Lets get some test boost
Other urls found in this thread:
If you masturbate you are hurting your gains
>jerked off 7 times in a row nonstop
>lost 3 lbs of muscle overnight
i shouldve listened brehs ; _ ;
RIP Gainz
may as well become a trap while ur at it skele
There is a reason nearly every religion in the world advises against it. It is psychological as well as physical. If you dump your semen riddled tissue in hte trash then your seed and genes are trash. If you dump it in the toilet, your seed is shit.
Loss of semen = Loss of testosterone
what if i cum into my ex's bra?
are my genes the tits?
That's better but not good enough, your genes are just going to be washed away like dirt.
In her mouth or her pussy is acceptable
what if iI eat them for protein recover?
Nope, when semen is consumed it's produces estrogen in the host
why do you know?
This is Veeky Forums, there are lots of thing I didn't really care to know that just popped up infront of me
Let them waste it.
Ughh, here comes the overly muscular wanna be men. Take it to your own thread cunts.
Just a reminder that dat ass on the right belongs to Ivet Lalova and not the disgusting as fuck, failure of an athlete, meme hurdler on the left.
>middle one
Gonna reward you boys with some of the finest birds I've ever seen.
i'd literally cut off my best mate's dick to sniff her sweaty cooch
i'd lick her pussy and let her fart in my face
Can't have a thread without my beloved MEW
what if I burn them with a blow torch?
Every time.
My absolute nigguh. She's currently at her most attractive. I'm so glad I saw her in my lifetime.
>her juicy thighs at the start of cloverfield
Every religious advises against it harking back to the times when the religious rulers need serfs and the poor to multiply as much as possible to create a strong labor and military pool to draw from. Dont jerk off, get a girl pregnant! Then later, no birth control allowed! Get a clue.
>high test
>skelly with fake tits
A fap a day keeps the doctor inserting his finger to your ass away.
This. Just do it at a time when you're relaxing. Don't do it when you're going out or working.
I reckon you're right about it being a factor in the politics of the time but I'm p. sure mass warfare was a revolutionary invention
>in her mouth is acceptable
But you'd still be wasting semen since she won't get pregnant
>tfw no qt hispanic mami
Ask me how I know this gym is in Russia
Never seen an olympic athlete with that much makeup on.
>slav squatting in the background
dfw cuban mami that makes me macitas de puerco in Hialeah but doesn't care about my gainz
>0 fucks given i'd rather squat with Pyotr
>ywn rub your face in her sweaty thighs and vag
why live tho
it's actually in portland
why did i open this thread when i'm doing nofap
who dere?
I'd take Jenneke to Pound Town and never let her leave.
This belongs in fat person hate threads, not fit girls
Fuck off
Does she know about the havoc she has wrought across this board?
>reason why nearly religion advises agagainst it
Because its a form of control. Religion is all about controlling people and making sure they don't think or feel for themselves. What a crappy argument
>fit girls
>posts fat girls
>be camera man at Olympics
>Remember user, just don't point it directly at asses
>fit girl
Get this out of here
10/10 would order outcall and lock up my valuables in the hotel safe
hooooly shit who is this? she looks almost identical to one of my friends.....
Your ignorant understanding of religion and religious philosophy is painful.
>perfection !
>lifting with tits
when there is weightclasses, it is a massive disadvantage. She should get them lipo'd
She is so hot but her fucking Michael Jackson nose ruins it
Cool meme faggot
YES my benis
Anyone have the one of the petite blonde with short hair who does this lift (think clean and jerk) and then jiggles a little happily after she manages?
>tfw no undercover swole thicc gf to lift with and ravage her ass at night and cum on her tight stomach
>Why even live
b r e h
Yuk. Women are supposed to have body fat, this is disgusting.
She should get on my bed senpai.
Not doing full ROM at the start killed it.
You're thinking of samantha wright
>crotch veins
pretty sure she's on something mang, practically impossible for girls to get that lean + maintain muscle mass.
Is crotch veins a legit tell tale sign of anabolic?