Plus I'm noticeably more sore afterwards, even after stretching and joint limbering. I'm sure it's different for every person, but you're getting to that age. No point in worrying about it like a bitch. You just deal with it when it comes.

Goddamnit bro can't you atleast be a rehabing crackhead or something?

I really want my test to stay

Bullshit. 37 and no shuch shit.

then inject it

I'll just cruise on 300mg/week of test once I reach 30yo.

>pretty sure

Maybe if you wouldn't drink, smoke and snort coke, you wouldn't need more rest you imbecile

same i feel better than i did at 17 desu

30 year old here, that entire post is bullshit. You are just a low-test faggot

If you're going to act like you never had a party phase during your late teens you're fucking pathetic.
I don't drink much anymore if at all.
I don't do any drugs beyond smoking weed now.
Weed does not cause enough damage to impede your body, its not like cigs.
Get high once or twice a day and you're good.

I think it is what you make of it lads

I don't want to think of things as "up" or "down" a hill, that's so damn depressing, life is just made up of chapters, you aren't going to care much about how you can "out muscle" everyone else when you're 55 anyway (hopefully), and if you aren't involved in physical athletics recovery and frailty shouldn't be as big of a factor either.

Kek I am an actual 30 year old recovering crackhead and my free test was 965ng/dl when I had it checked a few months ago.

This entire thread makes no sense. It's different for everyone.

Can confirm all of this

>be almost 37
>jacked as fuark on tren/test/mast
>10% bodyfat
>babby face finally paying off, erryone thinks im 28
> girls from puberty age on up mirin hard an falling all over themselves to flirt with me
>Saving up money for sculptra injections later when my face starts looking older

40 year old nattyfag former wrestler here. My physical prime for energy/stamina/explosiveness was 22-27. At 27 I had to tighten up my diet and be more diligent about resting properly but had very little decline in ability. At around 35 the wheels started falling off and I started getting noticeably slower but the real decline was in recovery capability. At 40 I haven't really experienced that much of a strength decline yet but stamina is much lower.

With PEDs there's no reason why people willing to cheat can't stay within 90% of their prime until their late 40s. I know many old wrestlers who can hang with the young bucks just fine.

The reason most Olympians crap out before 30 isn't due to decline so much as being sick and tired of doing that shit every waking moment for so long. Burnout is fucking extreme, especially in hardcore sports like wrestling. People win and then say fuck it or someone else comes along who takes your spot and you're 28 and say fuck it I'm not spending another 4 years clawing my way back.

40 here, all nighters have definitely got harder, none of the rest though.

Kelly Slater is 44 and is about to win one of the contests of the year. You will be fine OP.

Also consider the fact that most guys in CAG are 30 something

33yrs old. 6'1 weighing 175lbs. Have a wife and kids. A great job I love doing pulling 6 figures a year. Have a house and holiday 2 twice a year. Fitness wise I could run a marathon without more than a days warning and do HIIT 4-5 days a week. I'll never be a fit as I was when I was 18 (national rep in 2 sports) but I'm stronger than I was 10yrs ago off literally half the work. Getting older and maturing as a man adds strength you won't know about until you get there. I'm also a fuck tonne happier with my life than back then so if you're telling me I've peaked already in telling you to kindly kys.

this entire post reeks of homosexuality. Kindly fuck off back to /r/fitness

Don't be mad man. When you grow up and move out you'll be able to provide for yourself and eventually be happy. Just takes time.

post a picture, tough guy

People like Jack Lalanne or Scooby even give me faith that living a clean healthy life and possible TRT can have me living youthful well into my 50s.

I deal with a lot of elderly people during the day, and its crazy how immobile some of them are in just their 60s. I know injuries and unfortunate illnesses are a contributing factor often times, but it isn't always the case.

Is the fact that I started puberty late and have a babyface a positive in terms of how I'm going to age?

I deserve a break after the shit I went through from 11-20