Would women find this type of body to be abhorrent?

Would women find this type of body to be abhorrent?

I'm really bad at cutting, I can't do it for longer than a couple days without binging.

Too fat

Make some discipline gains

fat girls would love you

no actually thats what women want im not even trolling

"I'm bad at cutting"

Man up pussy, lest your tits grow even larger than your gf's if you ever get one

You probably look good in a shirt. Once your shirt's off it doesn't matter, she's committed

>big gut
>good in a shirt

how are you cutting? I find cutting easy at this point, because it just means eating more veggies.

Your nipples and belly button look like this

if you have weak discipline the best thing to do is literally remove ALL shit food from your house.

do not keep any candies, cakes, chips, frozen pizzas, etc. in your cupboard/fridge. Only buy ""clean"" foods, and bring only that into your house.

so if you want to binge, you have to get up, go to your car, drive to the store/fast food place... by the time you sit down in your car the craving will be gone.


No but your very clear lack of self confidence will be

These are manboobs?

this. and if you have a craving for sweets, get a protein bar instead, or have some yogurt with frozen fruit in it. this usually does the trick for me.

You look like the guy from the 'natty walk' gif

You wont believe me but I don't actually eat junkfood.

I eat A LOT of "bro foods". I don't even like frozen/packaged foods.

I just eat too much damn calories, and my body stays hungry. I think I need to go get TRT or something for my hunger.

>sucking in your gut
Come on pham

Also how many times are you going to post this picture

nigger do you walk like this when you are casually outside? Get the fuck out retard you even look like jason

you look fucking disgusting

Take yourself out of your homosexual-masculine mindset and put yourself into a heterosexual-feminine mindset.

aight senpai

you look fucking disgusting

Just become a powerlifter


post a screenshot of your daily food intake and we'll critique.

Where is your body hair?

my lifts are stuck at 1250-1300 at 185, so no thanks

>mfw i actually dont have gyno despite being a fat cunt
>mfw people on Veeky Forums who are 10x leaner than me have gyno

not tracking atm

electric trimmer

>not tracking

that's your first problem.

Unless you're cut, you will look better with hair than without. Trust me. Most women don't mind a hairy man either, but they would mind one who looks like a fat baby.

I do it for me, I like the hairless look. Skin feels better, and when i get a pump in the gym, the veins and shit are more pronounced, so it just looks cooler.

You're sound quite homosexual if I'm being honest

he is a full blown cardio man


I also shave my head as well because im too lazy to get a hairstyle.

I bet u pay for specific hairstyles and style your hair and have all kinds of hair products.

as a woman, op, no. cut if you want that, because you seem to have the muscle to look good after dropping some pounds.

Dream bulk 4 lyf

I wouldn't fat shame you for gaining some inevitable weight like the twinks here would.

Mah nigga.

Op I swear on my life that's the perfect body type. That's exactly what I'm looking for

jesus christ you look like a fucking baloon

I'm 205 and don't have the fat gut you have

You can bulk without becoming fat, not everyone here is a twink

looks like you like to eat, well I like to cook, wanna hook up?

Goal physique, although I'd like to be a little leaner.

Girls like otter mode. Get some self discipline if you lift for girls

Isn't cuttin as easy as eating tons of low calorie food?





You kinda-sorta look like one of those old timey strongmen that used to kick lions and shit.

If you decided to cut, you'd look like those guys in no time.

You have the body of Arnold

when he as 50 and hadn't worked out in 25 years and ate too much and had too much stress

Op would look like a god if he was injecting the test of 20 men and popping handfuls of debol lol

This same fucking guy posts this same fucking picture as bait every 3 days.

another good one is dark chocolate

85-95 % coco so it's low sugar.

ewww gross your fat

Lol wtf gyno, senpai wtf do you think gyno is? WOW THIS HAS NIPPLES SURELY ITS GYNO. You'd need to see actual fat behind the gland for it to be gyno. His nipple glands are flat as they come.

I make my own protein bars.

>peanutbutter chunky
>oatmeal (grinded to powder by company but normal works too)
>protein powder of choice
>milk (I use half skim, skim is fine)
>85% dark chocolate

>Make a mix of all ingredients except chocolate.
>Add amounts whatever you want. >Be cheap with the milk. Otherwise it get's too fluidy and doesnt properly bake well.
>Put in oven at 200 degrees celsius for like 20-30 min
>Melt chocolate using 1 pan with water and let a second smaller pan inside the bigger pan with water.
>Boil the water and put chocolate in smaller pan.
>let chocolate melt a bit
>when baking is done add melted chocolate to top of protein bars
>spread evenly (happens naturally anyway)
>let it sit for a while in fridge
>when all cooled down, put in pieces of appropiate size

Nutricious and 'healthy' protein bars
Loads of carbs(not sugar though), protein and not too many fats. Adding more peanut butter for fat.
Adding more oats for carbs
Adding more protein powder for protein.
Easy right?

Man don't listen to the guys here, they're just joshin' ya. Lots of women like a muscular man who's more 'cuddly', I shit you not I've had women say this to me when I was too afraid to bulk and lose my abs. You're looking good, mirin those arms.

For cutting btw, try a smaller deficit with lots of water and veggies. They fill you up, we ate lots of veg when cutting for wrestling.

Cut and you'd look better than 99% of this board.

chubby femanon, i think its cute and sexy

>shaving your chest hair
Get lost, beta faggot.

When a fatty like you with no self-control flexes, everyone laughs because you're both lazy for not wanting to cut, and delusional for thinking you can still "flex" your flab and impress anyone.

you are a big guy

Big fat baby. I'm sure some autistic traditional elderly Mormon women would be into that.

You ain't getting any modern young woman looking like that though.

Dont listen to anyome here, friend. You are not horrible, but if you forced yourself to cut, you could be fuckin amazing.
Try ways to control binging: drinking water, tea, eating peanuts, fruits etc when you are hungry, etc

Peanuts on a cut as a snack. Are you literally retarded?